Chapter nineteen

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"Man, I still can't believe it!", Jace exclaimed. Alec laughed:" Come on, what did you expect?" Jace shrugged:" I don't know. But definitely not you walking again." Alec chuckled:" It's not really walking yet. More like limping on crutches." "It's pretty good though. Alexander is making some amazing progress.", Magnus said. Isabelle grinned:" I hope so. Alec, how is your chest?" Alec pulled a grimasse:" Well, it's okay. Hurts but bearable." Jace shrugged:" That's something, at least." Magnus nodded:" It really is. We can be so grateful it's just his chest that's still problematic. They kidney removal went good, he got through all the surgeries without any problems. He really is recovering. I already assigned his dischargement for wednesday. So, he has just two more days in here." Weirdly, nobody smiled. Alec looked around. It was obvious he wasn't too enthusiastic about leaving Magnus but he was wondering why neither Isabelle nor Jace seemed to be happy about it. The room turned awkwardly silent and Alec noticed Jace was playing with his family ring he wore on a necklace. This was a typical gesture for Jace. He always dis this when he was nervous about something. ALec could technically smell something was wrong here. "Guys, what's wrong?", he asked. Isabelle just turned away and said nothing. Jace exhaled:" Fine. We've got a problem." Alec frowned:" Okay? Would you mind telling me what all of this weirdness is about?" Jace sighed:" See, I am sorry I haven't been there for you these past day. It has been a lot wih Clary. And as much as I wish I could, I cant rip myself into two parts. And I have to decide between you and Clary. And I choose Clary because Isabelle chose you and it seemed equal. And now I am about to choose Clary again. And I feel horrible because of it. Alec, you're my brother." Then Jace turned silent. ALec just shook his head:" Izzy, what the fuck is this about?" "Should I leave?", Magnus asked but Alec denied immediately. He took Magnus hand and Izzy started talking:" So, we have a problem concerning you coming out of hospital. I am due in a few weeks and you can't live with us. Pur appartment is incredibly small and with me being pregnant, all the new furniture standing everywhere, there is no space. It wouldn't work out. The thing now is, some secrets Jocelyn has been hiding showed up. Clary had to find out Jocelyn hasn't paid for their appartment in a little less than a year. The appartment is being taken away from her." Alec closed his eyes and sighed:" I see. The place I lived with Jace is completely occupied by Clary and Jace and obviously there's no more space at your place." Jace swallowed:" DOn't get me wrong. I just don't feel comfortable with leaving Clary alone in a new apartment, and you clearly can't live in an appartment all on your own yet." Alec nodded:" I see. Jace, relax, I am not mad or something. I get it. I would've done the same thing." "Would you?", Jace looked up. "Totally.", Alec submitted. Then Jace started smiling:" Man, that's such a relief." Then he pulled Alec into a hug. "Careful-fragile.", Alec chuckled and so did Jace. After that quick happiness, the situation turned serious again. "So, what are we going to do?", Alec asked. Out of a sudden, Magnus cleared his throat:" Not to interrupt, but I may have an Idea. He could stay at my place. I work in the night shift so usually there would always be someone there. Also a close friend of mine, Vivien, comes over quite often to look after the cats if I am busy so she could also help Alexander. She is going to be a nurse so she will be more than happy to do that." Isabelles eyes widened:" You would do that, Magnus?" He nodded:" Sure. Alec became a close friend of mine, why wouldn't I help a friend in need?" Jace straightened up on the chair he sat on:" I mean this would cause a lot of inconviniences. We really can't accept you doing that for us." Magnus shrugged:" Why not? I really am totally fine with this and you don't seem to have any other choice. Alec, what do you think?" Alec really tried to supress a smile, but he couldn't help it:" Honestly, if it's fine with you, Magnus, I would love to." Magnus smiled as well:" THen, let'S call it a deal people!" Isabelle bit her lip:" This is really okay for you?" Magnus laughed and rolled his eyes:" Of course it is! I am grateful to have ALexander close to me for some longer time." Jace smiled and grabbed some cups you were supposed to place your toothbrush in and filled them with water. Then he handed one of these cups to everyone:" Not as good as champagne but it will do the job as well. To fabulous, magnificent doctor Magnus Bane!" MAgnus flushed as everyone cheered:" Thank you guys. THat's really not necessary." Isabelle smiled:" I am beyond grateful. We all are." Jace nodded. Alec meanwhile did nothing. "Alec?", Isabelle asked. "Yes! Uhm I am just still in shock that Jace knows words like magnificent and fabulous. Literally, I am shook to my bones." Jace grinned:" He's got a point. I myself had no idea where that came from." Isabelle laughed:" You two are hilarious." Magnus nodded:" They are. Adorably hilarious." Isabelle sighed:" Wow, I am so grateful we solved this. Magnus, if it gets too much or you need anything, you can always hit us up!" Magnus laughed:" Thanks, Izzy. I really appreaciate it. But I doubt there is too much Alec." "That's what he said!", Jace shouted while dying of laughter. Meanwhile Alec flushed. "Awhhh, he's blushing!", Isabelle giggled. That clearly didn't help because Alec's facial tone started to compete with the red first aid kit on the wall. "Guys stahppppppp.", Alec laughed. Then everyone started laughing. 

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