Chapter thirty-eight

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Hello everyone! I hope you had a nice Christmas❣️ Anyways I am sooo looking forward to 2020, personally and wattpad-wise! To stay updated on all the future projects (which I can't wait to share with u guys, it'll be so good) make sure to follow me here or to check out my Instagram (my name there is ally.maii) as I always keep you updated on my insta stories✨ now enjoy the chapter peeps❣️

Alec woke up because his alarm rang. Today was his first day of work after the accident so he didn't want to be late. As he checked his phone he found a few messages wishing him good luck and a text from Magnus telling him he'll be home later then usual. That was nothing new. It seemed as if Magnus was swallowed by work these past few days. And Alec had no idea why. When Magnus came home he usually was nervous, pissed, tired or busy. He somehow seemed off and when Alec talked to him about it Magnus always just changed the topic or said that he had a stressful night. But now, Alec had no time to worry about it. Quickly he made himself some coffee and a toast with peanut butter and jelly. Afterwards he got dressed in jeans, a shirt and a suit. The crutches kind of ruined the outfit but he knew once he is in his office he would be able to hide them from his clients. Alec plugged in his headphones and started making his way to the Subway. The weather was quite nice, it was early autumn so it was cool but not cold yet. Some minutes later he arrived at the subway and drove the way to his workplace. As he arrived at the final station it was just a few blocks until he saw the huge brick building the estate agency he worked in was located in. The door stood open, as usually, and Alec walked up the stairs to the first floor, only slightly bracing himself in his crutches. "Oh my god, you're back!", Aline, his friend at work screamed and hugged him stormily. "Hey! Good to see you!", He chuckled, hoping she would let go of him before he dies of lack of oxygen. "Man, hoe have you been?", She asked. "Fine, I guess. Anyways, now I'm back here and you can't imagine how sick I am of staying home all the time." She laughed:" I can imagine. But before you drown yourself in work as usually you have to tell me everything. Isabelle told me you're staying with some guy now? Miguel of something?" He laughed:" Yeah. His name is Magnus tho." She shook her head:" Doesn't matter. Do you like him?" Alec laughed insecurely and scratched his forehead:" Well, uhm, I do." "And does he like you too?", Aline asked. "I think so. He wouldn't have kissed me if he would hate me, right?" "He did what?!", Aline screamed, with her eyes.almost as huge as plates. Alec couldn't help but laugh. "Yeah, we're kind of a couple." "Okay tell me everything.", Aline demanded. "It's kind of a long story.", Alec tried but as Aline insisted on it he couldn't help but tell her everything from the car crash to the current situation right now. Although, she clearly already knew some parts of the story. "So, wait a minute- you almost died but your doctor happened to be so hot that it was all worth it because now you're fucking?", She asked with a perfect pokerface. Alec couldn't help himself but burst out laughing. "Well, we're not fucking.", He declared with a grand gesture, "we're kissing." Aline raised her eyebrow:" And that's all? Kissing? Oh come on Alec." "Well, the time hasn't been right yet.", Alec tried to excuse himself," He has a lot of pressure at work and I am not really in the condition yet, you know, health-wise, and we just don't have time. As he works the night shift and I will be working like a normal person from today on, one of us will be either at work or sleeping almost all the time. It's hard." Aline shrugged:" I bet it is. But I am sure you two can manage this. Anyways, we probably should get started." Alec nodded and walked to his office and hid his crutches underneath his desk. He logged into his computer and started checking his emails as a young woman entered his office. It was one of his clients- Alec totally forgot they had an appointment today. "Hello mister Lightwood! It's amazing to see you back! How are you doing? I am so sorry for what happened.", She started talking and Alec sighed, slightly annoyed. He didn't want pity. The accident undoubtably was one of the worst things that has ever happened to him but without it, he doubted he would've met Magnus. And this was something he was glad about. "Hello, miss Evans. I am good, thank you for asking. Feel free to sit down.", Alec said formally and miss Evans did as she was told. "So, I wanted to ask whether you found some more options for a location for my nail salon.", She asked, getting to the point immediately which Alec was really grateful for. Miss Evans was one of those clients who talk for hours nonstop without even mentioning why they came. "Yes, I indeed found a couple more buildings I can present you.", Alec replied and turned around his desktop so miss Evans could see what he found. "So, this one is quite expensive, but it's a new building and very well located.", He said and showed her a small apartment which would absolutely do it as a Nail Salon. "This is a cheaper version but it's in one of Brooklyn's suburbs so probably less visitors will be attracted just by walking by.", Alec explained and showed her the second building he found. "These are amazing!", She said and started one of her famous floods of words. She talked about the color of the walls and other for Alec completely irrelevant things like the amount of Nail polish drawers she could fit in there and how many clients could get there their manicure at the same time if everything would work out as she planned. All the nonsense talking gave Alec a headache. Actually, the one he got yesterday wasn't completely gone yet, neither was the sickness, although he at least didn't feel the urge to vomit again. "So I would choose the second one.", Miss Evans finished gracefully. "Finally.", Alec thought and saved the building. 

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