coming out.

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firstly, if you're homophobic, exit now. second, HAPPY PRIDE MONTH!!! so those who don't know, i am bisexual. <3

i hope you all enjoy this because i've stayed up all night working on this, and i'm really tired.

love you all!

- kami 🏳️‍🌈💞


Her grip tightened around her bag as her breathing became more rapid, more shallow. Sweat began to pool in her palms, as her heart hammered against her chest making her breaths come out as gasps. Kaycee leaned against the wall, the room beginning to spin, everything turning black as she pushed through the crowded room, pushing open the studio floor and feeling as the concrete came in contact with her knees.

Kaycee cowered into a ball, her head hidden in her knees as she rocked herself, tears sliding down her cheeks as sobs fell from her lips.

Sean burst through the door, falling to his knees beside Kaycee. His hands snaked around her quivering body, holding her as the cries got louder, more intense. "It's okay, I'm here." Sean whispered into her hair. "I'm here, Kayc."

This wasn't new for them. Kaycee experience anxiety attacks every once in awhile, but it was never as intense as this. They usually lasted about ten minutes, but over the past two weeks they've become almost an hour long.

It was emotionally draining. She spent every night gazing at her bedroom ceiling, Sean by her side in case she had another episode. His hand was tangled in her hair, his soft snores filling Kaycee's ear. She knew why it was all happening, it's been eating at her, slipping into her mind any chance it got.

It was something she was aware about for a long time.

It crept through the back of her mind at a young age, her feelings towards some of the dancers in her class shifted in a way that made her question everything about herself. It hammered in the back of her head, pushing it away as she grew older, deeming it as only a phase that she would soon get over. As much as she tried to convince herself that a phase was all it was, she knew it was much more than that.

She told herself it was a phase, until one day she decided to confront these feelings. Kaycee felt her arm cover in goosebumps as a dancer across the room caught her eye. She was tall, slim with bright ocean eyes, her pink plump lips curled into a smirk as she made her way over to Kaycee. Kaycee shivered as the girl took her hand leading her down a secluded hallway. The girl cupped her face, pressing her lips to Kaycee's, running her hands down her skin as she followed her into the car.

From that day on she knew it was not a phase.

And that terrified her because as much as she hated to admit, she really wanted it to be just a phase. It was hard for her to accept it - she was confused. For a while she thought that maybe she was just into girls, but there was a few boys she definitely found herself falling for. One she definitely had fallen hard for.

But at that time it was if you're in a relationship with the opposite sex then you were labeled as straight, your sexuality was stripped from you, erased and hidden like an invisible cloak had been draped across it. Kaycee chose a lover, not a side, not whether if she was straight or gay. But the world had a way of stripping that away, making her feel lost in her own mind.

That's why she was having these panic attacks, because she couldn't go anywhere without the internal battle within herself creating holes in her heart. She couldn't go into class without wanting to break down, seeing the girl she pushed away years ago because she couldn't accept herself. Her brand was to embrace yourself and be who you truly are, but she was hiding a huge part of herself.

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