Chapter eighteen

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"Hey!", Alec greeted as Magnus came in. Magnus smiled immediately:" Hey. You're already awake?" Alec nodded:" Yes. I was tired of sleeping." Magnus grinned and sat down on Alec's opposite. "How has been your night?", Alec asked. Magnus shrugged:" Fine. It was exhausting as hell but luckily nothing crazy happened. Suddenly, Alecs phone beeped. "It's a message from Isabelle.", he said. Then his face went rather sad. "What's wrong?", Magnus asked. ALec shrugged:" Nothing. They are just coming in an hour. But she's bringing Jace with her. Clary is with her stepfather." Magnus smiled:" That's good news! Did you already have breakfast?" "Yes- but how does this matter?", Alec frowned. Magnus' grin just got brighter:" Well, then you can go to physiotherapy first and maybe you can walk out of the room to greet them? Jace hasn't seen you walking yet." Alec grinned:" I bet Izzy put the video she made on her instagram story." Qucikly, Alec checked. And he was right. 'So beyond proud of my bro', it said. Suddenly, Alec had to try to suppress his happy tears. "Hey? You fine?", Magnus asked. ALec nodded:" Yeah, I am getting a little emotional over here." "Let me see.", Magnus demanded and snatched Alec's phone out of his hands. "Awh...", he sighed. Then he snuffled:" Wow, that's real cute. I am proud of you too, Alexander." Alec chuckled, still trying not to cry:" You're not helping Mags." He chuckled:" I know. But your time in the hospital is over soon and I have to tell you that I am so grateful you recovered so well. And I am proud of your achievements." Alec grinned:" You know, there is one good thing about this whole situation. I got to know you. I made an amazing friend. And even though I will be out of hospital, we can still keep contact." Magnus nodded:" Of course we can, Alexander." Then, Magnus helped Alec into his wheelchair and drove him to the hospitals' physiotherapy department. "Okay, so you do your physiotherapy here. I will pick you up in half an hour."; Magnus said. Alec smiled:" Okay. See you then." "Make some progress buddy. You can do this." Alec nodded:" Thank you. I'll try." Then Magnus left Alec and made his way to the doctors' office. "Hey!", Cat greeted, enthusiastic as always. "Hey.", Magnus replied. "Hey, what's up?", Cat asked. Magnus shrugged:" I'm weird. Never mind." Cat frowned:" Oh hell yes, I do mind! Now you better tell me what's going on, Bane, because you know I won't leave you alone till I know it all." Magnus chuckled:" Yes, I know. It's Alec. I mean I am grateful he recovered so fast and stuff but I just don't want him to leave my side." Cat padded Magnus' shoulder:" I totally get it. Bonding to patients like you bonded with Alec is really rare. And I think it's a friendship that will last even throigh distance." Magnus sighed:" I don't want distance, Cat. I want him close to me. All the time. I am staying in hospital as long as my sleep sheudle allows me to because I want to be near him. I want to hold his hand and help him." SUddenly, Catharine inhaled sharply:" Magnus, are you- Are you saying you are in live with Alec?" Magnus swallowed:" I doon't know. I mean duh, obviously I am. Why am I even trying to lie to myself? Yes I love him." Cat exhaled:" Oh lord, okay, this makes this way harder than expected. And is he-?" Magnus nodded:" He is. He is gay." "That's awesome!", Cat cheered, "I mean I don't have to tell you that I already absolutely ship it." "Thanks.", Magnus said and looked after some other patients. Time flew by and the thirty minutes he had to wait before he could pic Alec up passed like noting. WHen he reached the physiotherapy room Alec was already finished. He looked exhausted but happy. Little pearls of sweat ran down Alecs face. "How was it?", Magnus asked. "Good. Exhausting, but good.", Alec replied. Magnus smiled. He knew Alec would do amazing, he was a fighter after all. "So, we have fifteen minutes until Jace and Iz arrive. Speed run to the room, little refreshment and then walk out?", Magnus suggested. "Hell yes!", Alec laughed. Magnus laughed. How much he missed this laugh. "Let's go!", he screamed and started running, pushing Alec's wheelchair in front of him. "Wohooooooooo!", Alec screamed. Magnus laughed from the bottom of his heart. Four minutes later they arrived at Alec's bedroom. "Usain bold is quaking.", Alec laughed. "Indeed.", Magnus gasped, "But that has been one hell of a workout." Alec just continued laughing:" Now we both smell like sweat. Wonderful." Magnus made his way to Alec's room and grabbed his deodorant. "This is not really hygenic.", he said, " but it's better than your siblings dying because of bad smell." "It is.", Alec chuckled. After the whole room was filled with deodorant instead of oxygen ALec started gasping:" Well, I need air." Magnus caughed and opened the window. As he leant out of it he could see Isabelle and Jace walking towards the building. "Alec, it's showtime.", he said. After a short discussion they decided that Magnus would bring the wheelchair, just in case. Then Alec got up and slowly started walking. He has practised a little and the physiotherapy was really helping. "Okay, let's go.", Alec said and Magnus opened the door so he could get out quickly. Then both of them made their way towrds the elevator. Magnus pushing the wheelchair in front of him, Alec walking on his crutches. They were about to reach the elevator as the doors opened. Alec could see his siblings right away. Out of a sudden, Jace gasped as he saw Alec. "Alec.", he whispered in disbelief. A single happy tear escaped his eye. Alec started smiling:" Hi." Then Isabelle just started laughing, tears of joy ran out of her eyes. Magnus grinned:" It was an amazing surprise." "You are walking again...", Jace said in astonishment. Alec giggled:" Yes I am. And it feels almost as amazing as being able to look down onto you again."

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