Chapter one

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New York Methodist Hospital, 1 AM

"Everyone, your attention! Alexander Lightwood, male, 25 years old, internal bleedings suspected, thigh fracture, conscious, low blood pressure.", Ragnor screamed, "Magnus he is all yours, there are no other victims involved in the car crash!" "Let's get him to trauma two Asap!", Magnus answered. The night shift has just begun and this already was his first emergency patient. There was a huge car crash- a truck lost a container and this container crashed into a car. Luckily, Alexander was alone in the car- like this, Magnus had only one person to take care of. Magnus approached to the patient:" Hello, my name is doctor Magnus Bane, I am the leading accident physician. I know this is overwhelming but do you have any preexisting medical conditions?" "No, I-", Alexander started to talk but Magnus interrupted him- time was life. "Are you currently taking in any kind of medicine?" "No." Magnus sighed- this made this whole thing easier. "You have been giving some pain medication already but I still have to ask- do you feel any pain in your spine area or do any limbs feel numb?" "No." Magnus nodded:" That's good." "Magnus, he has massive abdominal bleedings due to a spleen rupture I guess. We should get him to the OR asap." Magnus nodded:" Mister Lightwood, we will fix you, try to stay calm we will try to contact your family. There are our top-surgeons working on you, you are in good hands." Alexander nodded:" Oh- okay..." Then, the anesthesia hit and the patient lost consciousness. Magnus sighed- hopefully, everything would go great. He wasn't an internist so he couldn't fix the bleeding, still his friend doctor Catarina Loss was the head surgeon of that surgery and he knew the patient was in good hands. Now he had to do the thing that no doctor liked doing- reaching out to the family of the victim. "Hey, Raphael, a patient- Alexander Lightwood, 25 years old, can you get me a list of related people asap?" Raphael nodded:" Sure." After some minutes Magnus received a list. Quickly he cleared his throat and got to the phone. "Hello?", a young ladies voice asked. Magnus read through his list- Isabelle Lightwood, 21 years old, his sister. "Good evening miss Lightwood, I am sorry I had to disturb you at this time of night. My name is doctor Magnus Bane, leading accident physician of this shift and I need you to come to New York Methodist Hospital as soon as possible." "What happened?", she asked, stuttering. "Your brother Alexander Lightwood was involved in a car crash and as a doctor it is my duty to inform you that-" "Alec!", she shrieked, "Okay, I will be there in twenty minutes I live not far away form there." "One second- are there any other family members I have to contact?" "No, we have another brother but my boyfriend will inform him.", Isabelle stuttered. "Miss Lightwood, drive carefully, your brother is in best hands." "Okay, I am coming." Then she hung up. That was hell as always. 

"Simon, Alec was involved in a car crash. Call Jace.", Isabelle screamed and put on a thick sweater. "What? okay, should I drive you-" "No.", Isabelle cut him off, "Call Jace, tell him what happened. New York Methodist hospital. Asap." Then she darted out the door. She threw herself into the car and started driving. Was Alec okay? Thoughts were buzzing in her head- she couldn't bear loosing another one of her siblings. Her little brother Max died due to a sepsis, if Alec would die as well her world would crash again. And she doubted she would be strong enough to build it back up one more time. She was shaking- this cannot be true. She hasn't been that worried in ages. "Don't worry.", she said to herself, "Worrying is bad for the baby and it won't help Alec either." Isabelle took deep breaths- Luckily she has been still awake when she got the call otherwise she might have missed it. She has been throwing up all evening and afterwards she had trouble with falling asleep. She hated being pregnant. Isabelle scoffed- why was that kind of shit always happening to her? Alec was an estate agent and a meeting took really long. She tried to convince him to sleep at her house but he said he could drive home. It was all her fault. The tremor in her hands increased- what if Alec would be in a wheelchair afterwards? What if he would never be able to talk anymore. What if he would die? Isabelle's breath got faster. "calm down Iz, you got this.", she thought. Then she could see the the neon signs of the hospital. She was so close. Finally she reached her destination and stumbled out of the car, straight towards the entrance.  

"Jace?", SImon said. "Yes?", a sleepy voice answered. Jace must have been sleeping. "Listen, please don't panic but-" "Is Izzy fine? Is the baby okay?", he asked. He seemed to be awake right away. "Yes, Iz and the baby are doing perfectly alright but Alec was involved in a car crash- I don't know much myslef but Izzy just drove off to the hospital." "Which one?", Jace yelled. "New York Methodist Hospital." Jace cursed:" Crap, okay, I'll be there in ten." "Alright, be careful." Jace hung up and Simon sat down- wow. What was he supposed to do now? Sleeping was impossible. He sighed and turned on the TV- maybe there was something interesting on there. He was right. "Tonight a young man was involved in a car crash because a truck's container wasn't properly attached to the truck. Because of the darkness the man must have not seen it and drove against it. The car flipped over once, there is no detail on the condition of the victim yet. As he is alive just by now he has been brought to the hospital where he is taken good care of." Simon tried to take deep breaths and took a closer look at the picture- that was definitely Alec's car. He bit his lip- hopefully he would be okay. Nobody deserves this. And he knew Isabelle couldn't bear loosing another brother. Crap.   

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