Chapter thirteen

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Isabelle woke up because the golden sunlight made its way through the curtain which covered the large windows in her bedroom. "Good morning sweetheart.", Simon sighed. "Good morning.", Isabelle yawned. It was already pretty late but Isabelle was glad she finally got to catch up on her sleep. The past days have been incredibly busy. She felt bad about not being with her brother too much but he ensured he had good company with Magnus. Today a friend of Clary was joining her in the hospital so Jace would also get some sleep. The circles underneath his eyes were as dark as never before. Still, he planned on visiting Alec later because he felt even worse than Isabelle about not seeing him. Not that Isabelle cared less, she just knew spending time with Magnus would probably please Alec more than talking to his sister. Although talking to Jace was something different. They lived together, but didn't spend too much time together anyways. They both usually came back from work bone tired, got some food and fell asleep. "How do you feel?", Simon interrupted her thoughts. "I'm good.", Isabelle replied and rolled over to look in her boyfriends' huge deep brown eyes. He grinned:" You look beautiful." Isabelle smiled. "Thank you." "So, are our plans for today still working out." Isabelle nodded:" Yes, they are." They planned to go to the gynecologist for one of the final topics. Also, the gynecologist said it was maybe possible to see the child's sex. After that they planned on doing some shopping for the baby. Luckily, Jace, Simon and Alec painted the walls in the baby room a week before the accident. It was entirely white, but one wall was covered in gray stars. Every time she walked past it she knew soon there will be her baby lying in there. She smiled and made her way out of bed. It got harder from day to day and the baby bump started to really annoy her but she was really grateful her pregnancy was going great so far. "When is our appointment with the gynecologist?", Simon asked. Isabelle chuckled and rolled her eyes. This was typically Simon. He couldn't even keep the simplest dates in his head. It was insane. "In one hour and ten minutes, honey.", Isabelle replied. "Thanks babe.", Simon said and vanished into the bathroom. "Hurry, I got to pee.", Isabelle shouted and then made her way to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. She got two bowls and poured some natural yoghurt in there. She sweetened it with a bit of honey and cut some bananas and a mango to mix it with the yoghurt. "You prepared breakfast?", Simon asked. "Yes, I am perfect, I know.", Isabelle said and got to the bathroom. She put her hair up into a  messy bun. Quickly, she played with the thought of just going outside in those sweatpants and the sweater she wore for sleeping. "Being pregnant is no excuse for looking like a homeless.", she whispered and put her hair down again, brushed it and braided a little braid from her forehead to her left ear. Then she applied some mascara and concealer. In her bedroom she changed into a cozy woolen dress. It was comfortable and it looked good. When she got to the kitchen she immediately smelled the tea Simon brewed. Usually they would drink coffee but as drinking too much coffee was bad for the baby, she had tea in the morning. Out of solidarity, Simon joined her on her coffee- detox. That was what they called. It sounded better than 'my girlfriend isn't allowed to drink coffee and because I am a good guy I am supporting her'.  Coffee detox sounded as if they decided to do it. "Wow, you look fabulous.", Simon said when he saw his girlfriend. She chuckled:" Is today national day of compliments or what's wrong?" Simon chuckled:" I am just saying what I think." Isabelles eyes got teary- hormones. Usually, she didn't tend to get too emotional but now she started crying because of the smallest things. For example her boyfriend complimenting her. "I love you.", she sighed and gently kissed his lips. "I love you too.", he replied after returning her kiss. Then they sat down and had their tea and yoghurt. Afterwards Simon got dressed and they finally drove to the gynecologist. Luckily it wasn't too far away so they arrived perfectly on time. "Miss Lightwood, mister Lewis, doctor Zachariah is already waiting for you.", the nurse said. Thankfully, they made their way to the treatment room. There, as expected the gynecologist already waited. "Hello! So, what is it today?", he greeted. "Hi. It's just a control and the gender reveal." Doctor Zachariah smiled:" A special moment. You brought your husband?" "Boyfriend.", she replied grinning. The doctor gave Simon a look:" You should propose. Asap." All three laughed and Isabelle laid down on the cot. Immediately, the doctor started with the ultrasonic. "It has grown. I guess pregnancy is almost over.", doctor Zachariah said. Isabelle nodded:" I think so too I will be due in three weeks." Doctor Zachariah smiled:" I can tell. It will be a big baby, that's for sure. And everything looks fine." Isabelle's nerves tingled. She was incredibly excited to find out whether they were having a boy or a girl. The cool gel the doctor used for the ultrasonic felt weird on her skin. "Are you ready to find out about the gender?", doctor Zachariah asked. Isabelle could hear Simon gasp. He took her hand. "Can you see it?", Isabelle asked quietly. The gynecologist nodded:" Yes. It's clear. Are you ready?" Smiling, Isabelle nodded. "Sooooo,", the doctor said. Isabelle has never been so nervous and excited. Not that Sion or her preferred a gender but it was really exciting. "It's a boy!", doctor Zachariah cheered. Isabelle squeezed Simon's hand:" It's a boy!"; she laughed. Happy tears escaped her eyes. "It's a boy.", Simon yelped and kissed Isabelle. "it's a boy.", she whispered. A boy. She couldn't stop smiling. After the examination was finished they left the doctor hand in hand. "A boy- its unbelievable.", Simon sighed. Isabelle chuckled. She couldn't remember the last time she felt that happy. Suddenly her phone rang. As the picked up she heard it was Jace. He sounded anxious:" Izzy, I need you to come to the Brooklyn hospital center now. Clary called. It's getting worse."         

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