Chapter nine

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It was already two days later. In the past few days Magnus always talked to Alec at least five times a day. After Isabelle spent a day with Clary, she tried to visit Alec as often as possible. She was still working so she couldn't completely forget about that. As she was a journalist she had lots of freedom when it comes to her working hours but still work had to be done. Jace always spent the mornings with Clary and the afternoons with Alec. In the evenings he got back to Clary. Like this, Alec spent the mornings and evenings with Magnus as much as he could. Of course he had other patients he had to take care of as well but he always found some spare time in his breaks to have a chat with Alec. Even though they didn't know each other for a long time they already became good friends. Unlike Alec expected at first they had a lot in common. Both of them seemed to enjoy each others company. They made jokes, talked about work and family, about love, life... Anything. They had quite a deep talk yesterday evening. Magnus was completely exhausted of his day shift so he came to talk to Alec. He had an intense case- a woman that tried to take her own life by taking an overdose of medicine. She was brought to the hospital by her husband's immediately but there was nothing Magnus could have done for her. She died minutes after she was brought to hospital. Magnus was totally done and in tears so Alec made him sit down and tell him why he was so upset. Magnus told Alec his mother committed suicide when he was young, that his father left him alone and moved Somewhere. Magnus was devastated and Alec tried to calm him down but he knew he was useless in the situation. Then he told Magnus all about Max. About this cute little boy he called his brother. How he has been cruelly ripped out of Alec's, Isabelle's and Jace's life. How Alec's parents abandoned him because of his sexuality. How they first took in Jace but then abandoned him because they found out his father used to be a criminal. How they went more and more cold towards Isabelle because of her behaviour when it came to boys. Then they just left all of their kids after Max died. In the end, both Magnus and Alec just sat there, crying and telling each others the story of their lives. The conversation took hours. In the end, that must have been half past eleven the nurse Raphael knocked at their door to ask whether everything was okay. They exchanged phone numbers that evening. Alec sat up in his bed and grabbed his phone to have another look at Magnus' profile picture- it was him wearing a black glitter jumpsuit in some fancy rooftop bar or something. Alec has never been on such a bar. He was crazily afraid of height. Alec zoomed a little further into the profile picture- Magnus' eyes were really dark brown, almost black. And he wore glittering, black eyeliner in that picture. He looked fabulous, Alec had to admit. This morning Alec has already searched Magnus on Instagram but he wasn't sure whether he should follow Magnus. Wouldn't that look weird? That would look as if he has stalked him. With a sigh he laid his phone to the side. Besides his dramatic family story, Magnus also told Alec that his recovery was going great. Especially his thigh was really doing well so we will probably be able to make the first tries of walking soon. Alec was really looking forward to it. He hates being tied to his Ben, always in the need of asking for help if he wants to get something or just simply go to the bathroom. Sometimes he played with the thought of just try it out, but he would never actually do it. It was far too dangerous and he was almost absolutely sure he wouldn't be able to make it. Although he tried to play it down but actually his entire body still hurt a lot. In this second, his phone rang. It was Simon. Quickly Alec picked up the phone. "Hi?", He greeted. "Hi Alec! I thought I would at least call... I am sorry I feel really bad for not calling earlier, I just thought you maybe want some time for yourself or with Jace and Iz." Alec chuckled:" Nah, it's okay. I have nothing to do most of the time anyways." Alec heard Simon laugh quietly. "Is it stupid to ask how you are?", He asked. Alec grinned. He was so glad Isabelle found someone like Simon- he was a pure soul, funny, caring and a little dorky. "It's fine. I mean duh, how should I feel? The pain isn't too bad but I guess that's only thanks to the pain meds I am given. I must have been high on the first day." Simon laughed:" You were. Izzy told me about it." "God, was I?", Alec asked, also laughing a little. Laughing heavily really hurt so he tried to stay calm. "Mhm.", Simon replied," you almost flirted with your doctor." "Crap.", Alec chuckled. "Do you like him?", Simon asked. "I kinda do I mean he's attractive, kind, smart- I don't know he just seems to be a good guy to be around. Plus, he's single and bisexual." "Jackpot!", Simon shouted. Then he added:" I ship it. That's what Izzy would say, probably." "Can you please not tell her?", He asked, "she won't leave me alone ever again." "She'll find out on her own anyways.", Simon explained. Alec chuckled:" That's true. I mean duh, it's Iz we're talking about. Anyways- how are you doing?" "I'm good.", Simon replied, "of course a little stressed because of work and our apartment still isn't baby-friendly so I'm working on that." "Good luck, then.", Alec answered. "Yeah, thanks man, I'll need it."

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