Chapter seventeen

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Holy crap, Alec thought. This felt great. Having his foot touching the ground, being at least a little mobile, finally. It exhausted his arms but moving felt great. This was the way up, Alec knew. He finally was on his way up. He was recovering. He looked to his left and saw Isabelle smiling, proudly. He could actually see a little tear in her eye. She looked so happy, Alec couldn't shift his eyes. But then he looked at Magnus. Magnus smiled. The purest smile by the purest man. Those few steps Alec did exhausted him but it was nothing compared to the freedom he felt. He wasn't as tied to that goddamn bed anymore. He knew Magnus was smaller than him but only now he noticed their difference in height. He could actually place his head exactly onto Magnus'. A thing that could become handy, he thought. He felt as if he was hovering in the air. Nothing mattered. He was somewhere high, high above everything. He inhaled and felt as if his lungs were completely filled with oxygen for the first time since the accident. He never imagined how much he actually missed doing something on his own. His legs have been screaming to walk, his back has been screaming to stand. He inhaled again. Then, he slowly let the air out of his lungs. He did one more step. He could hear Isabelle gasp, could hear Magnus chuckle. Alec knew his energy was coming to an end, so he just decided to remain standing and enjoy the moment for one more minute before he would sit down again. Alec closed his eyes. But as quickly the adrenaline entered his body it left. Out of a sudden, he felt sick and felt as if all the oxygen has been soaked out of his lungs. He opened his eyes again, but it got worse. Alec gasped and Magnus was right my his side immediately:" Alexander! You okay?" Alec couldn't answer, it was as if someone tied a knot around his throat. The fact that he didn't answer was already enough for Magnus to place Alecs arm on his back and bring him back to the bed safely. Alec falling would be the worst thing to happen. Alec gasped again. Now that he was sitting in his bed again his breathing got back to normal. He still kind of felt sick and dizzy, but at least he could breathe. "Alec, what happened?", Isabelle asked concerned. Alec took a few breaths before he answered:" Out of a sudden I couldn't breathe and I felt sick and dizzy..." Izzy's eyes widened:" Magnus? What does this mean?" Magnus shrugged. He had no idea what just happened. Alec seemed to be strong enough to try the first steps. "Maybe the body was still too busy with digesting breakfast. Or it was just too much at a time. Feeling dizzy is pretty usual. The sickness has probably something to do with the breakfast. And having troubles breathing may be caused by his thorax contusion and the broken ribs. It's a normal symptom." Isabelle just nodded and grabbed Alec's hand who looked really pale. "Are you sure you are fine?", she asked. Alec nodded:" Yeah, I'm getting there. I'll be alright. I can walk." Isabelle smiled and a tear escaped her eye. "This is my boy.", she sobbed, smiling, "this is my brother. Thank god." Magnus sobbed as well:" Wow you guys, I am getting emotional. That was such a special moment for all of us." Alec frowned:" For you too?" Magnus nodded:" Yeah. Those were the first first steps of a patient of mine I have ever seen. Feel honored, Alec." Alec grinned:" I will." Then Alec made himself comfortable again. The walking was exciting and motivating, but he was exhausted and happy to rest a little. Then, he sat up as if something pricked him in the back:" Oh my god, I am such a douchebag! What did the gynecologist say?", Alec asked. Isabelle laughed:" Don't worry about it. He revealed the gender." "And?", Alec asked full of excitement. "It's a boy.", she smirked. "Yes! Hell yes! It's a boy! Boom!", Alec cheered. Magnus grinned:" Congratulations, Isabelle. I am sure you will be one hell of an amazing mother. All the best."  Isabelle grinned:" Thank you so much. It means a lot." Alec shook his head:" I still can't believe. It's a boy, like Jace predicted. He will never get over it, I hope you know that." Isabelle nodded:" I do. This will haunt me until I die." Alec grinned:" He still doesn't know about it?" "No. He has other problems at the moment. He feels bad about not being here with you but also he can't leave Clary alone. It's a tough time right now. I'm not mad he didn't ask.", Isabelle said. Alec bit his lip:" Yeah, our lives are kind of a crazy mess at the moment." Izzy nodded:" They are. I mean I am pregnant, having a boy. This usually already is enough excitement for one family. But no, my brother was in a car crash and barely survived it, my other brothers boyfriend just lost his mother so he is all over the place. This is normal." Alec laughed:" It really is crazy. And overwhelming. And stressful. But there isn't anything we can do about it. We will just pull through this like we always do. We're Lightwoods. We break noses and accept he concequences." Isabelle smiled:" Remember when that boy in your karate class was offending me and you punched him in the face? His mom wanted to sue you and went to the coach. Do you remember what he said?" Alec laughed:" I do. It was something likw 'it's part of the sport' or 'it was an accident' or something." "Yes, something like that.", Isabelle said. "You two and Jace must have been one hell of a badass sibling-trio.", Magnus smirked. Izzy nodded:" We were. And we still are."       

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