Chapter six

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Isabelle bit her lip:" Alec, you really scared us..." "I know. I am so sorry.", He replied. "There's nothing to be sorry about. It was an accident. You survived. That's the biggest favour you could do us.", Jace said. Isabelle's eyes were teary again:" I couldn't bear loosing you." "Me neither.", Jace said. Alec smiled weakly:" Guys, I'm here. You won't get rid of me that easily." Isabelle wiped away her tears and stroke her brother's face. Jace took Alec's hand and pressed it. Then Alec yawned. "I'm feeling a little tired.", He said. "I can tell.", Jace replied. "Sleep a little.", Isabelle said. Alec closed his eyes and fell asleep some minutes later. Quickly, Izzy texted Simon to get to Jace' and Alec's Appartment and to get Alec some clothes and all necessary things for the next days at the hospital. Then she took a closer look at Alec. He looked vulnerable, his body was bruised and he had dark circles under his eyes. Suddenly, Jace's phone rang. Quickly he stood up and got out of the room to not disturb Alec's sleep. "Hey?" He immediately recognised Clary's voice. She was crying. "Hey! What's up?", He asked. He just heard her sobbing. "Clary, what's wrong? Talk to me!" "It's- it's my mum." Jace cursed. Clary lived with her mom to take care of her because she suffered from a stroke some months ago. Now she needed her daughter to take care of her. "Clary, what happened?", He asked worriedly. "I was grocery shopping and she- ", Clary broke off crying. "Clary, it's okay. Tell me what happened.", Jace tried to calm her down. "She had another stroke.", Clary whispered through her tears. Jace inhaled sharply- no. This couldn't have happened. First his brother, than his girlfriend's mother- what have they done wrong? "Is she at the hospital?", He asked. "Yes.", Clary sobbed. "Which one?", He asked.
"The Brooklyn hospital center." He cursed. This was quarter an hour by car from here, forty minutes from his home. He sighed. Crap. "Are there any results there yet?", He asked. "No." "Jace, I am so scared.", She added after some seconds. " I know exactly how you feel.", He said. He has been there himself fourteen hours ago. "Okay,", he sighed, "I'll be right there." Clary sobbed:" But what about Alec?" "Isabelle takes good care of him. I'll be right there." Then he went back into the room. "Who was it?", Isabelle asked, holding Alec's hand. "Clary.", Jace sighed. "Have you told her what happened?", His sister asked. He nodded:" I texted her as I knew Alec survived. But it was because of her mom. She had another stroke and is in the brooklyn hospital center. She is totally done and she has noone." Isabelle smiled:" Go be there fore your girlfriend. I'll stay here with Alec." "You sure that's okay for you and Alec?" Isabelle nodded:" He'll understand. Clary is alone, that wouldn't be fair." Jace nodded:" I will text you. See you." Quickly he hugged his sister, pressed Alec's hand and got to his car to drive to Clary. He knew she needed him right now. Fifteen minutes later he was there. As expected he found Clary in the waiting room. He had a flashback- Simon calling, arriving and then waiting for any results. All the feelings came up again and overwhelmed him. Like a big wave flushing his brain and drowning all the relief he felt before. He could feel the worry and the fear again in his chest, felt how his body tensed. His hands began to shake and he felt dizzy. Immediately he turned really pale and almost lost balance. Quickly he braced himself on one of the chairs in the waiting room. He felt the sweat escaping his pores. A cold shiver went down his spine. Jace closed his eyes and took some deep breaths. Then he felt his body relax- finally. As he opened his eyes he stared right into Clary's. "You okay?", She asked worriedly. Jace just nodded:" Yes, sure." He still felt sick but Clary shouldn't be worrying about him. He got himself and Clary some water to relax a little. Then they just remained silent. Jace took some deep breaths and tried to get his circulation stable again. He has been awake for fourteen hours now and before that he had three hours of sleep. He could feel the tiredness in every body cell. Now he actuay enjoyed the silence. His head ached because of the tiredness and his body hurt because of the uncomfortable chairs. But now he got to be strong for his girlfriend. Suddenly he hear Clary whimmering. Immediately he opened his eyes and took her hand. "Hey, it's okay.", He said. She sobbed:" I'm so scared. What if-?" "Don't think about the what if- that won't help. Trust me." She tried to smile:" I'm so sorry." "There's nothing to be sorry about.", He said and pulled his girlfriend into a hug. He felt her head lying heavy on his chest. Her hair was completely disarrayed. His eyelids got heavier and heavier and shortly before he fell asleep Clary moved. "How is Alec?", She asked. Jace sat up straight in his seat again:" He'll be fine. Could have been a lot worse." She nodded:" That's good to hear." Her voice was rough of all the crying. Jace felt really sorry for her- she shouldn't be going through all of this. She shouldn't be the one responsible for her sick mother. "How are you?", He asked. It was kind of a stupid question but he really wanted to know. "I just need you here to comfort me.", She whispered. "Of course.", He replied, "that's the minimum I can do for you." She shook her head:" You left your brother alone for me. You must be really tired." Jace nodded:" I am. But hey- there's worse. And Alec is with Izzy, it would be unfair because he has her and you have noone." "Thank you.", She said and cuddled against his chest. "Of course. I love you Clary.", Jace replied and stroke her hair. "I love you too.", She whispered.

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