Chapter thirty-one

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Magnus was making his way to the hospital. The night was young and as always, he had no Idea what was about to come. It may be a rather relaxed night but it also can turn out really stressful. "Hey, how are you?", Cat asked when Magnus entered the room. "Good.", he replied and threw on his medicals scrub, not even stopping by his locker, just throwing his bag into the change room. "Sorry, I really am late and I have a lot of paperwork I have to do scince I didn't fo it last night. "Okay.", Cat said and left. In a hurry, Magnus moved on and hurried to his office. "Magnus Bane.", A very unpleasant voice said when he entered his office. He rolled his eyes- it was Asmodeus. Obviously. "What do you want, father?", Magnus snapped and threw himself onto his chair. "I am just here to tell you that you are one minute and tweny-three seconds latel." In annoyance, Magnus turned around: "Dad, are you serious right now?" Asmodeus smiled evilish:" You know, I realized I knew nothing about my son. And the only occasion I can talk to him happens to be at work." Magnus rolled his eyes:" You can't be fucking serious right now. I am at work. I am supposed to work. I have no time for your games." Luckily, in this second his phone rang. Without even thinking about it for one second he took the call. "Hey, Mags, I need you in the trauma room, we have a huge chemical explosion in a factory with approximately fifty victims, this will be one hell of a night and I need you to be ready." "I'll be there.", Magnus replied. "See you someday. It was so not nice talking to you, dad.", he added and darted out of the room. "Male in his early thirties, buried underneath some bricks, check for abdominal bleedings and his hips might be injured." one of the paramedics said and almost threw the patient at Magnus. Without a single second of doubt he brought the patient to the trauma room. What had to be done there was routine and Magnus was surrounded by highly capable doctors. They were a perfect team. Usually he didn't stress to much when he had to examine apatient but due to the overall atmosphere and the noises he heard from the outside he was sure the hospital was completely full. After he finished his part on the patient he got away from the crowd and called his college at another hospital. "Hey, we can't take any more people, we have no possibilities to take any more people in.", he said with a critical gaze at the long cue of patients that just were delivered on one shot. "Sorry, we can't help you we are entirely full.", his friend replied. Magnus cursed. "Magnus! We need rooms, those people are dying on our fucking hallway!", Raphael screamed. Magnus nodded and darted towards the computer to check for empty rooms. There were none. Not a single. Raphael looked at the plan sceptically:" Fuck! How are we supposed to deal with all those people?" Magnus bit his lip. He had an idea but he really didn't like it. Still, he had no other option. "We have to prioritize. Everyone who is stable is going to be brought to the hallways, the people with a critical sotuation get a room. There's no other possibility." Raphael looked at him afraidly:" But how are we going to categorize who is endangered enozgh to have a room and who can stay on the hallway?" Magnus shrugged:" We all have some medical education. I guess we will have to judge based on our feeling. There's no other way." Raphael nodded and got the megaphone:" Everyone listen! We are understaffe, have no rooms and are completely unprepared and overwhelmed with the situation. I am already apologizing for the inconveniences but we are trying our very bests. Staff, Magnus officially scaled this situation as a four, we go by the prioritize and selcet plan. It's the only way and we have to trust him now. Everyone, let's go!" Magnus heard only parts of the speech as he already was on his way to the OR to fix a patients broken rib that was dangerously close to the lunges. The hospital looked messy, it was busy and everyone was running around, screaming, trying not to freak. Magnus felt as if he was in a madhouse. More and more patients were coming and there was no space. He could already see the first people being brought to the hallways, complaining loudly. But there was nothing he could do. With a sigh, he stepped into the operation room. After completing his standart hygene routine he immediately started fixing the patient. And then came another patient. And another one. Like this, Magnus fixed six patients in the OR in a row. And the seventh was coming in. Magnus couldn't concentrate, sweat dropping from his forehead, his hands trembling. "I'm sorry, I can't. You will have to get doctor Bellcourt or someone else, I can't concentrate anymore." Then he ran out of the operation room. Unlike he imagined, the hospital was even more full than before. As he walked past a woman with a broken foot, he was held back by her husband:" Excuse me, my wife and be are waiting here for six hours already, when are we going to get the treatment?" Magnus cursed:" I am so sorry, but we have no capacities and our team is working on its limits. Right now, a broken foot isn't our priority. There lots of people actually dying because of the explosion. Please have patience, although it's hard." The husband nodded and Magnus continued running. This guy was actually friendly but that was rather rare. "Hey, you dirty bastards, what am I waiting for! My back hurts and I am waiting for three and a hlaf hour!", A man on the corridor snapped and Magnus turned around:" Usually I would now mentor you on your behaviour but I have no time for that. I just wish your back doesn't get better any time soon." 

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