Chapter 70: Guardienemy

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Lalisa’s POV

Me, Seulgi and Zaldy, together with Irene and Joy, were watching the scene unfold through the huge glass window that has a clear view of the Emerald’s condominium. We gathered here since no one can go outside due to the flashflood. Over there was the cause of the flood, standing on the top of the water like he was a God or something. I was speechless. The green eyes tried attacking him but he was stronger and faster for them so what to expect? Of course, they were losing. I didn’t know what am I supposed to feel, really. Should I pity them? Or should I be glad that they were dying right in front of my eyes?

My moment was interrupted when I heard, “GO MADAM! Send that handsome, I mean evil away!” Joy cheered. Jisoo has finally decided to make an appearance. The scene was a bit far and they looked like tiny creatures but the way Jisoo stood up for her people, I can say that she was confident, ready and angry… I meant furious. The fight between the two started. The man used water bending while Jisoo played with the nature as if they were one.

“Ahhh!” Irene covered her eyes when the vines protecting Jisoo snapped.

Joy held her sister, pulling her closer to her chest before saying, “Thank goodness, I trained Tzuyu.” A lot of things happened and I was left in awe. It amazed me how both of them control their powers. Right now, they were holding some wobbly thing, trying to slash each other while shielding themselves but I think destiny wasn’t on Jisoo’s side. One lash of the whip sent Jisoo on one-knee. The horrible feeling I felt during the time I watched my father die and the time Liza’s dead body was in front of me came rushing back to me. My conscience will definitely haunt me if Jisoo died on my watch. I think Zaldy felt the uneasiness I was feeling because she held my hand, gently stroking it.

“She’s going to be fine.” She glanced at me for a brief second before turning her eyes back on the fight. Zaldy can’t do anything. She can’t fully give anyone a helping-hand because it was forbidden to change the flow of the story written on the book of the prophecy plus it was impossible for her to fight the spirit of the sea since he was also a guardian.    All of a sudden, a faint shout rang on our ears. I had no idea how we heard it, maybe due to the fact that it came from a furious non-human ruler. The next thing that happened was everything outside Zaldy’s building was shaking and the water? Poof, gone, every single drop of it. The guardian held the sister’s hands and they vanished. In just like ten seconds, Zaldy’s back. Before I can even ask her where she sent the two sisters, the answer was already given to me. Served in a silver platter, nah, just kidding.
The jerk was wrapped with vines, struggling like a monkey caught in a trap. Irene and Joy were standing behind him, their hands on his shoulder, I think. Jisoo used her powers to control some vines and made her way down the stone, stopping in front of the man. Deym! If I have that power, I surely won’t be using my two long legs anymore.

“Do you know who is the mortal enemy of the ocean-eye?” Zaldy asked out of nowhere while still looking outside. I glanced at her but turned my head back to look outside when I heard rambling noise. Swear, the view was entertaining. A helpless long sausage wrapped in banana leaves was being munched by the ground, slowly. Right after the man was buried, Jisoo fainted. Thankfully, Joy and Irene had caught her before she kissed the ground.

“I don’t know.” I answered. Thinking about it now, who could it be? I heard some rumors that it was the guardian of the dead or something however, my great grandfather was the last to encounter her so I really had no idea.

“Do you want to know?” She asked so I looked at her again but this time, longer. Her hair was white.

‘What is she sorry for and what’s with the long face?’ I thought before saying, “Yes.” After a very long silence, my unspoken question was indirectly answered. “It was me.” Oh that’s why she’s... wait...

“W-what?! Y-you? Don't joke like that.” I stammered, shocked with the sudden revelation. All this time I’m with my mortal enemy? The one who sworn to hate us for the rest of her life? But how? Why? What? When?

“Yes Lalisa. It’s me but don’t worry, not anymore.” She smiled at me, a sincere one.

“Can you like explain?” I inquired.

Zaldy took a deep breath before speaking, “Very well… Before I became the guardian of all non-humans, I was once the guardian of the sanctuary, the dead to be exact… My mother was supposed to be the lifetime guardian of all of you but she sacrificed her life for some people which I still don’t know...” She walked to the front side of the glass window so I followed her. “That’s her.” She pointed down. I looked at the direction where her index finger was pointed and saw—.

“The tree?” My mouth went agape. The tree was the guardian’s mother?! How weirder can this building be??

“Yes,” She smiled so weak. It made me sad as well. Heaving a deep sigh once again, she continued. “I hated all non-humans because all of you got the attention of my mother while me, I was neglected… She’s the only one that was important to me since I don’t have a father or any siblings but she forgot me, her daughter… so I grew up and was guided by an annoying angel named Suzy who bugged me to death with the things I should do and shouldn’t do..” She chuckled as she recalled but sadness was written all over her face plus her hair was still white.

“You said you hated all so how come you are our mortal enemy?” I questioned, not getting the point.

“Yes, I hated all non-humans but ocean-eyed people were my mother’s favorite. I didn’t know why since what you always do was steal money but she’s very fond of your people back then... She never really came to visit me, not even once after I was born and place in the care of Suzy. To be honest, I’m not even sure what she look like… My mother never ask about me or what happened to my day or if I’m okay. When she talked to me through the wind, it was all about her favorite people... every single time that’s why I took revenge and made your great grandfather and his people suffer. The funny was I never planned on killing anyone even though I was the guardian of the dead.” Zaldy was really hurt. I never thought that a powerful guardian can be this lonely.

“I’m so sorry Zaldy.” I sincerely apologized as I held her hand. Her hair turned blue that made me smile. A sincere sorry was indeed a powerful word. “I never expected your life to be that depressing.” I said but she laughed at my statement.

“You also felt the loneliness somewhere down the road so don’t give me that look,” She said. Geez. She didn’t need to slap me with the truth but that’s right. I didn’t have any friends and Lucy was always scolding me for going with daddy because she knew what he was up to, then she got sick and Charlie died but I guess, I’m okay now. Thanks to the people that supported me especially to Zaldy for believing in me.

“Yaaaa~ I’m pouring my heart out here!” I whined and pouted like a child. She was about to say something but I beat her. “What made you change your mind?”

“Hmm... I thought you’d never ask. Anyway, when I replaced my mother, I learned everything... I saw how ocean-eyed people struggle to live, I found out that luck isn’t really on your side but despite that, each of you are happy going back to your families even with just a small amount of money… And that’s when I start to understand the situation. It's funny how all of us are similar, we tend to get mad and hate if we don't understand something but luckily, I'm able to see and accept the reality.”

“I’m glad you had a change of heart because I may look weak but I’m the strongest.” I flexed my arms in front of her, showing my invisible muscles that made us both laughed.

“Yeah, I’m glad I did too,” She tapped my head before kissing my cheek. “Thank you my child.”

“No, thank you Zaldy.” She might be my mortal enemy but she will always be a second mother to me.

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