Chapter twenty-two

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"The movie was great, wasn't it?", Magnus asked. Alec nodded:" Yeah, honestly I really enjoyed it." Magnus grinned:" Still, it was kind of deep. Man, I thought we would watch something less sad." Alec shrugged:" I don't mind. It's life, I guess. We all have to make difficult decisions." Magnus' brows rose:" Where did those deep thoughts just come from?" Alec shrugged:" From nowhere. It just randomly came to my mind." Magnus frowned:" If you ever want to talk, you know you can always come to me, right?" Alec nodded. I can't, Alec thought. I can't just randomly tell you I love you. Luckily, in this moment the doorbell rand and Jace crushed the awkward silence. "Heyhoooo!", he cheered. Both Alec and Magnus immediately started smiling. It was good to see Jace happy and relaxed again. He wasn't as tense and gaunt anymore. HIs eyes shone again, he smiled. He looked happy and healthy. "Feeling better?", Alec asked with a grin. Jace nodded:" I finally got sleep. Literally, my pillow missed me." Alec chuckled:" I can only imagine. How's Clary?" The smile on Jace' face faded:" She's heartbroken. Now she's with Luke. She won't let anyone into her room, not even me. At the moment Luke is the only one she accepts near her." "Crap.", Alec sighed. "I am so sorry."; Magnus added. Jace swallowed hard:" I just hope she won't push me away. She needs someone to hold her. I have to accept it isn't me this time." Alec pulled Jace into a hug:" It's okay, you know. She just needs time. Don't worry." Jace put on an anguished grin:" Thanks bro. Anyways, how are you feeling?" Alec shrugged:" The usual. Slowly but steadily I am getting there." Jace padded his brother's shoulder:" I knew you could do it. If anyone could then you." Magnus chuckled:" Not to kill the mood but does anyone want some coffee?" The brothers laughed:" Yeah, that would be awesome.", Alec said. Jace nodded:" You are a blessing, magnus." Magnus grinned and left the living room. "Anyways, I got you your clothes and stuff.", Jace said and put a huge duffle bag next to the sofa. Alec smiled thankfully. "How's stuff going with Magnus?", Jace asked. Alec blushed immediately:" Good." Jace lifted his left brow- an ability they shared. "You sound very enthusiastic." Alec blushed even harder:" Everything is okay." Jace laughed:" Come on you are as red as a tomato. Something's clearly going on." As Alec didn't reply Jace' eyes widened in astonishment:" OMG:", he whispered. That screaming-type of whispering. Alec put a finger on his lips. "Pshhht!", he whispered, "I'll tell you later okay?" "I bet you will.", Jace replied. In that moment Magnus entered the room with two cups of coffee:" You boys okay?" Jace and Alec nodded like they did in the old days when they had each others backs while doing something not really legal. Magnus frowned:" Alec, are you okay? Your face is matching the brick wall in the kitchen." That didn't really help with the blushing:" Yeah, I am fine. It's pretty warm in here." Magnus shrugged and put down the cups of coffee. "Don't you want some yourself?", Jace asked but Magnus objected:" No. I am going to bed anyways, tonight I got to work." "We will be quiet."; Jace said. Magnus shook his head:" I don't care so don't bother. I can sleep anywhere, anytime." Alec grinned:" I wish i could." Magnus denied:" It isn't as handy as everyone thinks. I fell asleep in university, on trains and while meetings a lot. Trust me, it's embarrassing." Jace laughed:" You've got a point there." Then Magnus cleared his throat:" One question, Jace- would you mind sleeping here tonight? Alec could show you the guest room. Vivien will only arrive tomorrow evening and I honestly am not really comfortable letting him alone here." Jace shrugged:" I don't mind." Magnus smiled immediately:" That's awesome of you Jace, thank you." "No, what you do is awesome.", Jace replied. Magnus chuckled:" So I guess we both are. See you guys." "Good night!", Alec said. As soon as they heard the bedroom door clicking into the lock, Jace whirled a round:" Spill the fucking tea bro!" Alec laughed- this was such an unusual thing to say for Jace that he could literally smell his sisters' influence here. "So there isn't much tea anyways.", Alec started but as Jace gave him the greatest eyeroll of human history he continued:" I think I have feelings for Magnus. Romantic feelings." He just dropped it. Saying it loud made it seem more real than ever. Like a bubble bursting, releasing all the tension from its surface. Jace' jaw dropped. "Why am I surprised though?", he asked after a few seconds. Alec couldn't help but laugh out. "Was I that obvious?" Jace looked a little weirded out, then he nodded:" Yes. You were." "Crap.", Alec cursed. Jace padded his shoulder:" Don't stress. It was obvious for me because I grew up with you but he probably didn't notice anything. You're good, Alec." Alec exhaled deeply. "So, how exactly did it happen?", Jace asked after some moments of silence. Alec sighed:" Honestly, I don't even know. I just saw him. That's what happened. He is genuine, kind, handsome and caring. He is all I could possibly wish for, even in my wildest dreams." "That sounds like true love.", Jace sighed. Alec bit his lip:" I don't know. I've never been in love before." Jace smiled:" Than this is it. This is love. It's as simple as that. You are willing to bleed, you are willing to sacrifice, you are willing to be in pain just to be with that person. Relationships aren't always easy but when they are it's the best you could ever imagine happening to you." Alec sighed:" But what do I do? I can't tell him." "You maybe feel like you can, but love grows and one day it will be impossible to hold it back."

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