Chapter seven

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"Good morning.", doctor Bane greeted as he entered the room. "Good morning!", Isabelle greeted. She slept at home but got to the hospital as soon as she could. Jace was with Clary. Her mother didn't wake up yet. This was a tough time for her. Isabelle knew how she must be feeling right now and she was happy that at least Jace stayed with her to comfort her. "Alec isn't awake yet.", Izzy answered. Doctor Bane nodded:" Oh, I see. He's probably really exhausted. We are giving him a lot less medicine at the moment so he'll probably be a lot calmer than yesterday." Isabelle smiled weakly:" I don't care. The thing that matters to me is that he's alive." Magnus nodded:" That's true. It's the thing that matters after all." "You have a good relationship to your brother, right?", he added. Isabelle nodded:" Yes. He means the world to me and I care about him the most. We have been through so much together and he has always been there for me. I couldn't bear loosing him. I couldn't imagine anything worse to be completely honest." Doctor Bane sat down on the opposite:" That's impressive. I mean, it's really rare siblings have such a good relationship."Isabelle stroke Alec's hand. "Sadly. I couldn't imagine life without my brothers." Magnus nodded:" I can imagine. I am happy he made it as well." "Do you?", Isabelle asked, "I mean do you just say this out of routine or do you really mean it?" Magnus shook his head:" No, it's not routine. I wish every patient a good and fast recovery but especially Alec's case touched me." "Why?", Isabelle frowned. "Because it was the definition of an accident. There was nothing he could do and it was not his fault at all. With most often accidents you can say things like 'he should have been more careful' or 'she could have double-checked' or something like this but here, you can't blame him for anything. And in my opinion it would have been more than unfair if he would've died or had irreversible injuries of something he could do nothing about." Isabelle answered:" That's true. And that's rare?" Magnus nodded:" Sadly, yes. Most accidents are at least partly the victims' fault. That's not the case here. Plus, Alec is so young. At least he seems really young." "He is.", Isabelle replied, "t25. He has everything in front of him- career, family..." "You are younger than him, right?", Magnus asked. Isabelle nodded:" Yes. I'm 23 years old." Magnus gave her a respectful look:" Wow. it's great to start a family that early." Isabelle smiled:" It is. Me and my partner are in a stable relationship and can afford a child so we thought we should do it now, as long as we are still young." Magnus nodded:" That's true. Good luck with your baby." Isabelle chuckled:" Thank you. There's not much time to wait. I can't wait, to be honest." Magnus smiled:" It must be really exciting." "It is.", Isabelle replied. "What about you?", she added. Magnus shrugged:" There's not much to say about me to be honest. I am 26, just a year older than your brother. I have no family yet, I have been too focused on my career." Suddenly, Alec started moving. "Good morning.", Isabelle whispered. Alec blinked a couple of times until he managed to open his eyes. "Good morning.", he sighed. Immediately, Izzy and Magnus started smiling. Alec looked around until he saw Magnus. "Magnus?", he frowned. Magnus chuckled:" Yes. I have been accompanying your sister while you were asleep." Alec rubbed his eyes:" Where's Jace?" Isabelle bit her lip:" Clary called. Her mother had another stroke and didn't wake up yet. As she was completely devastated I told Jace to comfort her. I guessed that would be okay with you." Alec nodded:" Of course it is. I was just curious." "Alexander, how do you feel?", Magnus asked. Alec shrugged:" I have no idea. My chest hurts but I guess that's normal." Magnus nodded:" Yes, it sadly is. If the pain get's too bad just press the button then I'll come and we'll give you some more painkillers. If there's anything bothering or you need something, feel free to push the button, someone will come along." "Okay.", Alec answered, "Good to know." Isabelle stroke his face. Alec had dark shadows underneath his eyes although he has slept for twelve hours. Suddenly, someone knocked at the door. Isabelle frowned but still allowed the person in. It was Jace. "Hey!", she greeted and hugged him. "Hey.", he said. "good morning doctor Bane.", he greeted. Magnus grinned:" It's Magnus." "Jace, then.", Jace replied. "Hey, Alec!", Jace exclaimed. "Hi bro.", Alec returned, grinning. "How are you?", he asked. "Yup. I imagined worse." Magnus smiled:" I guess it's time then to get you into a seating position." Alec sighed:" Thank god I'm so tired of lying." Magnus chuckled:" Well, that's a step you shouldn't rush. But now it's time, I guess." Isabelle quickly pressed her brothers' hand before she let go of him. "So, Jace could you support Alec by holding him by his back while I put the bed in a seating position?" Jace nodded:" Sure." Then he put his hands underneath his brothers' back and gently pushed him into a seating position. Meanwhile, Magnus pressed some buttons and the beds' end piece moved upwards. "Okay, now you can let go of him.", Magnus said as he was done. "God, finally I can sit.", Alec sighed. Jace grinned. Typical Alec. Always being annoyed if he has to wait for something. He was really impatient but as he guessed this was part of being as crazily ambitious as Alec is. As an estate agent the concurrence was high and you had to be really good to be as successful as Alec was. Jace was proud of his brother. The things he achieved. The way he dealt with his sexuality. How he has been there for him and Izzy. Everything. And he knew he will make a fast recovery. He was sure.       

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