Chapter fifty

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Heyhoooo! How is everyone? I am writing this on my way to meet my internet friend so if there are any spelling mistakes please excuse me, I am on the car😅

"Male, twenty-six year old coming in, was found by a friend passed out in his apartment, only one kidney left check for damage on the other!", The doctor commanded as they came rushing into the hospital. "I'm on it", Cat shouted and pulled Alec towards a trauma room. "It's Alec!", Vivien screamed. Cat froze. "Shit.", Raphael hissed, "Magnus is in a longass rib surgery atm we can't take him out of there." "Okay, I got him. As soon as he gets out tell him what happened. He knows Alec's safe with me.", Cat replied and darted into the trauma room. Vivien let herself sink onto one of the chairs in the waiting room. "Did you call his siblings yet?", Raphael asked and Vivien bit her lip:" No, not yet. I don't even have their phone numbers." Raphael smiled insecurely:" Don't worry, we still have their numbers because we called them after the accident. Do you want to tell me what happened just in case they have questions?" "I don't know.", Vivien said, "I came to Magnus' place to grab some stuff for University when I found Alec lying in the floor unconscious. I tried to call Magnus but he didn't pick up so I called the ambulance." Raphael nodded:" Alright, I'll make the calls and then I'll be right back." "Okay.", Vivien sighed and leant back. A million thoughts were buzzing through her head. Alec told her he wasn't okay. Why didn't she tell Magnus? If she had told Magnus immediately as he found out, maybe this wouldn't have happened? She felt so guilty. She knew something was wrong but she let it be. She should've been a little more responsible. She should've called Magnus immediately.

"Hello?", Raphael heard Izzy's voice as she picked up the call. "Hey, Isabelle, it's Raphael.", He said, not as formally as he usually would. "What happened?", She whispered. "Alec was just brought to the hospital. He was found by Vivien, unconscious on the kitchen floor. He currently is in the trauma room and I have no idea what is going on. Vivien is here, Magnus will join as soon as he completed the surgery he is doing right now. He doesn't know anything yet. Cat is doing the checkup, don't worry, Alec is in the best hands." Raphael heard Isabelle gasp. This was what he hated most about his job. He hated to crush people's happiness by making calls like these. "I'll be there.", Isabelle said, holding back her tears and hung up. Raphael sighed. Now he only had Jace to go. "Hello?", Jace answered his phone. Raphael swallowed and took a deep breath:" Hey. This is Raphael." "Is Alec okay?", Jace asked, his voice shaking. "Actually, we don't know yet. Vivien found him unconscious on the kitchen floor, we have no idea what is going on." "Is he-?", Jace asked but Raphael shook his head. "I have no idea, Jace. When he came to the hospital his pulse was weak but he is breathing. But those things can change quickly." "I am at the set at the moment, I'll storm off and be there as soon as I can.", Jace said and hung up. Quickly, he sled his phone in his pocket. "Jonathan, I have an emergency I got to go!", He said and grabbed his jacket. "Jace! We haven't even done half of the shots yet?" Jace whirled around:" My brother could be dead by the time we  finish filming this crap! I am leaving!", He shouted and darted to his car. At the.moment, nothing mattered. Nothing but Alec. He just hoped he was okay. He looked at his watch-half past seven. It was still dark outside. Luckily, he found his car right away and got going.

"Simon! I am leaving! Alec is at the hospital again! He was.found unconscious...", Isabelle said, trying to cover her tears. "Oh my god- I'll drive you.", Simon offered immediately. "Thank you.", Isabelle whined and followed her boyfriend to the car. Her belly has grown quite a lot and the birth date was in a week. Now, anything could happen. At any time. No matter where. But, she didn't care about it. All she cared about was Alec. "I should've known better.", She sobbed while Simon was driving as fast as he could. "What do you mean?", He asked. "When we met in the coffee shop, do you remember I told you how Alec didn't feel well and fainted?" Simon sighed. He knew exactly what Isabelle must be thinking right now. "Izzy, he's an adult..." "I know. But I also know he is Alec. I knew something was wrong and I didn't say anything. I should have known. How could I have left him in the apartment alone overnight? I should've stayed there with him..." "Izzy, it's not your fault!", Simon tried but he knew it was useless. "I could have prevented it. If I just paid a little more attention to him, all of this wouldn't have happened. Imagine Vivien wouldn't have come by- Alec would be laying there probably all morning, all night. He could be dead. And it would be all my fault." "It's nobody's fault, Izzy. Now you have calm down. You have to be strong for Alec. He needs his little sister right now." Isabelle bit her lip and left the car as they just arrived. "Hey.", Raphael sighed as he hugged both of them and brought them to the waiting room where Vivien was sitting. "Hey.", She greeted and gave Isabelle and Simon a hug. "What happened?", Isabelle asked as she sat down. "I don't know. I forgot some notes for University at Magnus' place so I decided to grab them. In the apartment I found Alec lying on the floor, unconscious. As Magnus didn't pick up I called the ambulance. And now there's nothing we can do. Just worry and wait."

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