Chapter twenty-seven

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Isabelle woke up because of the buzzing of her phone. She had several missed calls, all from Simon. "Simon, what's wrong?", she asked. She heard a laugh from the other side:" Uhm, you're supposed to meet me at Ikea. Like, an hour ago." "Dammit!", Isabelle cursed, "I'm so sorry, I fell asleep. Mett you there in 15 minutes, okay?" "Sure.", Simon chuckled and hung up. Isabelle could literally punch herself- why did she always fall asleep? This already happened for the third time and she could only imagine how annoyed Simon must be. Luckily Ikea wasn't too far away so Isabelle just put on her boots, grabbed her jacket and got to the car. The baby should come in a month and with all that has happened, the baby room still wasn't ready. As Jocelyn's funeral was coming up and it would also be Alec's birthday soon, time was gold now. "Hey, here you are!", Simon said and hugged his girlfriend. "Yeah, I am so sorry I'm late.", she sighed. Simon just laughed:" It's fine, no need to worry. We still have enough time to get everything we need." As they walked into the bathroom section, Isabelle immediately discovered beautiful white towels. "Don't we have enough towels by now?", Simon asked and raised his brow. Isabelle rolled her eyes:" Enough for us, stupid. But not for the baby." Simon laughed- that was typical Isabelle. And because he knew how much she loved shopping at Ikea he just left her alone. After they left the bathroom department Simon already held a bunch of towels and a glass to put toothbrushes in. They moved in not too long ago so a lot of stuff was still missing. Quickly he grabbed a cart because it was almost obvious, he won't be able to carry it all by himself. Even though Isabelle told him she could also take some stuff, he didn't want her to carry more than he had to. And she was busy picking out all the decorations anyways. When they finally entered the childrens' department the cart was already half-way filled with decorations, pillows and other things. They already had a bed and a closet but they wanted another small closet to put the baby's diapers in. After Isabelle grabbed some pillows and a beautiful white lamp Simon finally got to help her with the little wardrobe. "I am not sure whether I should pick white or this light wood.", she sighed. Simon grinned:" I'd go with the wood to be honest. I think we already have white walls and it would make the whole room look like a doctor's office or something." Isabelle smiled and nodded:" You're right." Simon grabbed it and tried to get it into the cart. "Should I help you?", Isabelle asked concerned. "Nope, it's heavy.", Simon replied through his teeth. "That's why I'm asking.", Isabelle said. After Simon finally managed to put the package into the cart, he replied:" Look I really appreciate it but I want you to take care of yourself. Please just let me do the work, okay?" Isabelle sighed:" Fine. I just feel so fucking useless and bad for letting you do everything while I just sit around and do nothing. You're going to work and I have nothing to do all day anyways." Simon bit his lip:" I get it, okay. But you have to believe me- you do more than enough. You're carrying the baby. And that's something only you can do. And that's already difficult enough. When I at least help you with the work that has to be done at home, I feel less useless myself." Isabelle smiled weakly:" How did I deserve you, hm?" Simon grinned:" By just being the most awesome woman on planet earth, I would say." "You're crazy.", Isabelle whispered and kissed Simon on the lips. Now with the baby coming, they knew they wouldn't have so much time for themselves anymore so they tried to enjoy every second they had. After their little making-out in public was over they moved on to the plant's department where Isabelle chose a few. With a full cart they left Ikea and got to Isabelle's car. Simon went to Ikea by Subway so it all will have to fit into Isabelle's cars' trunk. It fit surprisingly well so they didn't have to waste too much time on doing that. "That was exhausting."; Isabelle laughed, "But successful." Simon nodded:" Yeah, it definitely took a lot of pressure off my chest." Isabelle nodded:" Now we just got to build all of it. But when that's done, the baby can come." Simon nodded:" But first I need something to eat. I am hungry." And that was why they immediately started cooking when they got home. While Simon was cutting the vegetables for the sauce, Isabelle already pre-cooked the pasta. They've been cooking together, lately. It became almost like a ritual and both Simon and Isabelle were really enjoying it. Quickly afterwards the past was finished, and so was the sauce. "That tastes so good!", Simon sighed when he tried it. Izzy smiled:" It really does. That recipe is so good." Simon nodded and they had their dinner in silence. "Do you want to watch a movie?", Isabelle asked. Simon shook his head:" If that's fine with you, I'd like to finish the baby room first. I know it's quite late but I just like to have things done before I go to bed." Isabelle smiled and kissed him on the forehead:" I know. So, then, leave your plate here I can clean the table." "Thanks so much, love.", Simon said and stood up to finish building. Quickly, Isabelle cleaned the kitchen and put all the plates into the dishwasher. Afterwards she changed in even more comfortable clothes and lied into bed. Quickly she checked her phone. Jace and Alec have trash-talked in their 'Lightwood-chat', on her Instagram there weren't many news either. Simon posted a new Instagram picture: It was at work where he showed the framed ultrasonic picture they made last week standing on his desk. "Keeping some free space for my baby. #daddytobe ", said the caption. Isabelle smiled and closed her eyes.

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