Chapter five

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Isabelle got to her car and quickly drove home. She was relieved and doctor Bane seemed kind so there was no need to worry. She took some deep breaths. Jace decided to join her because Simon and Isabelle lived closer to the hospital than he did. "Do you think Simon can borrow me some clothes of his?", Jace asked. Izzy nodded:"Sure. At least I have no Idea why he couldn't." Jace nodded:" That's good, then. Because spending the rest of the night in jeans doesn't seem to be too comfortable." Isabelle grinned:" I can imagine." Finally they reached Izzy's home. As she rang the doorbell Simon opened immediately. "Hey.", He sighed and pulled his girlfriend into a hug. When he finally let go of her he also hugged Jace and welcomed them in. "Have you stayed awake all that time?", Isabelle asked. Simon nodded:" Sleeping didn't seem to be an option. Also, I was worried. Alec isn't related to me but he is a close friend of mine." Izzy nodded:" I understand." Simon grinned:" And I made you coffee. Want some?" Jace nodded thankfully and followed him into the kitchen where he could already smell the coffee." "Thanks man.", He said and padded Simon's shoulder. He remembered how Simon and him used to hate each other. Now they were really close. Jace, Izzy and Simon sat down and enjoyed the coffee. It was surprisingly hot and Isabelle almost burned herself. Some minutes later she stood up and went to the bedroom where she changed into some gray sweatpants and a warm yellow hoodie. Quickly she looked into the mirror: Usually she wouldn't go out like this. But what was usual about this? With a sigh she got back to the kitchen:" Si, can you help find Jace something comfortable? Sweatpants or something would be great." Her boyfriend nodded and accomplished Jace into the bedroom. "So you just want anything comfortable?", Simon asked. Jace nodded:" Yeah. Anything comfortable that fits me." Simon grinned. That was not too hard as Jace and him were approximately the same size. After some seconds he pulled out black sweatpants and a blue hoodie with a small batman on his chest. Jace grinned:" Is there anything non-nerdy in your collection?" Simon shrugged and pulled out a white shirt saying 'star wars' all over it:" Apart from this, the blue hoodie is the most casual thing I own." Jace chuckled and thankfully changed into the comfortable clothing. "Jace are you ready?", Izzy shouted. Jace nodded:" Sure. I'll be right there." Then he quickly grabbed his phone and his keys and followed Izzy to the car.

"So, mister Lightwood, you are almost done with your tests.", Doctor Bane announced. Alec grinned:" You know, you can call me Alexander. Or Alec, like everyone does." Magnus chuckled:" Then I am happy to do so. You can call me Magnus as well. As we will have to spend some time together this might be helpful." Alec smiled:" Cool. Anyways, what are the results saying?" In that moment Izzy and Jace knocked at the door. "Hey!", Alec and Magnus greeted. "Hi. Did you finish the tests?", Isabelle asked. Magnus nodded:" Yes. Sit down, then I can talk to you about the results." Jace and Izzy did as they were told, meanwhile Alec was still tied to his bed. "So, first of all I have to say that there is no spine damage and the brain, apart from a little concussion isn't damaged as well. This is really good news. But, Alexabder lost a lot of blood due to the spleen rupture so he will be pretty weak and maybe feel a little sick. Now he seems super healthy but this is the medicine. As we will give him less and less medicine he will feel more pain and be weaker." Isabelle grinned:" He behaves like he's high or something." Magnus nodded:" This is typical. He is under the influence of heavy pain killers. But, let's continue. His left thigh is definitely broken, but there is no need in surgery, also a heavy thorax contusion. As you already know, he broke two ribs and one of them stabbed the kidney so we had to remove it. This was a heavy surgery but you were incredibly lucky that this was it. It could have turned out a lot worse. Also you have sprained your right shoulder and your left ankle but those are small injuries." Jace sighed in relief, so did Alec and Izzy. "Yes, Alec, you really have been crazily lucky." Alec smiled. "So what about medication?", Jace asked. Magnus nodded:" Good point. Alexander will be put under some pain medication and of course medication against the low blood pressure caused by the massive blood loss. The thigh will recover on its own, same will the shoulder, the ribs and the ankle. The spleen has been perfectly fixed in surgery, we just checked on that. As the thorax contusion may cause troubles with breathing we may put on an oxygen mask just to help with the breathing. A thorax contusion is painful but not too dangerous. "How long do you think will I have to stay in hospital?", Alec asked. " Of course it depends on your body and how fast recovery is going but I would say approximately ten days. Of course your thorax contusion or your sprains won't be healed completely, neither will your thigh but that's the time it is definitely safe for you to go home. Izzy smiled:" That's good to hear." "Of course if he gets home he would still need someone to help him with certain things and to take care of him but at least he doesn't have to be in the hospital anymore." Jace smiled and bit his lip. This could be a problem. But, they.will figure this out later, he decided. Somehow. "If you have no questions left I would leave you guys alone and see you in an hour to check.", Magnus said. After he said goodbye to everyone he left.

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