Chapter 47: Hands up!

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Lalisa’s POV

The wall clock caught my attention. It was already three in the afternoon. I woke up late today but I felt livelier and I don’t know why. It was weird since I had made a huge mistake not-so long ago but who cares? I stretched my arms and Lewis jumped on me. “Good Afternoon Lewis.” I patted his head.

“Meow~” He greeted back. I’m wondering if that means good afternoon too. 😂

Putting him down, I made my way out. I didn’t find Lucy so I went to the bathroom and did my daily routine. After I was in my all black outfit, I went back to the living room and watched cartoons, the yellow-colored sponge that laughed like a psychopath. My stomach was wambling however, I don’t have the skills to make edible foods so I have no choice but to wait for Lucy.

“Where could be Lucy right now?” I asked as I caressed Lewis’ fur then I heard the doorknob twisted and Lucy entered. She tensed up when she saw me like her eyes were laid on the evilest creature in this world. Geez. ‘Is she that scared of me? Am I that scary?’

“Lisa...” She acknowledged; nervousness surrounded her whole being.

“Where have you been? I’m starving.” I pouted but before she can answer, I heard another voice.

“Wassup, wassup! Lalisa.” The creature greeted, entering the door and sitting beside me.

“What are you do—” My words was cut off.

“I’m happy for you too, really glad that you are able to see my beautiful face again,” The grin was so arrogant for my liking. “Aren’t you proud of your achievement?”

“No Jisoo. And you are very welcome to leave.” I sarcastically rolled my eyes then went to the door and opened it widely.

“Aww~ You are hurting my feelings,” She dramatically held her chest. “I left everything just to see you and you’ll just throw me out like that?” She grabbed the tissue and wiped her fake tears, blowing her nose on it after. “And do you know how much headache you cause me with your runaway act? So sorry not sorry, I’m not leaving without you.” She stubbornly laid back on the sofa, picking Lewis up that was lying beside her. “Hello kitty-cat. You are getting fat.” Geez. This girl sometimes... I cannot.

“His name is Lewis, not kitty-cat or whatsoever,” I rolled my eyes. “and I’m not com—” She threw the pillow, hitting me straight to the face. Argh! Give me patience.

“Tsk! Okay then, since I’m the kindest, I will give you two choices Lalisa,” Her expression changed into a serious one. “You are coming with me whether you like it or you like it,” She smirked before lifting Lewis up in the air and asking him, “I’m a real genius, right kitty-cat?” that gained a ‘meow’ from my Manx cat. Deym! What kind of choices was that?

“Why are you so annoying?” I sighed. How can a person be this annoying yet still adorable? Can someone tell me?

“Because I’m Kim Jisoo.” She smiled, proudly.

We bickered for few more hours until it was dark outside. Weirdly, I’m really angry at this crazy girl but my anger didn’t take over me this time.

‘We are now at TV16. This is Niña your news reporter. A girl was found dead at the Motel. She was identified as the owner of Liza’s apartment and according to the CCTV, she went inside with another girl but what’s baffling is that the victim was seen getting out of the lobby at past twelve this morning with blood all over her body however, she’s also the one that was found dead… According to the lab result, the time of death was eleven forty-five pm. The police are now looking for the girl that came with the victim. Where is she? Stay still, for more update!’

“Good luck catching that girl.” Jisoo chuckled so I looked at her questionably. I told her things about me but I didn’t show her nor told her that I can transform so what could she mean by that? “What? I saw you change appearance thrice.” She answered my unspoken question.

Squinting my eyes, I accused her. “Did you spy on me?”

“Let’s just say that’s what I do best.” She winked at me before going back to playing with Lewis. Can she be serious? I’m like talking to a kid.

“Stop wasting your time, I’m not coming out of that door with you.” I said while pointing the front door.

“Hmm~ I see, stubborn blonde... How about I make a proposal instead? Then we will seal the deal,” She put Lewis on the side. I looked at her and gestured her to continue. “You are coming back to Zaldy’s building and continue your training.” But she stopped as if she doesn’t have anything else to say. I closed my eyes. Holy crap! I want to punch her. What kind of deal was that? This girl was destroying every braincells I have.

“And what will be my benefit?” I asked, suppressing the need to smack some sense on her.

“You’ll get out of that case.” She pointed on the TV that was flashing the CCTV video of Liza and me getting inside the motel.

“HAHAHAHA~ Do you think they can arrest me?” I released a hearty laugh. Wow! It’s been long since the last time I laugh like this. She’s a joke.

“Nope, I don’t think they can arrest you because you hide like a pussy but since your face on that video was clearer than your future and basically, you are ‘wanted’ for KILLING someone, I can assure you the police will not hesitate to shoot you.” She emphasized that I killed someone.

“Shoot me?” I lifted my brow.

“Yes. You remember this...” Jisoo directed towards the thing she called bullet that was now hanging on her neck and since I can recall, I nodded. “every policeman were given a gun and this thing but don’t worry, I banned civilians on having one since they almost killed me twice, anyway, what I’m saying is that you should stop being a pain-in-the-ass if you don’t want this thing piercing your sexy body.” Geez. I didn’t know that. I should watch news more often and wait, she almost got killed again? I will ask her about it some other time. “I’m giving you time to think, come with me in peace or I’ll call all my people here just to drag your ass back at Zaldy’s, mind you it will be brutal.” Then she started playing with Lewis again.

“Food’s ready,” Lucy announced as she readied the table. “Come eat with us Ms. Kim.”

“I told you Jisoo is fine but uhm...” Jisoo rubbed her nape and looked at Lucy, shyly.

“Is there a problem? You don’t like the food?” Lucy questioned; a bit worried.

“Yes... I mean no. I just want to ask if that food have Glacial Acetic Acid or Monosodium Glutamate or Sodium Nitrite or Erythorbate on it?” She asked.

“What on earth are those?” I frowned. Hearing it gave me headache.

“My allergies.” She answered, not looking at us.

“Wait, I’ll go check.” Lucy looked for the food packaging that was still on the countertop. “Oh yes. It has all the things you mentioned.”

“You are allergic to human food?” I furrowed my eyebrows, inhaling the food on my plate. What? I said I’m starving.

“Yes, well, most of it but I can eat three things.” Jisoo responded.

“What can I get you then?” Lucy looked at her, waiting for her response. It was already dinner time and Lucy doesn’t want to eat when there’s someone who was not eating around her.

“Brown sandwich with poached egg will be nice.” Jisoo politely smiled.

“Okay hold on. I’ll prepare you some.” Lucy said then went to the small kitchen.

“Is that why you always give me sandwich with egg every Monday?” I questioned. She always eat that every Monday and sharing it with me.

“Yes. It’s what I can eat from the human foods and the supplier is sending the product every Monday so I tagged you along with me since I know it will be fine for you.” Jisoo grinned. She was considerate, it warmed my heart. “I can eat chicken too but I don’t give you some since it’s my favorite and I don’t want to share it with anyone.” Okay I’ll take that back, she’s not considerate.

Few minutes passed, Lucy finished preparing the food and we started eating. Yes, ‘we’ since I’m not done yet. After we’re stuffed, Jisoo and I bickered again for few hours until I had no choice but to surrender and let Jisoo take me back. Don’t argue with Kim Jisoo, she’s savage as heck and no one can ever win!

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