Chapter 21: Patience is a Virtue

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Jisoo’s POV

Every weekday, I’m doing research on ways how to help Lalisa’s soul and we’ll try doing the different methods but only yesterday, I found out that I need to bring her soul back to life first before anything else. Like crap! I should have known, right? While every weekend, it was either I’m here in my building slapping the shit out of my people or I’m lowkey roaming around Korea, to see and solve human matters. I haven’t went in public inauguration yet that’s why only few people knew that I’m the current president of Korea. It’s hard to be the so called ‘president’ of the country and at the same time, the ‘ruler’ of our clan. I know now why father and uncle GD were always flat, distant, stressed and cold. This was way tiring than what I had expected.

As of the moment, I’m here in uncle GD’s office, reading some articles on the newspaper. This became my office since he’s living at the basement quarters. I kept persuading him to go back up here because no matter what happen, he was and always will be my family but he said he’s happy living a simple life with Sandara down there and for the first time after a very long time, I saw his eyes glistened with joy and that genuine smile on his face so I let him go.

*knock knock*

“COME IN!” I yelled without lifting my gaze on the papers I’m holding. The news was too much stress for me. I felt like I’m aging every single day.

“Madam, she’s celebrating her birthday at Kim’s mansion today.” Irene informed. Every day, I gave her mission to send two red roses to Rosé. It has become one of my ways to make her go out while I ordered Dahyun to ensure Rosé’s safety. I did it because to be honest, I really like that human, like too much, and somehow, it scares me.

“Kindly buy me a necklace with rose design and engrave Rosé on the back then wrap it in a cute box… Oh, also tie a red rose on the top,” I politely requested. “and bring it here, I’ll be giving her the present myself.” I signaled her to go so she quickly went out of the room.

After half hour, Irene went back holding the thing I told her to get. “I chose black and pink wrapper; I hope it’s fine.” She handed me the small box.

“It’s great. Thank you very much.” I quickly rose and made my way to the door but before I leave, “Cover for me. I’ll be quick.” I winked at her.

Good thing, the Kim’s mansion was surrounded by trees, and at the back there was a garden with maze that was connected to the forest so I can sneak in since I freaking forgot to wear my shades.

‘Of all things to forget, it should be the shades. Deym. Way to go Jisoo!’ My subconscious scolded me. I really hate being excited.

I arrived almost ten minutes ago. I’m having second thoughts on making a move due to the fact that there’s so many people eating, dancing and talking around. I kept thinking how on earth can I give the gift to her in this situation? I sighed, defeated. I slumped my shoulder and turned around but before I can command the vines, I heard footsteps so I hid behind the tree and took a peek. The sight made me grin. Destiny was really my twin. Who would have guess that out of all the people who attended the party, Rosé was the one strutting towards the garden maze. I hurriedly sneaked around her, doing my best to avoid stepping on the dry leaves or break some twigs, and be as much like someone employed for espionage since I don’t want to bury her alive on her birthday.

*trees whooshing* *wind blowing* *leaves rustling*

I gritted my teeth. Argh! The sounds we, high ranks, make every time we came too close to humans made it hard for me to do the job well done. “Pst, miss~” I called as soon as the tree sucked me in but I think she got scared because I heard her footsteps doubled. “It’s me, Jisoo.” I informed before she can go far from me and thankfully she stopped.

“Don’t creep me out like that!” She scolded that made me lowly chuckle. “Where are you?”

I can’t see her because I’m facing the other way for her safety, can’t risk her looking at me. “I don’t have shades on, and I just dropped by to give you a little present.” I controlled the vines to lift the gift towards her.

“How’d you know it’s my birthday?” She cutely questioned.

“I have my ways,” I smirked, proudly. Well, thanks to Irene’s capabilities. “you are important to me so it’s just appropriate that I know these things about you.” I bravely admitted. Hope she will not think of me as a creepy stalker or something because I just want to be honest.

“Thank you for this.”

“Sorry that’s all I got you. Happy Birthday Rosé,” I sweetly greeted. “I have to go now.” Then I commanded the trees to lift me away, away from her. I wanted to stay longer to chat with her however, I have responsibilities that needed to be done.

“THANK YOU AGAIN!!” I smiled when I heard her shouted. She’s the sweetest person I have ever known. I hope she’ll stay single because I really want her for myself.

As soon as I stepped foot in the lobby, Irene came rushing towards me. “Madam! There’s a massive murder of humans at the lower part downtown, and according to our spy, it’s green-eyed doings.” She handed me a paper report.

‘Welcome back to reality.’ My subconscious told me.

These people were getting into my nerves, like in the deepest part of it. There’s someone who was really trying my patience. “Call in the officials.” I ordered then made my way to the meeting room on the third floor of my condominium.

In just fifteen minutes, all the officials were seated in front of me with their mouth tightly shut. I looked at them one by one before I hit the table that made them flinched. “CAN’T YOU ALL JUST STOP YOUR DIVISIONS FROM KILLING ANYONE?!” I angrily yelled. As the ruler, it was my duty to keep everyone in line and holding a meeting with the head of each divisions were a must since I have to know every single thing that’s happening around me however, these people don’t take me seriously.

“Madam, please relax.” Irene squeezed my shoulder. I already cause some low magnitude earthquake because of these dumb people who didn’t know the word ‘listen’.

I took a deep breath and brushed my hands through my hair, trying my best to calm the frustration I’m feeling inside. “I’m telling you, don’t try me. One more report about killings and you’ll face the consequence of your people’s wrongdoings.” I threatened with all the seriousness I have in my body.

“You can’t change our nature, and just because you are the president and the ruler that doesn’t mean you can prevent us from doing what we are used to do.” Sehun spat back. He was the one who wanted to rule all of us even during uncle GD’s ruling but sadly for him, it’s given to me so now all he do was contradict and fight me about my decisions every chance he get. “Don’t act like you are some superior because you are just some–”

And before he can belittle me, I cut him off. “ENOUGH!” I slammed both of my hands on the table again. We were looking at each other’s eyes intensely, weighing who was powerful. We green eyes can stare and control whether we wanted to use our powers to one another or not but since he was a low rank he can’t really use his power on me so I took that as my advantage and commanded the vines, it crawled from the balcony and wrapped around his body. The vines pulled him towards the balcony then I ordered the vines to stop when he was hanging over the railing.

“W-WHAT A-ARE Y-YOU DOING?!” He stammered, scared to fall.

“Why are you so scared? It’s just three floors,” He’s eyes grew bigger, looking at me in horror. “I’m just giving you and everyone here a taste of what will happen to those who try questioning me. If you mocked me again, I assure you that you’ll be rotting ten thousand feet below this building.” I warned then put him back at the safe zone and released him. He glared at me before running out of the room. “Now, if you don’t want that to happen to you then CONTROL YOUR DIVISION!” I yelled, emphasizing the last part then walked out of the room, leaving everyone with their tails between their legs. Wait, they don’t have tails but whatever.

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