Chapter fifty-seven

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"Hey!", Magnus whispered. Alec slowly opened his eyes. He heard his voice. He felt his hand. He saw his face. This wasn't heaven. He could breathe, he could move. "Am I alive?", He whispered in disbelief. "Yes.", Magnus sobbed and carefully laid his head on Alec's chest:" You are." Alec smiled weakly, the known feeling of anesthesia in his body. "How long have I been gone?", He asked. "Two days. The surgery was complicated and look a lot more time than expected. It wasn't easy but it looks like you made it. We did.", Magnus replied. "So now there is a literal piece of you in my body?", Alec whispered. Magnus chuckled:" There has always been. You have always had my heart, Alec." Alec smiled weakly, that awkward tired grin of his Magnus fell in love with when he saw Alec wake up from anesthesia months ago. It was still the same. "Where are Isabelle and Jace?", Alec asked after looking around the room and not seeing his siblings. "They can't come before eight. Visiting hours." "So why are you here?", Alec asked confusedly. Magnus chuckled:" Well, I also am their patient. And as part of the staff I mixed up a couple of notes so that we would end up in one hospital room." Alec grinned:" The perks of dating the leading accident physician." Magnus smiled:" At least there's something to make up for all the cons. Alec, listen, I have to apologize..." "No, you don't.", Alec interrupted but Magnus couldn't help himself:" Yes I do. I have been prioritizing my work over you, and there is nothing in this world as precious to me as you are, Alec. I love you with all my heart, you are my rock. And I am in shock things had to get that bad for me to finally realize it. When you came into my life, I had nothing but my job. No family, and my only friends apart from Vivien are hospital staff. My work was my everything, I tried to fill the whole in my heart with extra hours, work extra shifts to suppress the loneliness in my soul. I felt empty, I had nothing but this hospital. Until, as I said, you came. Until you came and turned my world upside down, in the most positive sense ever. I had someone to come home to, a reason to take free days. I used to hate them as everyone was hanging out with their families and I had no one to hang out with. I was really fucking lonely. And all of a sudden, I had someone to cuddle while watching movies, someone to talk to on my free time. I had someone to spend time with, I found someone who mattered to me more than anything else. And I swore to myself that I will hold on to you, no matter. You are the best thing that has happened to me in a very long time, Alec. And I couldn't believe I didn't see what was going on. I was so caught up with my own problems, I didn't realize yours. Because all I ever had was myself and my problems. When you have been alone for as many years as I was, you forget how to read other people. I was overwhelmed, Alec, and you paid a high price for that. Without Vivien, I might have lost the one thing that ever really mattered to me within a blink of an eye. And I consider this a mew chance, Alec. I learned. I grew. And if you will ever forgive me, I will be here waiting for you because I can't imagine anyone else to wake up next to. And if I could, I would wake up next to you for the rest of my life and even further. I can't imagine it anyway else. And I know its selfish of me to ask this, but please stop. Please stop looking for an apartment. Because my apartment isn't my apartment without you in it. I am not myself without you. I need you, Alec, and this made me realize I can't take another breath without you. I thought I was losing you and I couldn't imagine anything worse. I don't ever want to feel like tis again. Please, Alec, will you move in with me? Permanently? Be my boyfriend, maybe one day fiance, husband, the father of your children. Will you stay with me, Alec? Stay with me in every way?" "Of course I will. I forgive you. I can only ask for forgiveness myself, Magnus. You have done so much for me, you gifted me my life, saved me twice. You were the love I wanted to bad, the best friend I needed close to me, my advisor, my rock, my helping hand. You built me up step by step when I was at my lowest. And I will appreciate that forever. You let me crash at your place although we knew each other for barely two weeks because I had nowhere to stay. You are a good man, Magnus Bane, in fact the best man I have ever met. I need you as much as you need me. So I would be happy to move in with you." Magnus smiled and pressed his lips on Alec's. It has been a while since the two of them had time together, just the two of them. He missed kissing Alec, without a hurt, without a rush. Just him and Alec. He knew everything was going to go better from now on. He felt it.  For sure, Alec's way to recovery wouldn't be easy but he knew Alec and himself could make it just as they made it last time. "I love you, Doctor Magnus Bane.", Alec whispered between the calm, careful kisses. "I love you too, Alexander Gideon Lightwood.", Magnus replied and smiled widely. It wasn't his face that smiled tho, it was his heart. He knew, right beside him was the man of his dreams and he wasn't going anywhere.

Heyyyy! I hope you enjoy the happiness! You really deserved some Malec so I made this a malec-only chapter for you guys. The story is almost done but there will be quite a few more closing chapters to come so don't think you're rid of this story already. There is still some plot coming but it's almost done soooo enjoy the future few chapters myloves! Tysm for the crazy support, would mean a lot of you actually finish the story because lemme tell you there is some fluffy cuteness coming. If you have anything you wanna know, any questions concerning the plot (!!!) Or anything you would like to read for example a Malec making out or sth just comment and I will see what I can do. Anyways, see you soon❤️

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