Chapter sixty

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Song recommendation for the following chapter: Take on the world by you me at six. Gave me the vibes. 

"Congratulations!", The nurse said as she opened the door for Magnus, Jace and Alec to come in. "Congrats!", Alec exclaimed and pulled his sister in a hug. "You too.", Jace congratulated Simon. "Is it a boy or a girl?", Magnus asked excitedly. "It's a boy. His name is Max.", Isabelle smiled. "That's so thoughtful.", Magnus said and Simon nodded:" And, it's a beautiful name." "A beautiful name for a beautiful boy.", Alec said and looked into the boys brown eyes. The same eyes Max had when he was little. The same eyes Alec used to look into while singing lullaby's when his parents weren't home. "He is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.", Isabelle said. "Me too.", Simon agreed. "You guys will make amazing parents.", Magnus said. "And you will make amazing uncles." Alec chuckled and let Max grab his digit finger. "Hey Max. I am uncle Alec.", he whispered. Tears shut up his eyes. It was magical to see this little human being, so pure, so innocent. Just those huge eyes that just saw the light of the world. This little human, free, unexperienced, his hear unscarred, his soul untouched, his mind unseen. From this very moment he knew he wanted to protect this little creature from all the evil, from all the pain the world brings. He wanted to be there for it, he wanted to help. He has never cared about someone as much as he cared about this little man he met a minute ago. This was his nephew. His sisters son. His friends son. What would it be like having kinds of our own, he asked himself. From the very moment he looked into those eyes he was ready to give up everything for Max. "You guys.", Isabelle sobbed, "This is the most precious thing I have ever seen." "Me too.", Magnus swallowed. "Same here. I have never thought I would ever see Alec bond with someone that looked like the Max we lost.", Jace whispered, touched to the bottom of his soul. He was getting flashbacks. Flashbacks of how Alec used to play with Max when he was little, how he basically was his son, not his brother. The look in his eyes when he watched Max was nothing alike anything Jace has ever seen before. And now it was back. The love, the passion, the vulnerability in Alec's eyes. His pale cheeks got a tint of Colour again, his eyes were brighter, his smile finally seemed real again. It looked as if Max awakened something in Alec that he has lost years ago, whose last spark has fainted the night of the accident. "You will be the best uncle Max will ever be able to wish for.", Isabelle cried silently, "All of you will. He will have three amazing uncles. Uncle Jace, uncle Alec and uncle Magnus." Now Magnus actually started crying. "Come on, Mags. You're family. You're like a brother to me."; Jace whispered and pulled him into a hug. "Guys I am getting way too emotional.", Simon sobbed and hugged Isabelle tightly. "Three uncles and one aunt. Aunt Clary.", Isabelle smiled. Jace wiped away his tears:" One big family. Unified in this miracle." "Max is the best thing that has ever happened to me.", Isabelle said, "To us. Magnus, do you want to hold him now?" "Maybe Jace should go before me?", Magnus asked insecurely but Jace shook his head, still wiping away his tears:" You're as much his uncle as I am. And I am just way too shaky right now." "Gladly, then.", Magnus said and Alec passed his nephew on to his boyfriend. One big family. One big family that has been through so much trouble, pain and heartbreak. But, it was a family in which everyone supported everyone. Where you could always ask for help. Without his family's support, Alec wouldn't have made it. Without meeting Magnus, he wouldn't be alive. Without Isabelle meeting Simon, Max wouldn't even be alive. Life was just full of surprises. Suddenly, someone knocked at the door. "Yes, come in?", Isabelle said. Then the hospital door swung open and there stood Clary, followed by doctor Graymark, Cat, Ragnor and Raphael. "Clary!", Jace exclaimed and pulled his girlfriend into a hug. "You came?", Isabelle asked through tears. "Of course I did.", Clary whispered and blew a kiss on her best friend's cheek, "I missed so much. But I for sure wouldn't miss the birthday of my nephew, especially if it's my best friends child." Isabelle smiled brightly:" Max is honored to meet you." "I am honored to meet him.", Clary smiled. "Congratulations, Simon.", she said and puller her best friend into a hug. "Good to see you, Fray. I missed you. Are you better?", he asked. "I am. Or at least I will be soon. I missed you too." "Hey, Alec!", he bent down and hugged him. Alec smiled brightly. He was happy to see Clary. Jocelyns death hasn't been easy on her and he wasn't expect her to come today. But now the full family was there. "I am so sorry I didn't visit you.", she apologized but Alec interrupted her immediately:" Don't worry. Everyone has their own bag to carry." She smiled:" Happy to see you're recovering." "You too.", Alec replied. "Hi, Magnus."; she said. It was a little awkward as she has only seen him twice. But now, that all of them were family, she couldn't wait to get to know him better. "Hey, Clary. You good?", Magnus asked. "I'll be.", she smiled as her gaze wandered down to the baby. "Hey, little man. I am auntie Clary and I will take good care of you. You've got the best people around you. Hard workers, survivors, pure hearts, free souls. You are in good hands. With all of us, you're safe." Then she looked up to Magnus again." I must admit, I don't know too much about you yet, but dad definitely looks good on you."; she smirked.    

Not going to lie, it got pretty emotional here. And I decided to bring back a character! I hope you liked the reunion. There are only very few chapters left to write and my heart hurts already. Enjoy the happiness, guys. You deserve it <3. 

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