Chapter eight

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Alec woke up by the sunlight that shone through the window. As always, Isabelle was by his side. "Good morning.", she whispered. "Good morning."; Alec replied. He was feeling a little better today, although his whole body hurt. Of course, he would never admit that in front of Isabelle. SHe shouldn't be worrying about him. She had enough to do. "How are you?", she asked. "Fine.", Alec replied. His voice sounded rough. He was actually surprised by it himself. Isabelle smiled weakly. She had dark circles under her eyes. "You know you can talk to me, right?" Alec nodded. "How's Jocelyn?", Alec asked. Isabelle smiled a little more:" She still didn't wake up yet. The doctors have no idea whether she'll survive." "Crap.", Alec sighed, "Is Jace with her." Isabelle nodded. A tear escaped her eye. "Hey...", Alec whispered and wiped her tear away with his thumb.  "Come here.", he said and moved aside. Isabelle shook her head:" No. I don't want to risk hurting you." Alec rolled his eyes:" Come on. I'm not about to die or something." Izzy bit her lip:" I don't know if this is a good idea..." "What should go wrong?", Alec sighed. It was cute how protective his sister was but this was absolute nonsense. "Alright." Alec moved aside a little more and created space for his sister to lay down. "You look exhausted.", Alec said. "I am.", Izzy replied, "It's just a lot- You being in hospital, Clarys mother basically dying, Jace having no rest at all because he's with us or with Clary, the baby, Simon being alone all the time- it's just a little much to handle." Alec nodded:" I understand. If you want, you can visit Clary. I won't be mad or something. I mean- she's your best friend. Isn't that what you are supposed to be doing? Being there for her?" Isabelle smiled as another tear flowed down her cheek:" I know. But you're my brother. And I want to be there for you. But maybe we can change? I will be with Clary and Jace will be with you?" Alec shook his head:" No. You be with Clary and Jace should get some rest. I am taken good care of here. Besides- this Magnus guy is hot." Isabelle laughed:" Alec, you are unbelievable." Alec smiled as well and shook his head:" I am serious. Go be a good best friend and see Clary. I'll be fine." "You're the best.", Isabelle said and kissed her brother on the cheek. "So are you." Then Isabelle grabbed her bag and left the room. Alec exhaled. He was happy his siblings got a little time off. They deserved it. But, he wasn't alone for too long. Quickly afterwards someone knocked at the door. "Yes?", Alec said. Then doctor Bane stepped in. Both started smiling immediately. "Nobody here?", Magnus asked in surprise. Alec grinned and nodded:" Yup. Told them to take some time for themselves, their friends and their families." "Do yo have family?", Magnus asked. Alec shook his head:" Nope. I have been too focused on career so I missed all the dating- thing." Magnus chuckled:" Same." Alec's brows rose:" Really?" Magnus nodded:" Yup. Why does that surprise you." Alec shrugged:" I don't know. I couldn't imagine someone like you being single." Magnus laughed:" How do you mean that?" Alec shrugged again:" Uhm- I don't know. You seem really kind and you are handsome so what more could a woman ask for?" Magnus chuckled:" The same I could say about you." Alec bit his lip:" A woman- I don't know. A man- that's the question here." Magnus grinned:" Well that was a confident step out of the closet." Alec chuckled:" I don't see the point in hiding it. I like men. So what?" Magnus nodded:" I feel the same." Alec frowned:" Wait- are you gay as well?" Magnus shook his head:" Bisexual." Alec smiled:" Then I guess you have the largest choice of all." Magnus grinned:" Right." Then, nobody said anything for a few seconds. Suddenly, Magnus cleared his throat:" So- I actually came to check on your chest and thigh. Is everything feeling 'alright'?" Alec nodded:" Yeah. I'm fine. I imagined a lot worse actually." Magnus chuckled:" We are slowly minimizing the painkillers so if the pain gets worse instead of better- don't be surprised." Alec grinned:" Okay, I'll keep this in mind." "Still, I'll give you a painkillers infusion now, since we are having a tough time finding enough nurses. For it to run through will take about ten minutes- I'll wait with you if that's fine for you." Alec nodded, smiling:" Sure." Magnus sat down on the wheelchair in Alec's room:" So, what do you do as a job?" Alec smirked:" I'm an estate agent. It's a good business- lucrative, you get to travel a lot, meet new people. But of course it is really stressful from time to time." "I can only say the same about being a doctor. It does really fulfill me and I love helping people but the pressure is incredible." Alec nodded:" I can imagine. Isabelle is a journalist and Jace is a lawyer, all of us have time consuming jobs so it's rare that we spend as much time together as we do here." Magnus chuckled:" Well, at least there's something good about you being in hospital, then." Alec smirked:" You got to see things the most positive way you can." Magnus nodded:" That's true. Wise words." Then he got up to take the empty infusion bag. "Okay, so I will see you later.", he said. "See you.", Alec replied. Then Magnus left. Alec smiled- he was nice. Magnus was nice. They way he talked- he was wise, smart but also criminally attractive. "Nope, you didn't just think that.", Alec whispered, "It's all the meds' fault. It's the meds." But still- Magnus was really handsome. And that was a fact. He looked asian- maybe that was a potential topic to talk about in one of their future conversations, Alec thought. Noted.     

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