Chapter 48: Can I have peace?

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▪Next Day▪

Chaeyoung’s POV

Another day has come. My parents were already at work and since Ruby and I didn’t have anything to do, we decided to just stay home.

“What do you think Kai’s doing today?” Ruby questioned. She was listening to the news while I continued reading the book.

“I don’t know and I don’t care but I’m sure of two things, he’s mad and clueless.” I answered, nonchalantly. He can rot in hell for all his sins. Now, I believe that we can’t really get to know a person even if we grew up with them. Just like him, Kai was Ruby’s protector when we were young so who would have thought that he will be the one plotting bad things against her. And can you believe it? Just because of what? Money? He was willing to do insane things for something like that. Argh! That idiot.

‘We are now at TV16. This is Niña, your news reporter. An update just came in, the police was able to identify the girl that was with Ms. Soberano yesterday and according to Ms. Bernardo, the victim’s best friend, the girl on the video was Ms. Lalisa Manoban the newest tenant in Liza’s apartment. The police had searched the unit where the said girl was staying but it was already emptied. Due to her vanishing act, she’s now the prime suspect for the death of Ms. Soberano so to whoever can give her location will be rewarded five hundred fifty thousand won. Stay still, for more update.’

“OH MY GOSH!” I covered my mouth. No! Not because of the amount of money. What do you think of me? Kai? Hmp! Anyway, it was because of a certain image that flashed on the TV screen. And because I shouted, my voice surprised Ruby.

“What happened?” She asked, worriedly.

“The blonde!” I stated but I think she didn’t get it because she looked confused.

“Where?” She looked around as if she can see.

Duh~ On the news!” I sarcastically rolled my eyes on her. Ruby can sometimes be too genius or too slow, no in between. “She’s wanted!” Wait, I thought she’s with Ms. Zaldy?

“I thought she’s with Ms. Zaldy?” Ruby repeated my unspoken question. “How did she killed her?” I don’t know what’s gotten on her to ask me such an absurd question because how the hell will I know? Since news were strict when it comes to violent images, they don’t flash it but I must admit I’m curious too.

“Wait. I’ll search it.” I grabbed my phone and started typing on the search bar. “Ahh, it’s horrible.” Inappropriate and disgusting photos welcomed me. Now, I regretted uncovering it. Ruby gestured me to explain and furrowed her eyebrows. I swallowed hard and said, “The victim’s neck was dislocated, her head was almost ripped off of her body, her stomach was slashed and her internal organs were... That blonde is a monster!” then I ran to the bathroom. I felt sick, maybe too nauseous from the photos I saw online. Why did she even asked?

“Why did I even asked?” She repeated my unspoken question again. Geez. I continued my business in the bathroom, puking all my organs out. “I’m sorry Chaeng... but I’m sure curiosity killed the cat.” A smirk played on her face. I just rolled my eyes. She should be thankful; she cannot see it with her own eyes. I don’t want to admit that I’m curious because she’ll just use that against me.

After brushing my teeth, I went out of the bathroom and laid down beside her. As soon as I did, my phone vibrated.

*bzzt* *bzzt*

“Oh! It’s your secretary, Son Chaeyoung.” I informed. This girl was the best friend of our friend Nayeon. Speaking of that bunny, she was going to the Philippines few days from now. I hope she’ll find a partner there because she’s been single since forever. “She said that Kai’s in your company.” I read the message but that’s all I said because upon realizing what the next words meant, made me jolted up and ran towards the cabinet. I threw a pants and a shirt to Ruby and went towards my closet. Good thing, we already took a bath.
After we were done changing our clothes, I guided her out of the house and left her on the gate to get my car that was still parked in Mrs. Stein’s garage. When I got my car out and bid my thanks to the old lady, I helped Ruby climbed in and drove away.

“Slow down Chaeng!” Ruby scolded for the nth time. I lost count of how many cars honked at us but can’t blame me, the situation was between life and death.

We arrived at the company, stopped in front of the lobby, tossing the key to the valet and helping Ruby out of the car.

“Call for the security and send them to the top floor.” I ordered the only guard I saw that was securing the lobby before pulling Ruby to the elevator. She didn’t ask me any question since she can hear my thoughts. I hope that little cub was fine. The message that she sent me contained a Morse code: DIT-DIT-DIT-DIT which stands for ‘H’, DIT for ‘E’, DIT-DAH-DIT-DIT which was ‘L’, and DIT-DAH-DAH-DIT for ‘P’. Thankfully, we studied international Morse code or otherwise, I will not get the message. We arrived on the floor where Ruby’s office was located but after getting out of the elevator, the sight made me froze in place.

“ABOUT TIME! I’M GETTING IMPATIENT!” Kai shouted. It was so loud that almost broke my eardrums.

“Let go of her.” I calmly demanded but inside I was terrified. Who wouldn’t be? Kai was embracing our poor friend tightly with a knife piercing her neck. From where I was standing, I can see blood dripping out of it. Son Chaeyoung looked tinier and fragile in Kai’s arms. Poor cub.

“NO! I’M GUESSING YOU KNOW EVERYTHING BY NOW!” He gave us a deadly glare. I had goosebumps.

“What do you mean?” Ruby pretended that she didn’t know and squeezed my hand, telling me to play along so I did.

“We don’t understand, what are you talking about? What is the thing we should know?” I asked. Confusion was written all over my face. Geez. We’re such good actresses.


“Kai, calm down… Yes, we shared a passionate kiss after that you went home. Don’t you remember?” Ruby was so calm and collected.

“No! And why can’t I remember?! What did you do to me?!” He was still shouting but not too loud anymore.

“Maybe Ruby’s kiss have some power or something.” I tried suggesting that made Kai think for few seconds.

“STOP! I’M NOT AN IDIOT!” He gritted his teeth.

‘Really?’ I thought that made Ruby squeezed my hand. If it wasn’t on this situation, I’m pretty sure she’ll be chuckling.

Kai loosened his grip on the poor cub’s body, throwing her to the side before started running towards us. He reached for Ruby’s hand but I didn’t let go of her other hand. We were playing tug when the elevator opened and four policemen went out. Kai panicked and was about to stab Ruby but one of the police shot him down.


I saw Kai fell on the ground, his hands on his stomach. He looked at me with anger and sadness.

“WHAT DID YOU DO?!” Ruby yelled but I hugged her so she can see my thoughts. I’ll explain everything to her using my mind. The police handcuffed Kai and called for an ambulance. We went down to the lobby then one policeman asked for my statement and the secretary’s statement.

“Thank you sir… I hope that guy will never get out of jail.” I glared at Kai who was glaring back at me with the same intensity while being carried inside the ambulance.

“You have a strong case and we witnessed some of it so I’ll assure you ma’am that he will not see the sun rise outside the jail ever again.” He smiled then we bid our goodbyes.

Since most of the humans love Jennie’s family, I’m sure they’ll do everything to help Ruby and that Kai will rot in jail. Well, that serves him right and soon he’s father will too.

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