Chapter ten

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Hey guys! Thank you so much for the positive feedback I am getting on this story so far. It really means a lot to me😣❤️

If you have any ideas/requests for the story just comment or lemme know via Instagram dm's (@shadowxtrash there as well)

Xoxo, Allie💞

"Hey!",Magnus greeted. It was already pretty late in the evening but Magnus' night shift was just about to begin. "Hey!", Cat greeted, "Ready for your shift?" Magnus nodded:" I hope so." "I hope it won't be a crazy one. " Magnus nodded:" Me too. I Had to work in the day shift the last few days which I am really not adapted to." Cat nodded:" I get it. Luckily they didn't change my shift, but they did the same to Raphael. He is completely exhausted." "I feel him. I am spending some time with Alec after the shift anyways so I get to talk to patients a little.", Magnus explained. "It's hard. We barely have time for our patients. But it's cool of you to stay at work a little longer to talk to him.", Cat said. "I mean we get along really well.", Magnus explained. "I can tell. How come?", Cat asked. Magnus just shrugged:" No idea. It's just a touching case, he's cool and I like his siblings- I don't know. I like him." Cat grinned:" Mhm. You like him. Keep your lies to yourself." Magnus frowned:" what do you mean?" Cat laughed:" You like him? Like? More like love him or something." Magnus shook his head and wanted to contradict but- he didn't. He wouldn't call it love, he didn't know Alec enough but he was attracted. Alec shared the same opinion on so many topics and he also looked food- despite all his bruises and other injuries. In this moment Raphael came by. "Hi guys.", He yawned. "Hi!", Magnus greeted, happy about the distraction. But, he hasn't considered Cat yet. "Hi! We were just talking about Mag's affair with Alexander Lightwood." Raphael frowned:' Really? You guys serious?" Magnus chuckled:" No, no we..." But he was interrupted by Cat right away:" Yes we are. Okay, maybe I am exaggerating but they both clearly love each other." "Said who?", Raphael asked. "Me.", Cat replied with the perfect bitchface on. "Oh, I see. Aphrodite has spoken." Cat grinned. Then, their talk was interrupted because a new patient came in. Magnus sighed:" Crap." Then they brought the patient into the trauma room. "Stephen Underhill, Male, mid twenties, fell off his bike on a midnight bike race, check for arms and neck.", The ambulance doctor said and left the patient alone with the doctors. "Okay, we'll take care of it.", Magnus said. Quickly, he approached to the patient:" Hello, my name is doctor Magnus Bane, leading accident physician of this shift. I know this is overwhelming but I need you to answer me a few important questions.", Magnus said, not letting the patient say anything," First: Are you currently on any medication?" "No.", The patient denied. "Okay, do you feel numbness in any limbs?" "No.", The patient denied again. Magnus sighed in relief. "Okay, do you have any pre existing medical condition such as diabetes, low or high blood pressure etc.?" The patient denied again. "Okay, we will run a few tests now, don't worry you will be fine.", Magnus said. Meanwhile Raphael put Underhill on some more painkillers and Cat checked on internal injuries but didn't find anything. As Magnus was the only accident physician in this trauma room, the patient was all his. He checked on the neck first. After examining it he diagnosed it was probably just sprained, so the patient for lucky. Then he got to the arm. The arm was broken multiple times and definitely needed surgery to get fixed. "Okay Neck is sprained but the arm needs surgery, let's get him to the OR.", He commanded to Cat who got going immediately. "Raph, I need you to get me an orthopedist to the OR asap." Raphael nodded and left. Quickly, Cat and Magnus got Underhill to the OR where an anesthetist was already waiting for the new patient to arrive. Meanwhile Magnus washed himself and changed Into his operating clothes. He remembered how he used to be incredibly nervous before every single surgery, no matter how small or easy. Of course, a little nervousness always remains but it wasn't as bad as it used to be. He remembered almost having a panic attack before assisting in his first ever real surgery. Now he gained confidence-he knew he could do it, otherwise he wouldn't have passed the final exam to become a doctor. This was a thing he reminded himself of before he went into surgery every time: "I can do this. I have been allowed to do this so there's a reason for that.", Magnus whispered. Then he entered the OR. A fellow doctor was already there- it was Dorothea Rollings, a doctor he has never worked with before. But, he has heard only good things about her yet so it was a pleasure to work with her. Some minutes later the patient was brought in and Magnus started the surgery. The fractures were surprisingly complicated so the surgery took almost an hour longer than expected. Still, it was manageable. After the surgery was done, Magnus and Dot went to the doctor's washing room. "Nice work.", For said while taking off her gloves. "Thank's. You were really good yourself." Dot grinned:" Yeah, I know, I am really good at handing people instruments." Magnus chuckled:" Well, maybe it will be the other way around next time." "Maybe it will.", Dot said and dried her hands. "Since when do you work in this shift?", Magnus asked. He hasn't seen her too often so she should be pretty new. "Just half a year. I am fresh from university, I guess." Magnus grinned. He remembered this time as every fellow doctor used to talk down to him. There were only few ones who really helped him and he felt like doing the same for Dot. "Cool. If you need help or someone to talk to, I'm here for you.", Magnus said. Dot smiled:" Thank's. I really appreciate it."

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