Chapter thirty-nine

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Hello, happy Monday! I just wanted to tell you one more time that with Christmas battle being finished, now there will be a new chapter of hopeless every Monday and Thursday, as usual♥️ love you guys

As Alec got home from his first day of work, he had quite a headache and just felt exhausted. "How did I endure that every day without even feeling tired at all?", He asked himself as he unlocked the door to Magnus' apartment. Exhausted, he got rid off his shoes and shrugged off his jacket. Then he loosened his tie and put the keys on the keyboard. When he made his way to the bedroom, he noticed that Magnus hasn't greeted him yet. When he opened the huge, wooden door he immediately found out why. Magnus was lying on the bed, hugging his laptop and was clearly asleep. With a weak smile, he covered him with a blanket- he didn't want Magnus to catch a cold. "Alexander?", Magnus whispered. Alec cursed on the inside- he didn't mean to wake Magnus up. "Hey.", He sighed instead and dropped himself.onto the bed, right next to his boyfriend who groggily tried to sit up. "How was work?", Magnus asked, rubbing his eyes. Alec smiled a little:" Good but exhausting. There are people that never stop talking- literally the worst." Magnus chuckled:" Oh, I relate so much. Anyways, are you glad to be back at work?" Alec nodded. He really was. "Yes. I mean I finally have some sort of purpose in my life again, and I wouldn't call lying on the sofa, watching TV all day long a purpose if you were just thinking of contradicting." Magnus laughed:" Hoe could I." "Anyways,", Alec asked, "How was your night?" Magnus sighed:" It was a lot. There was a huge accident at an amusement park and there were several deadly injured people. Sadly, we didn't manage to save everyone, still the quote is pretty good." "You have quotes?", Alec asked confusedly. "Well, not really. It's just something we say." Alec just nodded and let himself sink into the paradise of pillows.on Magnus' bed. "So, that was why I was late. I had to pull quite some extra hours. I hope you aren't mad. " Alec shook his head, which he immediately regretted because of his headache. "No, I totally understand. You can't just leave when there are people that need your help. I get it." "You do?", Magnus asked surprised. "Yeah, I do.", Alec laughed, "When I was in hospital you would come early or stay longer to talk to me. Of course, I doubt that you do that with every of your patients but that just shows how selfless you are. And how much you care about people. And how much you love your job." Magnus smiled:" I do love my job. There's only one thing I love more." ,"Hm?", Alec asked tiredly. "You. I love you Alexander. And I am so sorry that I don't have too much time for you at the moment, and I k ow with you working, our time together will be more and but I just need you to know that I will do everything to make it work. The stuff happening at the hospital is just a phase, it will be over and then everything will be better, okay?", Magnus said and sounded as if he was panicking. "Hey, what are you worried about?", Alec asked, pushing himself up onto his elbows. "Loosing you." Alec smiled, leant forwards and kissed his boyfriend. "You won't get rid of me that easily. I'll wait for you, Magnus. There is no need to worry. As long as you talk to me, we can go through everything together and I am willing to do that if you do." "Of course I do, Alexander." Magnus replied with that sparkling in his eyes that has been gone for so long. With a smile, he pressed his lips on Alec's, Alec wrapped his arms around his boyfriends hips, pulling him closer towards his own body. "I will always love you.", Alec muttered. "Me too, Alec, me too.", Magnus sighed desperately. "Is everything okay now?", Alec asked, holding Magnus' face and staring into his gorgeous eyes. "Sure.", Magnus smiled, "It'll be alright." Then Alec let go of him and dropped himself back onto the pillows. "Are you okay?", Magnus asked concerned. "Yeah, just a little headache.", Alec lied and Magnus didn't ask any further questions. "Should I cook a dinner?", He asked and Alec nodded. Then, Magnus made his way out of the bedroom leaving Alec alone. Magnus decided to make Spaghetti with tomato sauce- it tasted good and was easy to cook. When he threw the noodles into the boiling water, someone rung the doorbell and Magnus opened the door. It was the postman. "Magnus Bane, right?", He asked and Magnus nodded. "Here you go.", the postman said and gave him a package and an envelope. Magnus said goodbye and brought the stuff to the kitchen. The package were new headphones as his previous ones for lost somewhere. When he took a look at the envelope which happened to have a letter in it a shiver went down his spine. It was from the police. With shaking hands he opened the envelope and unfolded the letter. It was a police complaint from a so called Valentine Morgenstern. That name didn't ring a single bell in his head. This Valentine Morgenstern accused him of insult and unfair medical treatment. Magnus inhaled sharply as he remembered. It was that night at the hospital, when all rooms were full and there was this huge chemical explosion bringing lots of patients with severe burns into the hospital. And then there was this one annoying man whose back ached. Magnus dropped himself onto a chair. Crap, the thought. Not now. Not while Asmodeus was watching him as carefully as never before. Not with all the extra hours he had to work. Not now that he promised Alexander to spend more time with him. He leant back slowly, his forehead covered in sweat. This could be it. Those couple sentences he said back then could get him fired. With trembling hands he grabbed his phone and dialed Jace's number. "Jace?", He asked, "I need your help."

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