Chapter three

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Magnus was nervous. Surgery was taking longer than expected which usually wasn't a good sign. He couldn't say why but he was afraid this time. He was afraid that mister Lightwood wouldn't make it. Maybe it was because he has just talked to his family- his brother and his pregnant sister. What a trio. He never had siblings himself and he didn't really have parents either but Ragnor and Catarina became his family. Imagining this would have happened to one of them gave him a weird feeling. Then, suddenly the door of the OR was opened and Catarina stepped out and waved Magnus in. "I will be right back.", he said to the siblings and left. "Do you think everything is alright?", Izzy asked. She was nervous and scared. "I am sure.", Jace lied. He wasn't sure, nobody could but as her big brother he felt like it was his duty to comfort her. "You seem tense. You aren't sure what to think either, are you?", Izzy asked. Jace sighed. He was a bad liar. And a bad comforter. "You don't believe what you say yourself, do you?", she asked. Her hands were shaking. "Hey, I am sure he will make it. He's a fighter." Jace bit his lip. He just hoped Isabelle believed him, because he didn't. He wasn't sure. He was on his phone, checked the breaking news and saw the picture of Alec's car on there. It was completely flipped over. He wasn't sure if a human being could possibly survive that. Jace hasn't shown the picture to Izzy, he didn't want to scare her more than necessary. She doesn't have to see this.
The minutes passed by but it seemed as if they were waiting for eternities. Long eternities. Never-ending eternities. Eternal eternities. Jace's hand begun to sweat. What if-? No. He shouldn't even think about the worst case. He looked at Isabelle. Surprisingly she seemed pretty okay. His sister was sentimental, usually. "You okay?"; Jace asked. She nodded:" Yes. Worrying won't help anyone here." I nodded. Absolutely true. Worrying doesn't help anyone. Jace was nervous. He didn't know what to think about. Definitely not about Alec, he will go crazy if he would do so. About Izzy's baby? There wasn't much to think about. Isabelle didn't tell anyone which gender it will have. Jace was sure it was a boy. But you could never know. Jace could think about his job. He was a lawyer but there were no interesting clients at the moment. His client was an elderly lady that  was in a tight with her siblings about the family heritage. Her siblings claimed that she got more than she should get. The case itself was really boring but the lady was really obstinate so still this case was a lot of work. She kind of annoyed him because it was totally clear that she lost this fight. He has fought for her as well as he could for the past few months but she always tried one more time. It was really exhausting. It would be a lot easier and cheaper to give her siblings these 300 dollars but for her it was a fight about the principle. She felt as if her younger siblings were always against her so this wasn't only about the money, but more about justice. In her opinion it was right that she got more than her siblings. It was a thing you couldn't solve with laws, it was a moral fight. And these kinds of cases were the most exhausting. What do you think about when your brother is in surgery and getting his kidney removed? Jace sighed. The waiting made him sick. What should he expect? Then, luckily, doctor Bane entered the room. Immediately, Jace stood up. "So, surgery went well, everything is fine. There is no more life danger." Jace breathed out in relief and started smiling:" That's so good to hear." Isabelle smiled as well. Her eyes were teary, you could see the relief. She has already prepared for the worst. She prepared for loosing Alec. But now that everything is fine she could only hope for fast recovery. Now that he was alive she was sure he will do a good recovery. "If you like you can follow me into wake-up room 1. He is still under anesthesia but when he wakes up you will be right besides him. Isabelle and Jace took each others hands and followed doctor Bane into the wake up room. Jace sharply inhaled when he saw Alec. His head and his face was okay but he had a huge bruise on his thorax and his abdominal area. His knee was swollen and there was another huge bruise on his left thigh. Some tears escaped Isabelle's eyes. Doctor Bane padded her shoulder:" You can be lucky he survived that without brain or spine damage. This is already a wonder." Isabelle sobbed and nodded:" I am grateful but still it's a horrible thing to see." Doctor Bane nodded:" For me it's not easy to see stuff like that either but he is your brother so it must be a million times worse for you." Isabelle nodded:" It is scary. But aren't you used to seeing heavily injured people?" Mister Bane shook his head:" I don't work here for too long. You need at least five years to get used to that. And still- your brother is so young. That's hard for every doctor. I truly wish him the best recovery." "Thank you.", Jace said and pulled Izzy in a hug. "Everything will be alright.", He said and pulled her even closer. "I hope so.", She cried. Jace nodded:" I am sure. This time I really am." Isabelle nodded:" I believe you." A tear escaped Jaces eye:" We can do this." "I will quickly text Simon everything is alright." , Izzy said. Jace let go of her and she sent Simon a short message. "When he wakes up we will still have to run a few tests on him.", Doctor Bane said, "We just saw the bleeding and immediately got him to surgery. On all the other, non-life-threataning injuries we have no information just yet." Jace nodded:" That's fine."

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