Chapter twenty

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"Okay, here we go!", Jace said and lifted Alec's duffle bag with all his things in it. Alec grinned. He looked around the room he spent the past ten days in- the bed, the mirror, the little bathroom, the nightstand- it was all so familiar. "Bye nasty-ass carpet.", He said, grinning. Isabelle got Alec his hoodie- as it was autumn, it was getting more and more cold outside. "Do you got everything?", Magnus asked. Jace nodded:" I guess so." Then Alec looked into his room one more time and walked out of it. This morning he got his last painkillers-infusion, the last checkup by Magnus. He would finally leave the hospital. He won't have to smell that sterile smell anymore, the smell of disinfectant gel and disposable gloves. Isabelle shut the door. Actually, this was the first time he saw Magnus dressed in anything else than the medical smock. He changed into white, irritatingly tight pants, a neon green sweater and leather boots. Alec liked it. It was pretty much the opposite of him though- black sweatpants, black hoodie, black trainers. They made their way to the elevator, but suddenly Catarina appeared:" Hi, I smell disgusting, I just got back from the autopsy but I really need to hug you one last time.", She said. Alec grinned:" Come here!" Smiling, she approached and pulled him in a hug. "Get home safely.", She said. Alec chuckled:" I will." Then she let go of him, hugged Magnus, Jace and Izzy and finally let them get downstairs. Alec looked around one last time and then followed Magnus to his car. Jace placed Alec's bag into Magnus' trunk. "Okay, see you soon buddy.", Jace said and hugged his brother. "See you.", Alec replied. "Get home safely.", Isabelle sighed and gave Alec a little kiss on the cheek. Alec smiled and kissed her on the forehead:" You too, sis." She chuckled. It has been an eternity since he last called her sis. He crouched into the car and placed his crutches next to him. "Okay guys, see you!", He said. "See you!", Isabelle exclaimed. Then Alec closed the car's door. Magnus sat down and started the engine. "You okay?", He asked. Alec nodded. In hospital, a psychotherapist came over a couple of times telling him he might dream of the crash or be afraid of driving. So far, luckily, he had no nightmares and at least sitting in the car wasn't making him feel anxious. "Okay, then let's go.", Magnus chuckled and started driving. Traffic was hell, as always, but Alec enjoyed it for the first time in his life. It was fun driving around in new York, seeing something different than those same three buildings he could see out of his hospital bedrooms window. "Feels good to be back, huh?", Magnus asked. "Yeah. Man, I missed the city.", Alec sighed. "Usually I take the subway.", Magnus said, "so later, in case you might need anything you could use my car." Alec grinned:" I guess it will still take a lot of time until my thigh is healed enough for me to drive again." Magnus chuckled:" I was just saying. Anyways, we're almost there." Alec looked out of the window again- he knew the neighborhood. It was still Brooklyn, but a more expensive part of it. The car stopped in front of a large brick house. "That's your place?", Alec asked. Magnus nodded:" Home sweet home. I have an Appartment in there." Alec grinned. Magnus helped Alec out of the car and both of them made their way to the house. Magnus unlocked the door and walked Alec to the elevator. As they stood there and waited for it to arrive, a door was opened and a man with long brown hair stepped out. Critically, he scanned both Magnus and Alec. Then he grinned:" Even taking cripples into your bed. Seriously, I thought better of you, Bane." "Screw you, Lorenzo.", Magnus hissed. Luckily the elevator arrived and they could escape the weird situation. "Who the hell was that?", Alec asked with a slightly insecure grin on his lips. Magnus scratched his head- it was obvious that the situation was very uncomfortable for him:" This is my neighbor Lorenzo Rey- he is kind of an asshole but he usually leaved me alone. He is pissed at me because he wants the apartment I live in. Still, it was a totally fair thing, the landlord decided I could have it because I have a more stable income than he does. He should've gotten over it." In this moment the elevator stopped and Magnus and Alec stepped out onto the corridor. "So, here we are. Welcome!", Magnus said and opened the door. Alec gasped- the apartment was way larger than the thought. As he entered he was in the corridor, on his left was a clothing room, on his right was the bedroom and a bathroom. At the end of the corridor was a huge open living room with not only some sofas and stuff but also a dining table and a kitchen. There was a door to the balcony and right next to it was an office. Also Alec found a spare bedroom and also a spare bathroom. "Wow, your place is huge!", he laughed in astonishment. Magnus grinned:" It is, but it's all kind of unnecessary. I mean, usually I am here all alone. Of course, sometimes I have friends over but yeah, it's a lot of space for only one person." Alec nodded:" True. But now you have a friend over for some longer time." Magnus laughed:" Also true. But, one question- as you know, I have a spare bedroom and if you want to go there. The thing is- I would have Vivien to stay here while you are here. And as we two probably won't sleep at the same time due to my working hours it might make more sense if you would sleep in my bed and Vivien would sleep in the spare bedroom. Still, this is totally up to you." Alec shrugged:" I really don't care. I mean what you said made good sense, so I don't mind sleeping in your bed." Magnus nodded:" Good. It's settled, then."  

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