Chapter 36: Open-up

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Chaeyoung’s POV

I attended the christening of my high school friend’s daughter, and was near home when I saw two figures standing outside the gate. As I got near, I was able to identify them; it was Ruby and Kai. Of course, who else would it be? Seeing them like this makes me glad so I always mentally thank Kai for everything. I quickly parked my car behind our neighbor’s car since Kai’s car was parked in front of our house, and went out.

“I can’t wait to see you!” He yelled so cheerfully yet there was an evil grin plastered on his face like he was plotting something against the world. He was about to turn and my instinct told me to hide so I did.

Hiding myself behind the tree, ‘Shoot, what was that?’ I thought. I might be mistaken. I knew Kai since we were kids. Maybe, just maybe, my eyes played tricks on me so I shrugged the thought off. I shouldn’t judge so quickly, right?

Taking a peak, I watched the both of them like a creepy stalker. “Hahaha go home~” Ruby urged. Kai didn’t argue that much and just left. She started walking to the gate. I quietly sneaked behind her while holding my breath. Momo and I tried mastering being sneaky around Ruby and I’m doing a great job so far because she hasn’t notice me.

She reached the front door and before she can twist the knob, I spoke. “And what was that?” Eyeing her suspiciously with my arms crossed across my chest.

“What was what?” She pretended to have no idea about the thing I was talking.

“Spill the beans Ruby.” I said, nonchalantly. I have this weird however, I can’t seem to point it out.

“Chill, you don’t have to bite my head off… I just told Kai that he can court me.” Ruby happily informed but I didn’t say anything. She then extended her hand to me and since I don’t want Ruby to know my thoughts. I immediately wore the fake prosthetic hand that Momo gave me as one of the weirdest birthday gifts. That girl always give me weird stuff during my special day, like last year she gave me a key and when I asked her what was it for, she said that I have to find out but I’m quite sure, she just found it somewhere and decided to give it to me. Talk about weird friend and Momo will be at the top of the list but above all I love her because she’s the best! To be honest, I didn’t know that this prosthetic hand was inside the bag that I used when we were in the hospital so I tried wearing it to see if Ruby will not be able to hear my thoughts and thankfully, it worked. Of course, I made sure of it. I asked her couple of times if she can hear my thoughts and she said no. Call me weird but it’s convenient if you have a best friend who can hear thoughts.

I held her hand and we walked inside the house. “What are you thinking?” She asked.

“Nothing. I’m happy for you.” I tried sounding genuine but of course, I failed.

“Chaeng, are we okay?” Ruby inquired as I guided her to sit on the couch. After that I immediately removed the prosthetic and hid it inside my bag because my parents will be coming home anytime now and I don’t want them to see.

“Yes. Of course Ruby.” I assured her. We were fine. I’m just worried maybe my protective instinct as a sister was kicking in and what I saw earlier, still haunting me but I don’t want to tell her anything yet since I’m not sure about it.

“I miss you Chaeng.” She tried hugging me but I backed away.

“Hi girls~” My mom greeted. I let out a sigh, mentally thanking her for saving me. I really need to distance myself from Ruby for the meantime.

“MOM~” I happily shouted then went to hug her. I saw sadness on my best friend’s face but it immediately turned into a happy one. ‘I’m sorry Ruby.’ I thought to myself.

“Hello Cassandra,” Ruby greeted. “Where is Thomas?” Who could tell she was blind? I, myself, really doubt it at times like this.

“Oh, he said that he’s doing overtime today.” Mom responded.

“Mom. I’m going out. See you later~” I bid then went out without waiting for their response. Hurriedly entering my car, driving away from home. I need to relax my mind and a chocolate milk will be a big help. After few minutes, I arrived at Niña’s Cafe, ordered my favorite drink and sat down.

Suddenly, my face was covered with a bouquet of flowers before I heard an angelic voice. “Hello Ms. Beautiful.”

Grabbing the bouquet with a smile on my face, I greeted back, “Hi to you too, stalker.”

“Excuse you! I’m not a stalker,” She pretended as if I hurt her feelings as she sat in front of me. “I’m your suitor. S-U-I-T-O-R, suitor.” She spelled out, making me laugh.

“What are you doing here?” I asked. Irene stopped sending me flowers but recently, Jisoo started popping out of nowhere and she personally give me flower which I like very much.

“I was just leaving when I saw a beautiful angel walked in so I followed my heart.” Jisoo’s flowery words made me blush. She always know how to make my heart skip a beat with her cheesy remarks. “So, what’s with the frown on your beautiful face?”

At first, I hesitated to tell her because first of all, she’s still a stranger to me and second, she’s courting me and I don’t want my suitor to know anything about my problems but she assured me that I can open up and trust her so without further ado, I told her what’s bugging me.

“Oh~ I see.” Jisoo stroked her chin. “We can find out.”

“How?” I asked, curiosity invading my mind.

“Stalking obviously.” With a smile on her face, she winked at me but I stayed in silence. “so?” She trailed off.

“But who would do it?” I questioned.

“Me!” She pointed herself, making me eyed her questionably. “Do you trust me?”

“I do.” I answered, without thinking twice. Weird as it may look, I really do trust her even if she’s the ruler of the green eyes that I’m scared of, and even if she’s my stranger suitor.

“Then that’s a deal.” Jisoo extended her hand for a shake hands that I gladly took.

We stayed talking about random things for a while. The look of exhaustion and stress were written all over her face but I didn’t ask what’s stressing her out because I didn’t want to intrude her privacy. And maybe, it was the effect of being the president of the country and those killers.
After some more time, we decided to go home, separately, of course.

“Bye Rosé.” She bid, kissing the back of my hand.

I smiled at her. “Bye Chu.”

“Chu?” She tilted her head to the side.

“I like it.” I said, avoiding her eyes.

A smirk grew on her face. “Next time, admit that you like me too.” As soon as she dropped that statement, she ran away, waving at me. Aish. That kid. What does she mean admit? What does she mean I like her? I don’t like her because I’m starting to love her! Deym! I’m falling… and I’m falling for her, hard.

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