Chapter fourty-nine

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Vivien made her way to Magnus' appartment. It was six in the morning and she forgt some notes for medschool there when he visited Magnus and Alec last time. She really needed these notes so she decided to grab them before university. She knew Alec was asleep and Magnus wasn't home yet but that was why she brought the spare keys to Magnus' apartment. When she unlocked the door, everything was silent as she expected. Hoping she wouldn't wake Alec up she took her phone out of her bag and used the flashlight insead of switching on the main light as she noticed the door to the bedroom was opened. She started walking down the hallway and turned around in the direction of the kitchen where she must have left her stuff. Everything inside of her froze as she turned around. She would scream, but she was too scared to do so. Fear made her entire body freeze which caused her emotions go wild inside of her. She could barely breathe as she saw someone was lying on the ground. And it wasn't just someone. "Alec!", She gasped, dropping herself right next to him, grabbing his hand to check his pulse. "Alec, can you hear me?", She said, fear occupying her entire body, controlling every movement. No response. The pulse was weak, but it was there. Alec seemed to be breathing. Viviens hands begun to tremble. It seemed like she forgot everything she learned in Med School. How long has he been lying here? What happened? Vivien felt as if she was about to vomit. Her heard was pounding heavily inside her chest, sweat escaping her pores and shivers running down her spine. Quickly, she grabbed her phone. The first thing that came to her mind was calling Magnus. He would know what to do. The phone beeped once. Twice. The beeps seemed infinitive, a never ending sound almost making Viviens nerves explode. She had no patience. If Magnus wouldn't help, someone else would. Quickly, she dialed 911. It beeped once. Did Magnus know about this? Has Alec told him? The second beep. She shouldn't have waited for Alec to get going, she should have told Magnus immediately when she found out something was wrong. "Hello, New York Methodist hospital, where is the emergency?" A young lady asked. Quickly, Vivien stuttered Magnus' address. "Okay, I sent an ambulance. What is your name?", The lady asked with that calming voice of hers. "Vivien.", Vivien replied. "Okay Vivien, you need to tell me exactly what happened." "Okay.", Vivien said and took a deep breath, trying to organise her thoughts. 'Calm down, panicking won't help Alec in any way.', she told herself. "I don't exactly know what happened but I just got to a friend of mine to pick up some stuff and when I walked into the kitchen I saw my friend's boyfriend laying on the floor." "Okay, did you try to call the victims boyfriend?", The lady asked and Vivien swallowed:" Yes but he didn't pick up the phone. He is probably at work, he also works at your hospital, down in the ER." "Oh, okay.", The lady said surprisedly, "What is his name?" "Doctor Magnus Bane.", Vivien replied. "Alright, that helps a lot. Did you check his pulse, is he breathing?", The lady asked and Vivien nodded:" He is breathing, his pulse is there but it's weak." "Does doctor Bane's boyfriend have any pre existing conditions or any handicaps?", The lady kept on asking. "He only has one kidney left, it had to be removed due to an accident that happened not too long ago.", Vivien answered, slowly feeling her nervousness fade. "Was he also treated at the Methodist?", The lady asked. "Yes, his name is Alexander Lightwood.", Vivien replied immediately, perfectly knowing what the lady from the hospital was up to. "Okay Vivien, that helps a lot. I can search our database for that name and then we will know exactly what happened back then. This brings us a huge step forward." Vivien bit her lip. Why wasn't the ambulance there yet? "According to the GPS the ambulance is there. You can hang up now, they will ring the doorbell any minute. You did an amazing job.", The lady said. "Thank you.", Vivien replied and hung up. The lady was right. In that very second she heard the doorbell ring. Quickly, she ran towards the door and let the medics come in. She knew she did everything she could, now Alec's fate was in those people's hands. After a check of only a couple of minutes the medics proclaimed they would take Alec to the hospital. Vivien grabbed her handbag and went downstairs with the medics who allowed her to ride in the ambulance to the hospital. "You said he only has one more kidney left- do you exactly know why?", One of the doctors asked, probably rather to distract Vivien than to really find out. And she really was grateful for that little distraction because for now, worrying and waiting was pretty much all she could do. "He was involved in a car crash and suffered from a spleen rupture and an open thigh fracture. One of his kidneys was injured and due to the massive loss of blood couldn't be saved.", Vivien stated. "You sound like a medic yourself.", The doctor chuckled and Vivien blushed:" I am pretty much a nurse. Almost done with my studies." "I am sure you would make a great nurse.", "I hope so.", Vivien said and looked out of the window. Maybe one day she really would be saving people's lives. But how could she do that it she nearly messed up Alec's? What if she oversees something? "It's quite a lot of responsibility, huh?", The doctor said as if he was reading her mind. "I would say so.", She said and sighed in relief as she saw the huge 'New York Methodist Hospital' sign in front of them. "We are there.", The doctor said and stopped the ambulance.

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