Chapter twenty-three

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"So are we throwing an overnight party like when we were teenagers?", Jace asked immediately after Magnus left. Alec frowned:" I don't think that would be a good idea, honestly." Jace looked disappointed. Suddenly, his face lit up:" What if we replace all the alcohol with water- we can still eat snacks." Alec shrugged:" I would feel weird eating Magnus' stuff." Jace shrugged and got the duffel bag:" Well, it's not only your stuff in here, I also brought snacks. A lot of snacks. I already thought Magnus might ask me to stay here." Alec chuckled:" Well, show me what you got." With a suspicious grin Jace pulled out a huge pack of flaming hot cheetos. Alec rolled his eyes:" Man, that's not fair. You know I can't resist when it comes to cheetos." Jace grinned:" I know you brother. Considering the fact you haven't had any for the last two weeks makes me doubt you are the real Alec Lightwood, because the Alec Lightwood I know wouldn't be able to survive that." "Maybe this whole world is just a lie and everyone around you are robots and the IT people forgot to put my obsession with cheetos in the robots' Programm. You never know.", Alec winked. Jace lifted his brows:" That just got real deep real fast. Are you sure you are taking the right meds darling brother?" Alec rolled his eyes again and laughed. "Hell yes!", Jace exclaimed, " Fuck all of this deep shit, you are Alec. That combo of annoyance and laughter is too special, there is no way any crackhead on planet earth could artificially recreated it. I officially tricked you, dear conspiracy." Alec laughed out loud:" Bro, are you sure you don't have a drug issue we have to talk about?" Then both of then got the giggles. The extreme version of the giggles. Jace and Alec laughed for ten minutes straight, until the both just laid on the couch, gasping for fresh air. "I can't remember the last time we did this.", Jace sighed, trying to hold back the laughter. " Me neither.", Alec said. "Bro, imagine someone would see us- two adult men doing the most childish thing ever. Remember how it used to feel childish doing this at the age of twelve?" Alec nodded:" Yeah, bro, we felt so mature and grown up. Dude we were twelve. Fucking twelve." Jace laughed:" I remember us getting our first facial hair- bro we were so proud of this fuzz." Alec cried out in laughter:" I remember you were so jealous nobody noticed you were getting facial hair because it was blond." Jace rolled over laughing:" Yeah, Jesus. And you used to be so insecure about the hair on your stomach. Do you remember how we tried to shave it?" Alec was dying of laughter- this was a memory he would never forget in his entire life. "Like we felt so cool. And mature. We thought we were important to this universe. The older you get, the more unimportant you feel.", Jace said. "Yeah. But it's depressing to see so many dreams and visions burst apart like little bubbles. Imagine what progress people could do when there wouldn't be society bounding you to certain standards.", Alec replied. Jace nodded:" Imagine if there were no society that would tell you what's wrong and what's right, nobody to critique you for your crazy ideas. Imagine we would live in a society that would allow us to think big- imagine what we could achieve. Imagine we could do crazy stuff without being labeled as weirdos, living our lives to the fullest without the pressure that society puts on us. You had to confess that you are gay. You had to reach out to our parents and tell them. And it was a big deal. But why? Because society tells us to stick to certain standards and if not, to excuse ourselves. But in the end, who you love doesn't matter to anyone but you. Nobody should care." "Imagine a world without borders without limits, a borderless union of creative brains that work together to bring us forward. So many ideas are labeled crazy or unrealistic but in the end, who decides what is realistic and what isn't? Who decides what's crazy and what's not? It's all society.", Alec added. "Here we lay, dreaming of a world it could be. But in the end, it is what it is.", Jace said. And then they just stared there, staring out of the window and watching the New York Lights. "Did we just go from our first facial hair to heavy criticism of society?"; Jace interrupted the silence. Alec laughed:" I guess we did. Anyways, give me those damn cheetos I am starving." Jace laughed and threw the back at his brother. "So, as we can't really party, what about watching a movie?", Jace suggested. Alec nodded thankfully- he actually was very tried but he was really enjoying the time he was spending with his brother so he didn't want to go to bed just yet. After a rather short discussion they started watching a comedy about two boys which were challenged by puberty and all of that stuff. It was probably meant for young boys but it was a fun thing to watch. Surprisingly, they could relate to a lot of scenes shown in the movie. Not now, but they remembered all those teenage problems they had to deal with. School, insecurities, love, family... It was actually funny to see that some things seem to stay like this forever. "That movie was kind of cute.", Jace said two bag of cheetos and one chocolate bar later. Alec nodded:" It really was. But I would go to bed now- I am tired as hell." Jace yawned and nodded:" Couldn't agree more. Just make sure you took your meds and stuff, I don't want Magnus hating me for not taking good care of you." Alec laughed:" Alright. You can already change, I'll join in a minute." "Alright.", Jace said and left.         

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