Chapter thirty-seven

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"Doctor Bane, there has been a huge accident at an amusement park, a part of a Rollercoaster got stuck in the tracks and the seatbelts were released! We need you there now!", Raphael screamed. "Okay, got it!", Magnus replied and grabbed Dot by her sleeve. "Hey, what...?", She asked but immediately was interrupted by Magnus:" You're the only other accident physician that I can rely on in a case like this." Without a comment, they stormed out of the hospital and sat into the ambulance that was waiting for them. "We'll have to be there in five!", He screamed as the doctor started the car. He noticed Dot was biting her fingernails. "Hey, what's wrong?", He asked. "This kinda is my first time going on an outdoor mission.", She whispered ashamedly. "Oh come on, you've got this. You're amazing.", Magnus said and wiped off the sweat from his forehead. Luckily, the teams that arrived earlier already did part of the work. "Everyone, I need your attention!", He screamed into his megaphone as they arrived at the amusement park, "Everyone who hasn't been on that rollercoaster must leave this park now! Everyone who can walk without external aid must go to the entrance of the park- there are other doctors there ready to help you." As Magnus noticed that the crowd started to move he got to the group of doctors waiting for him. "I am doctor Magnus Bane and this is doctor Dorothea Rollins, we are from the New York Methodist hospital, we need an overview of the situation now!", Magnus said. There wasn't time for small talk and politeness now. "Great, over there,", one of the doctors said and pointed at a big hall looking like a casino, "everyone collected the victims that were thrown off the Rollercoaster. Those are the worst injured victims. There are still a couple of people stuck in the Rollercoaster which have to be freed as it's very dangerous up there. There has been some sort of IT error so we have no clue what will happen next. The error hasn't been fixed yet so we have to get those people out of there, We can't be sure that the accident is already over." "Thank you.", Magnus replied and turned his back on his colleges. "Okay, dot you will go to the casino and help there. I know you can do it. I'll go up the rollercoaster and try to save the people up there. Did you understand?" Dot nodded:" Yes, Magnus. See you." "Alright.", He said, padded her shoulder and started running. The cold air made the sweat on his skin evaporate immediately. Luckily, there were lights all over the amusement park so he at least wouldn't have to work in complete darkness. It was almost midnight, his shift started less then an hour ago. For him that was good because he still was concentrated and had enough energy to handle the Situation, for the victims this was rather bad. "We have to get the people down as soon as possible! We will grab as many people as we can get and bring them down, we can't care about the treatment just yet, our priority is to get them from the rollercoaster! It's midnight, exhaustion will kick in in less than half an hour and if that happens we have a fucking problem!", Magnus commanded the other doctors on the plateau which was about to be lifted to get to the patients. Arriving on the top of the Rollercoaster, Magnus realized how bad the situation was. "Those are too many people!", He screamed, "We have to categorize! Children under fourteen years first!" Everyone obeyed to his orders and got the youngest patients down safely. "Okay, you guys go to those doctors over there, they will check on you.", He said and pointed in the direction of the doctors which gave him the overview earlier. Luckily, the kids did as they were told. "Okay, do we have anyone with severe illnesses up here?", He screamed. A young lady raised her hand. "Okay, we got to get her!", He commanded and everyone did as they were told. Like that, the patients got saved from the rollercoaster category by category. "Good job!", Some random doctor congratulated Magnus. "Thanks. You too.", He replied and rubbed to the Casino to check on Dot. Minutes later he found her. "Hey, how is the situation?", He asked concerned. Just from looking around he could see how severe the injuries were. "Terrible, to be honest. Could be worse, tho. Those people fell off a 10 meter high rollercoaster. It's good that we only have two dead people by now. It could've been a whole lot worse." Magnus nodded:" We have to concentrate on saving everyone else. Luckily, getting the people off the rollercoaster went quite well." "That's at least some good news.", Dot sighed and darted to the next patient. "Doctor Bane, this guy here has an open thigh fracture and needs your help.", Some doctor said and Magnus immediately got to the patient. "We have to take him to the hospital now!", He commanded, "I'll go with him, this is a very specific case. I am leaving doctor Rollins in charge." "Magnus, you can't leave me in charge, this is my first on field mission!", Dot contradicted but Magnus cut her off immediately:" I have no time for discussions, Dorothea, my patient is going to bleed out. You can do this, and I know that. When you will need help send the patients over to the hospital, I'll be there and extend my shift, when it takes that I'll take a double shift." "Okay, now go!", Dot said and left to take a look at a young man that was heavily bleeding from his back. "We are leaving for New York Methodist hospital ASAP!", Magnus yelled at the ambulance driver and they got going immediately. He grabbed his phone out of his pocket and dialed Raphael's number. "Raph? I am coming in with an open thigh fracture, the patient will bleed out, prepare the OR! I left For in charge on the field so from now on prepare for lots of patients." "Okay.", Raphael replied and hung up.

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