Chapter twenty-four

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When Alec woke up in the morning, the sun shone brightly through the curtains. Jace next to him was still asleep. The alarm said it was five past ten A.M.- obviously Jace was still sleeping. He really needed to rest so Alec grabbed his crutches to see whether Magnus was home already. Quietly he limped out of the room and made his way to the kitchen. Then he walked towards the guest bedroom where he heard Magnus' snore. He snore was so adorable, it made Alec smile immediately. Alec knew both Jace and Magnus would probably wake up in forty minutes so he decided to make breakfast. The crutches were only in his way, se he decided to jump around in the kitchen. As he realized how stupid he probably looked now, he had to suppress his laughter really badly because he didn't want everyone wake up because of him. Finally he started cooking- he was making pancakes. He wasn't bad at cooking, he kind of thought himself because his sister Isabelle sucked at it and his parents usually weren't home. The pancakes smelled delicious and luckily Alec found a lot of stuff to put onto them- there was a lot of jam in Magnus' fridge, also he found honey, maple Sirup, Nutella and cream. Alec plugged in his headphones and put on some music. He was kind of dancing around the kitchen as he wasn't allowed to sing. Mostly, he was moving his head and shoulders. He was in an incredibly good mood. Then he turned around to put some plates onto the table. There he saw Magnus, leaning against the door frame. And that was hot as hell. Like, really hot. Flaming hot. Mainly because he wasn't wearing a shirt. Alec has never gay-panicked that hard in his whole entire life. He literally had to concentrate on not dropping his jaw and start sobbing. "Uhm, is something wrong?", Magnus asked with a grin. He didn't even know how hot that looked! That was so not fair- Alec wasn't prepared. Alec was about so ask him why he has hidden his sixpack from Alec until now, but he managed to compliment Magnus:" You look good." Magnus laughed. Then there was this awkward silence. "Uhm, you made pancakes?", Magnus asked and changed the topic. Alec exhaled in relief- that was just extremely awkward. "Yeah.", Alec replied. Suddenly he heard a scream out of the bedroom:" Did I just hear pancakes?" So Jace was awake as well. "Yeah, shift your ass into the kitchen if you want some, bro.", Alec laughed. Then he continued baking the pancakes. A few minutes later Jace entered the kitchen:" Uehhh, Magnus, looking good. Put on a shirt, otherwise Alec will get distracted and burn the pancakes which would be a total waste of ingredients." Alec's face went dangerously red- Why couldn't Jace act normal? Why couldn't Jace not embarrass Alec for once in his life? Alec just pretended he didn't hear that and concentrated on making the breakfast. He noticed that Magnus left the kitchen and approached Jace:" Was that necessary?", he whispered. Jace just grinned his evil grin and shrugged:" You tell me bro. How does it feel seeing your crush shirtless?" Alec blushed:" How did you know that?" Jace rolled his eyes:" It's not that you had to tell me bro. I can tell, just by the way you look at him when he's not watching. It's desire, bro, and I know this feeling. It's love." Then Magnus returned and Alec just acted as if nothing happened. "Those pancakes are everything!", Magnus said and Jace just nodded, his mouth stuffed full. Alec smiled:" Thank you." "You really didn't have to do that. I am grateful, but maybe you should rest.", Magnus said worriedly. Alec just grinned and rolled his eyes:" Y'all have to stop treating me like a disabled. I'm fine, don't worry. And as you provide me bed and stuff, I thought it would be a nice gesture to make a nice breakfast." Magnus nodded:" It was, indeed. I really appreciate it. Just promise me you won't overdo it, okay? Keep an eye on yourself." Alec nodded and sipped his tea. Then Magnus drew his attention towards Jace:"Thanks a lot for staying here. Vivien will arrive this afternoon so she'll take care of Alec." "It was not a big deal, honestly. Thanks for letting Alec living here while we are searching for a new apartment. Clary and me are moving in in Alec's and mine former apartment so it's a little stressful at the moment. I don't know what we would do without you." Magnus shrugged:" It's fine, honestly. Don't thank me. I actually was kind of lonely and it's nice having a friend around. I am really looking forwards to our time together. It's not a big deal." "We just don't want to make you feel as if we take what you do for us for granted. We are really grateful." Magnus smiled:" And I am grateful for you giving Alec into my hands, even though I am kind of a stranger to you." Jace grinned:" You aren't a stranger, Mags. You are part of the fam." Magnus blushed:" Awh. That's cute." "Can we stop the cheesyness? Honestly, I am melting you two are being too adorable for me to handle.", Alec said. Jace grinned. Then they finished breakfast smalltalking:" How was your shift?", Alec asked. Magnus shrugged:" Pretty relaxed. There weren't any real emergencies. Just some people that thought they would die from a cold and thought it was necessary to go to the hospital because of a little fever. Those are the worst." Jace groaned:" Those people are unbelievable- I work as a lawyer and a client of mine wanted to litigate against some hospital because they didn't cure his cold." Alec rolled his eyes:" That's just stupid. It's obvious that he will loose the trial." Jace chuckled:" He actually didn't. Duh, I was his lawyer, of course he didn't." Magnus lifted his eyes:" I am impressed. That's one hell of an achievement. Poor hospital though."       

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