Chapter 16: Explanation

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Chaeyoung’s POV

I woke up in a very familiar place. A room with a flat screen tv attached on the wall, everything was painted in dirty white, and the furniture were all in light pink. For short, my room.

‘Wait, why am I here? How did I get here?’ I thought to myself.

The last thing I remembered was I’m trying to push the blonde away from my best friend. She’s going to kill her; I saw the determination on her face but what’s weird about it was it’s not the blonde’s face. It’s like she’s someone else. I know it was her but it’s not, if that makes any sense. Her face was flashing different images of people, a furious people, and her blonde hair was floating and glowing, brighter than YOUR future. Charot. ✌

“RUBY?!” I immediately sat up and sighed in relief when I saw her sleeping on the other side of the bed. “Ruby~” I gently shook her body. She didn’t move an inch but I can see that she’s still breathing. “Ruby… please wake up.” Looking at her, made my tears started falling out of my eyes. Her face was so pale almost like she’s lifeless. If it wasn’t from the rapid rise and fall of her chest, I will really think that she’s a goner.

“Don’t worry, she’s going to be fine.” I heard a voice from my back, making me almost twist my neck.

“OH! IT’S YOU, MS. ZALDY. GRACIOUS, YOU NEARLY GAVE ME A HEART ATTACK!” I yelled while holding my chest. I swear this guardian’s popping act will be the cause of my death.

“Sorry about that.” She apologized but it’s not sincere... how can I tell? Who apologize sincerely while chuckling? Geez, the nerve.

“Why did you let this happen?! I thought you are the guardian of them all?!” I balled my fist tightly. I’m not in the mood to be nice because my best friend almost died, and it happened inside her magical building, that by the way, I really admire, plus she didn’t do anything so I’m putting the blame on her.

“All of you are destined to meet each other, it was inevitable… The prophecy started writing the aboriginals chapter. It let me foresaw a glimpse and stated on the first page was only the most powerful green eye can save the blind at today’s scenario. I deeply apologize for my lack of competency as the guardian, it’s just that I do not have the right to neither mingle nor change what’s written on it due to the fact that it’s one of the most sacred things in this world… I can just do something if the book allowed me to and for now all it let me do was bring the both of you to safety.” She looked at me, apologetically.

“Why on earth is she there in the first place? Why did she outburst like that? Why Ruby? What did Ruby do to her to get her furious like that? Why is she called, ‘the start of the end’? And what do you mean I’m marked? When and who was it?” I bombarded her questions, together with the questions that has been bothering me since forever. I hope she give me some answers or else I might go insane.

The guardian took a deep breath before saying, “I will enlighten you, Chaeyoung, for I really believe that you have a role in the aboriginals chapter, and you are not who you think you are,” She tapped my head. I furrowed my eyebrows. What the heck does that mean? I am who I am so what was she talking about? “First of all, everyone that was on the prophecy is welcome to enter my building. She went there seeking for help... The timing of her arrival and your departure are all in accordance of what’s written on the book. If you still can recall, I’ve shown you the history of their conflict, and as you know she’s the only blonde existing in this world. To simplify it, every strands of her hair consist a soul of her ancestors meaning the anger of those people are stored inside of her,” She took another exaggerated sigh. “that would also mean that her goal in life is to kill the last special blind.”

‘Is that even possible? Is that why her face flashed different faces?’ I covered my mouth in shock.

Yes.” Ms. Zaldy nodded her head. Geez. I forgot that she can read human’s mind even without touching us. “She’s called the mighty blonde or the start of the end because she’s the only one who have the power to truly vanquish Jennie and wipe away an entire clan without any help.” I stared at her with opened mouth.

“Clan? Is it the blinds? But Ruby’s the last non-human of her kind.” I scrunched my face.

“Yes, group, clan, and you are right, Jennie’s the last special blind but she’s the ruler of the blinds meaning human and non-human.”

‘I get it now. If she die then the blind humans will vanish alongside her.’ I concluded.

“Correct,” She nodded. Why am I even bothering thinking to myself? “and for your last question. According to the book of prophecy, an individual will have a mark when that person met ‘the other half’. In all cases, the person that will have the mark was the one that’s been found.”

“That was found? Can you elaborate?” I massaged my temple, waiting for her answer.

“In simplicity, if ‘the other half’ stepped foot on your property and your skin touches in any possible way then that’s how you will automatically get marked,” Ms. Zaldy explained that left me dumb-founded. “and sorry but I do not know who or when it happened. All I can see is the red aura glowing from a marked heart.” She tapped my head one more time before she made her way on the other side of the bed towards Ruby. Who could be the destined person for me? I encountered so many people since I arrived here and most of them had touched my skin in either shake hands or just by accident, and I don’t even have any property in this country, our house was still under my father’s name so how on earth am I marked? Or wait, maybe my parents bought my favorite museum and placed it under my name, I’m going to ask them. OMG! My friends formally introduced me to my crush there last time I visited it. “Jennie’s radiating the same aura even before you did.” She put her hand on Ruby’s head and chanted words that was out of this world. Hold on, what? Ruby was marked first? How? She’s with me all the time except... but that can’t be or it can? Yeah, it can we were always together when we were still kids plus they were together sometimes too. Oh my! Could it be Kai who marked Ruby? Argh~ All this new information gives me headache. Deym!

“Anyway, she’ll be waking up in few seconds. Let her drink this when she woke up. I got to go.” Ms. Zaldy handed me a small bottle with rainbow color liquid that came out from the back of her hand before she dissolved into butterflies as usual.

“Mmmm~” I heard a soft groaning sound.

“Ruby?” I gently tapped her body. There’s still a discolored mark of hand on her neck that made me want to cry.

“What happened?” She asked, her voice was raspy.

“Ms. Zaldy teleported us here. Drink this.” I lifted her head and helped her drink the rainbow thing. As soon as she did, her pale face lightened up and her lips came back to its normal color.

‘Ohh wow, is the guardian some kind of sorceress or good witch? Her power was beyond expectation.’ I thought in awe.

“She’s neither but I agree it’s too good to be true,” Jennie agreed to my unspoken thoughts. “So, are you not going to tell me about your chaotic thoughts?” She asked so I sat beside her and started telling her all the things Ms. Zaldy told me.

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