Chapter thirty-three

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Alec woke up. Today was his birthday, he realized. Deep inside him he hoped Magnus and Isabelle would have forgotten but he was almost certain they didn't. Magnus wasn't lying next to him but he saw his wallet on the nightstand which meant he definitely has already returned from work. He grinned. Hopefully, he still was home so they could spend some time together. Alec threw on some swetpants and a hoodie and made his way out of the bedroom. To his surprise the entire apartment was dark. "Magnus? Vivien?", he asked. No response. Then, all the lights went on. "Happy birthday!", he heard. He had to blink a couple of times until his eyes adapted to the sudden light. He saw Magnus, Vivien, Isabelle and Jace standing in front of him, smiling widely. He couldn't help himself but smile. "YESSSS! Guys he is happy wohooooo!", Isabelle screamed and Alec burst out laughing. Quickly he hugged all of them. Magnus grinned:" I hope you didn't expect me to forget your birthday." Alec chuckled and blushed:" To be honest, I kind of hoped you would." Magnus laughed:" Usually, I would be insulted by this but trust me, I prepared an Alec-like party. I invited only very few people and the program is pretty lit." Alec frowned:" Okay and what will that be." Jace interrupted:" So  there will be food, musc, a movie anddddd drinking games! You don't have to take strong medcine anymoreso you can finally drink alcohol again buddy." Alec laughed. "Yeah, what would be a twenty-sixth birthday without alcohol.", he added ironallly. Jace slightly punched him:" I know you are looking forwards to it, bro. YOu maybe can fool yourself, but you can't fool me." Alec chuckled and followed the crowd to the dining table where Vivien and Isabelle have prepared a wonderful breakfast consisting of warm chocolate croissants and coffee. Alec look a bite and the croisants really tasted amazing. "Do you like it?", Vivien asked. Alec nodded:" Those are amazing! Thank you!" All of them chatted and caught up. It was really nice and although Alec kind of hated to admit it he really was enjoying this birthday party. Talking to his close friends and family, just about usual stuff, seeing each other again- it was kind of nice. "So, should we watch a movie?", Jace suggested. Alec nodded, he was all down to it. Quickly they decided to go for a comedian movie- 'misses doubtfire'. It was such a classic one and Alec watched it at least five times already but he still really liked it and never stopped laughing about it. He remembered how he used to watch it with Jace and Isabelle when they were younger and it became to be a family tradition movie. To his surprise, neither Magnus nor Vivien have seen it. This made it a lot more funny, seing their facial expressions was everything. The movie was finishe way too soon in Alec's opinion. "Okay, anyone want lasagna?", Magnus asked after he calmed down from his giggles. Alec nodded. To his surprise, he actually was pretty hungry, despite the good breakfast. The lasagna looked really good and it smelled hike heaven. And it also tasted really good. "This is awesome- who made it?", Alec asked in amazement. Vivien and Isabelle exchanged a gaze. "Well, It was us." Alec frowned. "Izzy? You? Cooking?" Isabelle laughed:" Well, I have to admit that Vivien did most of it, I was rather her assistant." Alec laughed. That sounded way more likely. "So, drinking games?", Jace asked immediately after they finished lunch. "Now? Already?", Alec asked critically. "Ome on, don't be such a buzzkill. We have cool stuff prepared." Alec shrugged and followed them to the living room as they seemed pretty excited. "So.", Isabelle explained as everyone made themselves comfortable on the floor, " We prepared a special game. On every of these notes stands a question or an action. But, the funny thing is you don't have to do it yourself, you have to decide who has to do it." Alec grinned- this could actually be fun. "Also, if you don't want to do something or answer a question you have to take a shot. The fun ting is, you can't take more than one shot in a round so you have to be careful with that joker." Now Alec was really excited- this was obviously about to be a very funny but also embarassing thing. Alec was the first one to pick a note. "Reveal the most disgusting thing that has ever happened to you at work.", he read out. "I want Magnus to answer that.", he said with a grin. "No fucking way.", Magnus said and confidentally swallowed his shot. "This already started great.", Isabelle said and picked a note. "Most disgusting thing you've ever eaten- Jace?" Jace swallowed hard.  "Beer with onion juice and ketchup in it. No further questions." Alec grinned- he exactly knew how this happened but judging by the look Jace shot at him he decided to shut his mouth. Now it was Magnus' turn:" The weirdest one night stand you ever had. Hm, Alec, what do you say." "Hell no!", Alec laughed and took a shot. "Isabelle, fill a cup with toilter water and swallow it all.", Jace demanded but Isabelle denied:" Nope, not happening.", and took a shot. Not it was Viviens turn. This was the moment Alec realized she was the only one that didn't have to do anything yet. So it was likely she would pick someone else and everyone but Jace would have to answer. As she folded up the note her face lit up. "Kiss." Immediately, it turned completely silent in the room. "Magnus, Alec, I want you two to kiss." Alec and Magnus exchanged a insecure gaze but Alec couldn't deny how much he actually wanted this. So he leant forwards and touched Magnus face. He drew it closer and closer to his until he could feel his breath on his lips. And then he felt it. Magnus' lips on his. Finally.    

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