Chapter sixty-one

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"This must be Jace and Clary!", Magnus exclaimed as he opened the door. It was three weeks after the transplantation. Everything went great and Alec got all his stuff to Magnus' Appartment. Now he was officially moved in and as happy as he could ever imagine to be. Him and Magnus recovered well, Clary also seemed to be better and Isabelle and Simon slowly but steadily were adapting to Parenthood. Today was Thanksgiving and Magnus and Alec decided to host the family party. "Hey! Great to see you!", Clary exclaimed and hugged Magnus. They were bonding a lot via text messages and Alec was really happy to see her here. "Hi!", He greeted and pulled her into a hug. Her ginger hair was braided and she wore a flowy flower-print dress and a brown leather jacket. "Hey, bro. What's good?", Jace grinned and gave Alec a high five, "Smile looks good on you. Missed it!" Alec chuckled. He couldn't help but smile since he was here with Magnus. Everything just seemed better with him. And he never wanted to let go of this person. "Hi, Mags!", Jace greeted and entered the kitchen. "The turkey looks good. I hope it's not by Izzy?", He asked and Simon chuckled:" Very funny. I seriously was thinking about eating Max' baby food instead of the vegan, gluten free pasta Isabelle tried to cook yesterday. It was an experience, I will say so much." Jace laughed. In the living room Isabelle sat with Max. "Shush! He finally fell asleep!", Izzy whispered and put him on his little bed out of blankets. "Okay, ready to eat?", Alec asked. Magnus nodded:" But don't you think we should say what we are thankful for first?" Jace shrugged:" Okay, let's do it this way then." "I'll start.", Magnus said and remained standing wile everyone sat down:" I am thankful for all of you. I was so lonely before I met Alec and now that I am with him and his amazing family, I finally feel like I found my family. Alec, you're the love of my life. Simon, Clary, you're like my best friends. Jace, Izzy, you're the siblings I never had. Finding my family was the biggest gift God gave me. I have no words. I feel like my life is perfect at the moment. Yesterday,.I got the call- Asmodeus is dismissed. Jace, you saved my ass. From now on there is nothing holding me back. Without all your support I couldn't have done it. Thank you for being here." Isabelle had teary eyes and after the applause she stood up to say her toast next:" I am thankful for you, Magnus. You were like an angel that saved Alec, that saved all of us. You did so incredibly much for us, that's more than we can ever give back. But I also am grateful for my friends and family, now that everyone is healthy and happy. And I especially am thankful for my amazing boyfriend Simon who gifted me my beloved son, Max. Not it finally feels as if we are complete, as a family. I am thankful for this little miracle. And I forever will be." Everyone clapped their hands as Simon stood up:" I have no words. Everyone prepared speeches and I am speechless. I honestly couldn't wish for any better woman by my side than Izzy, any better son than Max who blessed my life and made me the proudest dad on this planet. I couldn't imagine any other best friend than Clary and there is no other pain in the ass that I love like I love Jace. There is no such perfection as you, Magnus and Alec. It really feels complete now, as a whole. As a family." Next up was Clary:" I have a lot to thank for. A lot has been taken from me. My mother. My one and only mother who I loved more than I could ever imagine. And that loss pushed me into a joke which I was sure I would never be able to crawl out of. Everyone supported me, even if it was accepting my absence. I know so much has happened and I am so sorry I wasn't there for you guys. And there is nothing I am more thankful for that your and especially Jaces support through these dark times. Jace has always been my steady stone, my rock, my crutch. I felt accepted. And I am beyond grateful for that." By now everyone had tears in their eyes. "So, I realized me and Simon are really similar- I also didn't prepare a huge speech. I must say, life threw quite some hands full of dust in my face. In all our faces. And whilst everyone else would suffocate because of it, we don't. We don't do suffocating. We don't do dying. We don't do giving up. We fight. Us, the Lightwood-Lewis-Bane-Herondale-Fairchild-Clan or whatever you want to call us is fighting. Together. Through accidents, through depressions, through loss, through heartbreak. We are always here for one another, in good and in bad times. And that's all that counts." Alec cleared his throat as he stood up. He was the last one to go. His hands were sweaty, his breath fast. He has never been that nervous. "It would be foolish not to thank for my life first ", he said," I am thankful to even be alive right now. To witness the birth of my nephew. To see everyone. I didn't only need one miracle to happen, I needed a couple ones. I must say, my guardian angel must really be a special one. And now that my guardian angel, Magnus Bane, is actually standing in front of me I need to say it to his face. Magnus, you were the best that ever happened to me. I love you unconditionally. I always have, I always will. You gifted me my life, a life filled with friends, delight, happiness. Magnus, there are no words to express my feelings for you. Nothing that shows how thankful I am for you, no words that show how much I need you." Alec took Magnus' hands and pulled him up to that they stood face to face, holding hands. Slowly, Alec got down. Down on one knee. Out of his jackets pocket he pulled a small, dark blue satin box and opened it, looking up to Magnus' teary eyes. Alec took one last deep breath. This was it: "Magnus Bane, I don't know you my whole life yet but everything I had without you wasn't a life. I want no life without you. I want nothing without you. I want nothing but you. Doctor Magnus Bane, will you marry me?" "How could I not want to marry the best man I have ever met?", Magnus sobbed through his tears. And everyone started clapping. This was perfection. This made it all worth it. Even though life looked hopeless, this is paradise.

Wow guys, I am in tears. This was it. This was hopeless. I seriously am heartbroken and crying so bad right now. On Thursday, there will be one last bit very special chapter coming. That's why I keep my comment here short. You will here from me on Thursday. I am speechless, I won't be able to thank you enough for the support. Thank you so much. It has been a honour. See you back on Thursday one last time.

XOXO, Ally

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