Chapter fifty-two

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"How is he?", Magnus asked. Cat took a deep breath:" Stable, for now. Alive, but not good." "Oh my god.", Isabelle sighed in relief and a ton dropped off her chest. "Thank god.", Jace exhaled and pulled his sister in a hug. "Holy shit.", Vivien sighed and hugged Magnus tightly, "He made it. AGain. I always knew he could." Magnus bit his lip:" He's not done now." "Exactly."; Cat said, "Because we found what happened to him. Due to his massive blood loss at the accident and the heavy medication he was under and of course because of the loss of his one kidney his other kidney had a lot to deal with and also was damaged because of that blood loss. This is why Alec is suffering from kidney failure. Considering the fact he has only one kidney left, this is tragic. His kidney only works at its 40 percent at the moment which is very, very little and it's going down rapidly. Alec needs a transplant." Isabelles eyes widened:" How much weeks to we have to find a donor?" Cat cleared her throat:" Actually, we are talking about days here. He doesn't have a week. He needs it pretty much now, or he will die." Jace dropped his jaw:" Is there anyone to turn to?" Cat shook her head:" Jace, Magnus, Vivien, Isabelle, you have to be very strong now. Alec has a really rare blood type. We can't just transplant any random kidney. And even if we find a kidney that matches him, we can't be sure his body will work with it. We need this kidney as soon as possible because now it doesn't look like Alec's chances of surviving are high." "But there must be something we can do?", Isabelle asked wide eyed. "There is. You can sign yourself as donors, just in case your kidneys work with Alec's body. Family is more likely to carry the same blood type. But, you have to think about the risks...", Cat started explaining but Jace cut her off:" I don't care about the risks. I am not going to let my brother die. Not if I could have had the chance to help." "Me neither."; Isabelle said. "I am sorry, Isabelle, but due to your pregnancy we can't take your kidney.", Cat said, "But I would take Jace with me for a blood test and a questionnaire while you can go to room 221, Magnus will show you the way. Alec isn't awake yet." "Okay.", Magnus whispered and took Viviens and Izzy's hand to guide them through the hallways. "Here he is.", Magnus sighed and slowly opened the door to the room. It was a double room but the other bed was empty. He could hear the silent peeping of the machines keeping Alec alive. As he came closer, he could see his angelic face. The face he has fallen in love with the first time he saw it. The dark hair, the sharp jawline. The fluffy brows, high cheekbones, full lips, the pale skin. His accurately chipped fingernails, the soft skin of his hands, his muscular arms. The sweet black curls on his chest, the slight traces of a sixpack he maybe had once. Alec looked sick. His veins were purple on his face, the neon green light of the machines making him look inhuman and adding a yellow touch to his skin tone. His hair was disarrayed, his jaw restless. Like an angel just painfully descended to earth, abandoned from heaven because of having no wings. Alec looked so young, so vulnerable. He looked fragile, like a piece of porcelain. Like an egg whose shell might crack if you touch it. Isabelle dropped herself on the chair next to Alec and slowly took his hand. Magnus saw a tube leading to Alecs stomach, probably soaking up blood and urine. Luckily, Alec was covered with a blanket. It wouldn't have been nice for Isabelle to see her brother with a giant hole in his stomach. He should have known it. Magnus should've known better. The symptoms were basic. The water in his feet, tiredness, weakness, sickness, lack of appetite, his headaches... It was so obvious. Considering the history, he out of all should have noticed immediately. But he didn't. He was too busy with his own stuff, too busy to take care of the one person he loved the most. And this is where it got him- the love of his life way lying here and if God wouldn't bless them with a miracle, he will die. Alec will die. All because of him. Magnus knew he would never be able to get over it. Never. How could he live with the though of Alec being gone for one more second. "I feel so useless.", Isabelle sobbed, "There is nothing I can do for him. Nothing but hold his hand and cry. Magnus, how can I live without him? I can't organize my own brothers funeral. I can't go to Alec's funeral. Alec is my everything. How am I supposed to raise my child knowing I took away the best uncle it could ever have, just because I was too naive." "Hey, it's okay.", Magnus said and took Isabelles hand, but he knew it was not. He was not okay. Alec wasn't. And he felt what Isabelle said, "He won't leave us. I promise." "How can you promise something like that, Magnus?", Isabelle asked, her voice shaking. "Because I can't imagine it going any other way, Iz. Alec is good. Alec is more than good. Alec is too good to be taken from this world just like this. Not now and not ever.", Magnus stuttered desperately, trying to hold back his tears. He could never carry on without Alec. He couldn't loose the love of his life. And somehow he knew he wouldn't. He knew this miracle would come. It couldn't be any other way. It just had to. Little did he know who that miracle was.    

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