Chapter twenty-five

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Like this, they continued talking. When they finished breakfast Jace got back home to help Clary with packing all the things. An hour later, the doorbell rang. "Don't worry, I'll open the door. It's probably Vivien.", Magnus said and got to the door. Alec just laid down, he was really exhausted because he wasn't used to really do stuff like cooking and cleaning yet. "Hey!", Magnus said and pulled Vivien into a hug. With a sigh, Alec got up- it seemed impolite to not greet her properly. Magnus entered the living room, followed by a girl with long, brown hair with a red shift. She was beautiful. "Hey!", She greeted, "you must be Alec." Alec nodded:" Yeah, I am. Vivien, right?" Vivien nodded. "Anyone wants something to drink?",Magnus asked. "No, I'm fine.", Alec said. "I'd drink some water.", Vivien replied. Magnus nodded and left the two of them alone. "So, you are a nurse?", Alec asked and sat down at the kitchen table. Vivien nodded:" I am still in nursing-school but I am almost ready. What do you do as your job?" "I am an estate agent.", Alec replied. Then they had a little Smalltalk until Magnus got back with the drinks. Vivien was really nice and Alec liked her since the first second. "So, I'll stay here the next weeks to babysit Alec?", she asked Magnus with a big grin on her lips. Magnus nodded, ashamed:" I am paranoid." Alec and Vivien laughed out loud- immediately Alec felt the pain in his ribs. That was the most annoying part about his thorax injury- it wasn't technically bad or dangerous, it just hurt like hell. "You okay?", Magnus asked. Alec nodded and acted cool- Magnus didn't have to know about how he really felt. After another half an hour of talking Alec decided to lay down and have a nap. He slept surprisingly well and after three hours he woke up feeling a whole lot better. "Hey.", Vivien whispered as she came into the room, "I was just checking whether you are still asleep. Alec smiled:" How late is it?" "Quarter pas three pm.", Vivien laughed. Alec chuckled:" Damn, I did not expect that." "Anyways, I talked to Magnus and he said you were doing pretty well so I was wondering whether you maybe want to go on a short walk to get some fresh air." Alec grinned:" I'd love to, honestly. I haven't been outside for weeks." Vivien grinned:" I can imagine. So, just change and let me know when you're ready." With those words she left Alec alone. Slowly but steadily Alec got out of bed and changed into sweatpants and a hoodie. Some minutes later he was good to go. He put on his sneakers and followed Vivien into the elevator. "How did you and Magnus meet?", Alec asked. Vivien smiled:" We were going to med school together. After just a month I realized med school was too much for me so I switched to nursing school. Luckily Magnus and I stayed in touch and have good contact up until today." Alec smiled:" Seems as If Magnus made a lot of friends through his work. You, me..." Vivien nodded:" Ragnor and Cat are his closest friends, he knew Ragnor since primary school and Cat since high school- isn't that crazy?" Alec nodded:" It really is. For me, my siblings are my closest friends." As Vivien demanded to hear more about them, Alec continued:" There is my sister Isabelle and my brothers Jace and Max." Saying his name hurt but he felt as if it would be weird not saying his name. At least he was still part of his family. Even though he was dead, he would always be alive in his heart. Alec fidgeted his phone out of his sweatpants' pocket and showed Vivien the latest family picture he had with Max on it. "So that's me, here's Isabelle, the blonde guys is Jace and the little one is Max." Vivien smiled:" This is such a cute family picture. I got to admit though, Jace looks nothing alike you and your sister. You guys have dark hair, dark eyes and Jace is blonde and blue-eyed." Alec chuckled:" Yeah, it looks weird. He's adopted, actually." Immediately, the smile faded from Viviens' face:" Oh- I didn't mean to be rude." Alec smiled:" No, it's fine. You couldn't have known. His parents were close friends of my parent's so as they died Jace got adopted by us." Vivien bit her lip:" That's terrible. How old was he?" "Ten.", Alec sighed, "Both his parents died in a car crash. And so did my little brother Max. And so I could've died if it hasn't been for Magnus." Vivien covered her moth with her hand, her eyes wide of surprise:" Oh my god- I am so sorry." Alec shook his head:" Don't be. I have no idea why I just told you this. But maybe this makes you understand what my siblings feel towards Magnus." Vivien nodded:" I can only imagine. It must've been such a horrible moment when they got the call from the hospital." Alec nodded:" Yeah, it hit them hard. It has been a hard time for everyone of us. My sister, is pregnant, Jace' girlfriend's mother just died- it's a lot." Vivien nodded understanding:" I see." Then they stopped talking. "Wow, this got really deep really fast.", Alec grinned. "Yeah.", Vivien chuckled insecurely, "I am kind of overwhelmed." "I'm sorry.", Alec laughed, "It kind of just all poured out of me. I have no idea why." Vivien grinned:" It's okay, really. I am trustable." "I felt that immediately." Smiling they continued walking. The weather was wonderful, it was the beginning of autumn and the first leaves fell. Alec always have liked autumn- it was the coziest time of the year, cold enough to wear hoodies but warm enough to still leave the thick winter jackets in the closet. Vivien seemed to enjoy it as well. He really was nice, Alec thought.  

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