Chapter four

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It was already early morning. Isabelle fell asleep while waiting for Alec to wake up. Every hour doctor Bane visited us and had a quick talk. Suddenly, someone knocked at the door. "Yes?", Jace asked. Doctor Bane entered. He held three cups of coffee in his hands:" The coffee is from the local coffee machine- it's not the best but it does its job." Jace smiled and grabbed one of the cups thankfully. As Isabelle was asleep doctor bane put her cup on the little table next to Alec's bed. I started drinking my coffee- it was warm and I immediately felt how my lids got a little less heavy. Doctor Bane just sat down next to me and said nothing. After Jace emptied not only his coffee but also Isabelle's he felt like ending this awkward silence. "Tough night, huh?", He asked. Mister Bane nodded:" for you too. Not a usual situation, is it?" Jace chuckled:" no, happily not." The doctor nodded:" if you want me to leave just tell me, I don't want to disturb your privacy." Jace shook his head:" No, it's fine. I could use a little company. A sleeping sister and an unconscious brother isn't really it if you feel like talking to someone." Mister Bane nodded:" sure. But when people are unconscious, they can still sometimes hear you, you know?" Jace nodded:" I do. And I talked to Alec. About this, about that. Actually, I talked a lot to him. But idk I feel like- never mind." Mister Bane shook his head:" No, say it! As stupid as it might sound, we don't know how people feel when they are unconscious." Jace shrugged:" It's stupid but I feel like I am bothering him with all my talking. I mean, he's unconscious for a reason and maybe I shouldn't be disturbing his rest. And it feels as if I am using him as my mental trashcan. I mean, if I am annoying him there's not a damn  thing he can do about it. I don't know, it just feels wrong." Mister Bane nodded:" I understand that. I really do." Then they just sat there. Jace held Alec's hand. Suddenly, he felt a slight movement underneath his thumb. He blinked. Alec' s hand was moving. "He's waking up soon.",the doctor said, "I will leave you alone." Jace nodded. Isabelle yawned. Them she sat up straight:" is he awake?", She asked. Jace shook his head:" no but he wi wake up soon. You must have felt it.", He grinned. "Damn, his long was I gone?", She asked. Jace shrugged:" two hours. Maybe three. I have no idea."  She rubbed her eyes. Then she sat onto Alec's bed and stroke his face. It was slightly bruised but still beautiful. He sighed. Jace inhaled sharply. "Alec?", Isabelle whispered, her hand like frozen on his brother's cheek. Alec groaned again. Then he blinked. "Izzy?", He asked. His voice sounded rough but still like his own. She smiled. A tear escaped her eye. Then Alec turned his head to the side :"Jace?", He whispered. "Yes. Alec, I am here.", Jace smiled. Alec smiled a little as well. "We were so worried Alec...", Isabelle said. Alec chuckled quietly:" You won't get rid of me that easily, darling sister." Jace chuckled:" Never too weak to make jokes." Isabelle started crying and buried her face in Jace's chest. "Hey, it's okay.", he said, holding back his own tears. Alec smiled weakly. Then, doctor Bane knocked at the rooms door. Immediately Jace asked him to some in. Mister Bane approached to Alec and shook his hand: "My name is doctor Magnus Bane, I am this shift's leading accident physician. I will be your doctor." Alec grinned slightly:" Hi. Alec Lightwood." Mister Bane grinned as well. Then he turned his back on his patient and approached to Alec's siblings:" I will have to take your brother with me to run some more tests on his health. If you want, you can come back in two hours and change meanwhile. We will have the results in the way afternoon. He will be with me so you won't have to possibility to talk to him anyways. Maybe wit would do both of you good to change and maybe refresh yourselves. It has been a tough night for all of us." Jace nodded and pressed Alec's hand:" I'll be right back bro. I promise." He smiled:" Take a shower. If you come back smelling like this I won't let you even close to me. Jace shook his head:" You are unbelievable, Alec." He just smiled. Isabelle gave his brother a soft kiss on the cheek:" See you later, big bro." "See you.", He said, "and ensure Jace is taking a shower. I mean it." Then both of them left. "So now it's just the two of us, huh?", Doctor Bane said, grinning. Alec smiled:" I don't mind." Doctor Bane chuckled. It was obvious the anesthesia was still very present in his body. Then he got Alec into another room. "So, do you feel any numbness?", He asked again. Alec denied. "That's good. So in the former test we couldn't diagnose any back injuries, also no massive brain damage, just a little concussion. Still you had a heavy abdominal bleeding due to a spleen rupture which had to be fixed in surgery. You have also broken two ribs and one of them stabbed your kidney. The damage was so heavy that it had to be removed." Alec nodded:" could have been worse, right?" Doctor Bane nodded:" Yes, it definitely could. You could have died. It's kind of a miracle you didn't." Alec shrugged:" No comment. I have no idea." "Trust me, that could have ended a lot worse. You have been lucky. Very very lucky, to be completely honest. But now we have to check on other injuries to make sure you will be completely fine." Alec nodded:" I don't mind that." Magnus chuckled:" You seem to still have humour. That's a good sign."

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