Chapter 30: I'm okay after all

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Jisoo’s POV


I shut my eyes tightly, waiting for the next thing that will happen. Sehun said the thing will kill me so basically, I’m waiting for my death. Oh gosh! I’m not ready to die yet. I still want to make my father proud. I want to start my own family and have kids that I will be teaching good manners and right conduct. Argh! I’m regretting a lot of things that I haven’t done, one of it was not admitting my feelings for Rosé when I had the chance.

‘Father and mother, I’ll wait for you at the sanctuary.’ I thought to myself. I waited for the thing that will end my precious life but few seconds passed by, yet I haven’t felt a thing pierce my skin. It just became so quiet. There were no sounds around me, no swooshing sound, no rattling, no groaning, nothing. It was like all of a sudden I became deaf. ‘What’s happening?’ I asked myself.

“Open your eyes child,” I heard a familiar voice spoke so I slowly did what she had instructed.

“Ms. Zaldy? What are you doing here?” Surprise was an understatement. She was standing in front of me, well, not really in front of me, maybe at two o’clock position. Sehun was still in same spot. I noticed that he was like a stone, not breathing, not moving, nothing, so I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at the guardian once more. But a glimpse of something like a cone-shaped lead pellet that was floating right at the tip of my nose really caught my attention. The pointy part was almost touching my skin.

“I’m glad I arrived on time. As you can see, I stopped the time,” She paused and flicked the thing upward. It’s funny how she flicked it, just like how the man wearing an iron suit flicked the man that was like the size of an ant but in slow-motion. 😂

‘Is this the thing that Sehun was proud of? How on earth will this thing kill? It’s so small.’ I thought to myself as I grabbed the pointy lead pellet that Ms. Zaldy flicked.

“Your death here is not written on the aboriginals’ chapter.” The guardian informed before turning into butterflies and flying out of the window. As soon as the last butterfly was out of the room, the time started ticking again because Sehun was not frozen anymore and I heard the noises outside the door again.

“WHAT THE— WHY ARE YOU STILL ALIVE?!” Sehun shouted at the top of his lungs. “WHAT ARE YOU?!”

I let out a hearty laugh. “My, my, my, Sehun. Do you think I will die that easily? Then again you disappoint me,” I clicked my tongue, showing him how dismayed I was. “This,” I lifted the thing that came out of his gun. “you really think that this small piece of garbage can kill me? Oh come on, don’t make me laugh.” I mocked.

“HOW?! ARGHHH! YOU—” He gritted his teeth and threw the gun at me. Luckily, I was fast enough to dodge it.

“I didn’t know the so-called gun has two functions or did you just throw it because you don’t have another thing like this with you?” Yet again, I mocked him. I like making him angry, his face turned beet red and I think it will explode any minute now but the hell I care.

“DIE!” He ran towards me, holding a knife on his hand. Geez. How many weapons does he have? I’ve been avoiding his eyes because I don’t want him to die but now he was making me regret that decision. When he reached me, he swung the knife with full force and anger. I was able to defend myself. I’m a high-rank, I was trained with all kinds of combat fighting. Well, not with guns since it was new at this era but I will be training about it now that Sehun introduced it to me, better safe than sorry.

“WHY CAN’T YOU JUST DISAPPEAR?!” Sehun yelled at me. I pushed him back before giving him a hearty laugh once again. He charged at me again, nudging my shades off of my face, making it fall on the ground. I’m getting tired of all this non-sense fighting so I cupped his face and forced him to look at me. He was able to cut my arm and stab the knife on my stomach so I quickly commanded the ground to start sucking him in. I’m just going to pay for the renovation later because I made a hole on the ground.

I used my remaining strength and pulled the knife out while saying, “You don’t deserve an easy way out for all the sins you’ve committed but I’ll do the people you’ve killed a favor and made sure YOU ROT DEEP UNDER THE GROUND!” Emphasizing the last part, planting every word into his thick skull.

A person that was fully sucked in will not survive even if it was a green eye... why? Because the ground will not stop sucking that person until he/she reached the deepest part of the ground and by that time, the person already stop breathing due to lack of air. After I was sure that Sehun was buried alive, I let my body fell on the ground. I’m so tired and the cuts were throbbing so badly. Oh, my precious skin.

“Madam!” Jin went running towards me. “You’re bleeding.” He picked my shades and put it on me then lifted me, bridal style.

I saw BangVelveTwicEx putting handcuffs on every person that was under Sehun. I just nodded at Joy and she already knew what to do. I wanted to ask her where’s the blind and the guy from earlier but the wound on my stomach was too painful so I just closed my eyes.

“Just relax madam. I got you.” Jin said then he used his powers and commanded the trees to lift the both of us until the gate then he placed me inside the car.

After some time, we arrived at Z hospital and Jin asked for the doctor of the emeralds in this humans' hospital. I was put on the wheelchair and he started pushing it, following the nurse in front.

*trees whooshing* *wind blowing* *leaves rustling*

“Thank you Jin.” I smiled at him.

“Don’t thank me madam. I arrived late, I’m sorry I wasn’t able to prevent you from getting hurt.” Jin looked at me with guilty eyes so I placed my hand above his hand.

“This isn’t your fault,” I tried reassuring him. “and please let them heal your wounds too.” He got cuts and bruises on his face. “I think you need more training.” I joked that made us laugh.

“Yeah~ About that, some of those guys are surely good at martial arts.” He scoffed before chuckling. “I’ll be training harder ma’am so I’ll be able to really protect you!” He exclaimed, happily, like a child telling stories to his mom.

We reached the operating room. Doctor Wendy and her nurse, Yeri, were already preparing.

“I see, trouble always follow you.” Doctor Wendy shook her head. “Yeri, kindly cut madam’s shirt.”

Yeri walked towards me, a pair of scissors on her hand. She made a cut on the part where the wound on my stomach was. Doctor Wendy started sewing my wounds without anesthesia. I was battling with the thought of fainting on the bed and wanting to choke this doctor. I was not numb; I can still feel pain since I’m half human. After the torture, doctor Wendy put an ointment on my sutured wounds that will dry the outer part of it in an instant then she treated Jin’s wounds.

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