Chapter fifty-eight

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"How are you two lovebirds doing?", Isabelle asked as she walked into the room. The surgery was three days ago now and there hasn't been any complications yet so it looked like Alec's body was taking the kidney well. Magnus also seemed to be fine. "Good.", Alec chuckled," And you?" Isabelle grinned:" Pretty good as well. Due date is in a week and from now on it's the final countdown." Alec smiled. He couldn't wait to see the baby. Isabelle was so happy talking about her unborn child, it warmed his heart. "You will be an amazing mother.", Magnus said. Suddenly Cat came into the room:" Hey, sorry to disturb you guys but you should come over to the transplant department so that they can take a few blood tests." "Okay, I'll just come by later. I am running late to my last appointment with my gynecologist anyways.", Isabelle said and blew a little goodbye-kiss on both Magnus' and Alec's foreheads. "I feel like a child.", Alec smirked. Magnus just smiled:" Come on, it's cute how she is taking care of you." Alec rolled his eyes:" Legit can't wait to finally take care of myself again. Like I can't believe I was selling a huge mansion, full on in suit and tie and everything ten days ago and now I am back in this hospital getting myself wheeled over to the fucking transplant department. I mean how weird is that?" Magnus chuckled:" You can't say your life is boring." "I just want to get away from this insanity.", Alec replied and slowly sat up in his bed. "How did you manage to work anyways? I mean weren't you sick and dizzy?", Magnus asked curiously. Alec chuckled but regretted it immediately afterwards:" Ouch.", he said and held his stomach. He remembered when Magnus was killing him with all those jokes when he first got to hospital, "Uhm, well there has been a few situations. I mean when I was selling that Mansion the other day I was so dizzy I though I was going to pass out in front of my clients. So I went downstairs and puked into the garden." "Did they buy the house?", Magnus grinned. "Yup."; Alec chuckled," Made a great deal. They got the house with the garden plus my vomit in it." "That's what I call professional.", Magnus laughed and elegantly dropped himself into his wheelchair. He knew he could walk by himself already but he decided to play it safe. Luckily, his body was recovering extremely quickly as he has been given some medication to prepare the body for the surgery before the surgery. But of course, it was way heavier on Alec. The process weakened him, he almost died because his body had no kidney, than he almost died because his body had one half way matching kidney. It was a big change but Alec seemed to be strong enough. Luckily. Slowly, Alec got himself into the wheelchair as well. Like this the most difficult part was actually done. "Do you remember how you used to wheel me through the hospital?", He chuckled. "I do. And later we raced.", Magnus replied smiling brightly. "Should we-?", Alec asked and Magnus nodded:" Oh hell yes we should. Let's see if that training you had is paying off." Alec frowned and the two young men maneuverd themselves out of the little room into the hallway. "Three, two, one, go!", Alec commanded and they raced down that hallway as if there was no tomorrow. "God, you are fast!",Magnus laughed but Alec just kept on rolling. "This was so much fun.", Alec laughed as he stopped in front of the elevator, waiting for Magnus to arrive who was just a few seconds behind. "It was.", Magnus chuckled. The elevator stopped and they rolled in. Inside, there stood an elderly lady. "Oh, it's rare to see two young men both in wheelchairs- were you in an accident?", She asked. "Uhm, well, kind of. I mean, I was but he wasn't.", Alec stuttered awkwardly. "What my boyfriend is trying to say is that he lost both his kidneys and I donated him mine.", Magnus helped out, gaining a thankful gaze as a reward. "Oh, so you two are a couple? Are you gay, then?", She asked. It was something awkward about her, usually Alec would never expect anyone to address private stuff like this in public like asking strangers about their fates and sexualities but there was something so sweet about her how she just wanted to have a talk and was just really curious so you couldn't possibly say no. "Well, I am, he's not.", Alec chuckled. "I am bisexual.", Magnus explained," That means I love both men and women. The gender doesn't matter, the personality does." "That is really beautiful.", The lady replied," I really think more people should pay attention to each others personalities and not go by looks." Magnus nodded:" They really should." Then the elevator stopped and Magnus and Alec exited after saying goodbye to the lady. "Wasn't she a sweetheart?", Magnus sighed with a fat smile on his face. Random people sometimes really could make your day. "She was. And I didn't expect her to be that open minded, that's truly amazing to see.", Alec admitted. "I was surprised as well. But that just shows again we all shouldn't judge by the books cover.", Magnus said and Alec nodded:" Couldn't agree more. Anyways, how long do you think we will have to stay here?" "I think a couple of days, maybe a week. Depends on how recovery will be going but I can't wait to get out of here. Being the doctor is way more fun than being the patient.", Magnus laughed and Alec grinned:" I'll take your word for it, doctor Magnus Bane, the night shifts leading physician of the ER in New York Methodist hospital." Magnus burst out laughing:" That sounds like a kings title or something." "Well it's supposed to sound like one.", Alec admitted calmly, " 'Cause you're the king of my heart."

Alrightttt so a lil more malec happiness. I honestly got through this chapter's plot so quickly so why not add an adorable or not so adorable lady XD. I really do that a lot ooop- bit I think you get the cutest scenes out of it! Anyways,.hope you liked the chapter. If you have suggestions or requests for stuff to happen at the hospital, just comment! Otherwise I'll just go through with my own plot as planned. Have a good day/night, XOXO❣️

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