Chapter fourty-three

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"Hey, thanks for being here!", Magnus said and pulled Jace into a tight hug. He really was grateful that Alec's brother was coming to support him with his talk at the police department. "Always. Man, you look tired, are you okay?", Jace asked and Magnus ran his hand through his hair:" Sure. I just had a tough night and haven't caught up on too much sleep yet." Jace bit his lip:" I understand. I think I could never work at night." Magnus shrugged:" I also thought so but you adapt pretty quickly. Anyways, there was a reason why you wanted us to meet a little earlier?" Jace nodded:" Yes, I've got news. So, I didn't have too much to do at work a couple of days ago so I did some research on that extra-hours thing you told me about. I found out that with your current working hours, that is not legal and we could easily report your boss because of that." Magnus sighed in relief:" Jace, that's literally the best news ever." "But you know that then you are forcing a lawsuit on your father." Magnus shrugged:" I don't really care. He has always been behaving like my boss at home and never seemed to give a crap about his son so I don't see why I should give a crap about him. It's not like we have a good relationship or something." "No, I get it I just wanted to make sure you know what you're doing.", Jace said and stroke Magnus' shoulder, "it's gonna be alright, okay?" Magnus nodded. He felt kind of nervous now. "Look, but you can't tell him or anything. You also just can't stop working your extra hours. We need to make sure he doesn't know anything about the lawsuit until it hits him right out of nowhere. Because if he know about it before, there won't be this surprise effect and he will have the time to properly prepare and we can't have that.", Jace explained. Magnus scratched his forehead:" Alright, so I will just pretend that I don't know that what he is doing is illegal, right?" Jace nodded:" Exactly. Just hang in there. This will take time but we will pull this through and if you add some pressuring and disrespectful behaviour from your dad here and there he most probably will get fired." Magnus smiled:" Okay that didn't make my nervousness better but at least I know that not everything is hopeless, right?" Jace nodded:" Right. So now let's go inside. It's not cool to show up late at the police." Magnus has never been questioned by the police before but as expected it went pretty casually. He was asked the basic questions like name, age, exact profession and also working hours and things like that. In the room next to Magnus sat mister Morgenstern, probably telling the police officers how unacceptable Magnus' behaviour was. And he was right. It was totally unacceptable. But what mister Morgenstern did wasn't just unacceptable y it was disrespectful and cruel. "Doctor Bane, what did mister Morgenstern say before you replied in such an unprofessional way?", The police officer asked. "He called me a dirty bastard. And I think that's not what a doctor that has been working his butt of all night, saving multiple lives of victims of a chemical explosion which happened only an hour before that conversation took place should be called. I am sorry, to me the wellbeing of my patients means everything but if someone with back pain, who could as well just go to his family doctor insults me in a bad moment like this, I just can't believe how little understanding some people show. There has been a lady with a broken foot waiting for over six hours and even she managed to be nice and respectful and even understanding." The police officer leant back in his chair:" So you said there was a chemical explosion right before that conversation?" Magnus nodded:" Yes there was. That meant there were lots of severely injured patients coming in at one time. Our hospital was full, there were people with heavy burns all around their bodies and we had no room for them so some of them had to get their treatment on the hallway! As head of the ER it's partly my job to ensure that every patient gets a room but we were so overfilled that we couldn't do that. And after I just figured out that we had literally no capacities to treat all those patients, mister Morgenstern shows up and complains about two hours of waiting and back pain. I am sorry, I apologize for my unprofessional behaviour and I know this is no justification, but it's at least an explanation." The police officer started to play with his pen:" It is a really good explanation, though. I can understand why you reacted the way you did but you know that this behaviour is totally unacceptable!" Magnus lowered his gaze:" I know what I said was wrong but in this very stressful situation and being called a bastard before that I just lost it. I apologize." The police officer nodded and tapped something into his computer:" I mean, under these circumstances I think we can drop it. But of course, this can't happen again because if you put yourself in a position like you did with mister Morgenstern another time it might not end as well as it just did." Magnus nodded and shook the officers hand:" I know, I am really sorry. Thank you." "Yes!", Jace exclaimed and gave Magnus a high-five as soon as they escaped the police department," You really saved yourself with all that apologizing and the chemical explosion might have saved your ass." Magnus laughed a little:" Yes, it probably did. But the police officer also just looked as if he was ready for lunch break." "He did!", Jace laughed and pulled Magnus into a hug:" So at least we have one thing sorted out. I'll call you when I get news about your dad." "Thank you.", Magnus replied and left.

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