Chapter thirty-six

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 "Hello, sunshine.", Magnus greeted and kissed Alec's forehead. Alec smiled delightfully. IT has been quite some time since he has woken up like this, text to the man he loved. As his gaze wandered he noticed Magnus wore regular clothes, not a Pyjama. "Did you just come home? How late is it?", he mumbled. "Yeah, I just arrived." Alec grabbed his phone. It was half past ten. "What took you so long?", hw asked. Magnus smiled weakly. The longer Alec looked at his boyfriends face the darker the shadows under his eyes seemed to be. Alec noticed that Magnus really seemed to be stressed those past days. "Come on, talk to me." With a sigh Magnus leant back and closed his eyes. Alec could see the pure exhaustion on his face, he looked drained and tired. "Are you okay?" Magnus turned his face towards his boyfriend and his eyes flew open again. "Yeah, sure, I just came back." Alec frowned. Somehow, Magnus seemed off. "No, come on, I feel that something is wrong with you." Magnus sighed, almost annoyed:" Alexander, I am fine. You have to accept that. We had a big chemical explosion some days ago so I have a lot to do at work. It's not like I can just leave in the middle of surgery just because my shift is over." Weirdly, Magnus voice had a sharp undertone. Alec bit his lip. "I am sorry."; he whispered. "You might want to catch some sleep." Then he sat up, ready to give Magnus his privacy. "You can stay. I'll have to do some paperwork anyways." Alec whirled around and shot a sceptic gaze at Magnus. "You look tired. Don't you want to catch some sleep first?" Magnus shook his head:" Nah, I'm good. I wanna get this done first." Then he pulled out his laptop out of his backpack and started typing something in. With a sigh, Alec dropped himself back into the bed and looked at the screen. He saw a huge document that Magnus was just filling in. Usually, Alec would try to show some interest but he felt as if his questions would annoy Magnus even more. So, he checked his phone as every morning. No new messages. "Don't you want to get yourself some breakfast?", Magnus asked. Alec shook his head:" Nah, I am not hungry." Magnus just shrugged and kept on working. Alec felt kind of sick and he had a headache. In total, he just didn't feel like get up and doing something. It was just now that he noticed how tired he was. Which was weird, because he slept longer than usually. Without a further thought, he closed his eyes and fell asleep immediately. When he woke up, Magnus was lying next to him, sleeping. Alec smiled weakly. When he looked at the clock he noticed the time flew by and it was already quite late. When he struggled out of bed he noticed that the sickness he felt hasn't faded. Still, he decided to make his way to the kitchen to at least eat a sandwich. Quickly, he prepared his meal and sat down to eat it. He still had a headache and therefore decided not to put on his headphones. Like that, he ended up staring out of the window while eating his sandwich. Weirdly, the sickness got worse with every bite. "Come on, you have to eat something.", he told himself but it didn't help. The sickness got worse and he felt his stomach cramp. Alec dropped his sandwich and darted to the bathroom as fast as he could. He only managed to knee in from of the toilet as he vomited right into it. Alec felt dizzy and sick. He gagged a couple of times and as he was sure that there was nothing left in his stomach, he slowly got up again, bracing himself on the toilet bowl. Luckily, he didn't make too much of a mess. The sickness got better and also he felt dizzy. Carefully, Alec flushed the toilet and made sure there were no more traces left of that accident. Nobody should find out about that. Limping, he made his way back into the living room and dropped himself onto the sofa where he found his book. Isabelle gifted it to him the day he moved in with Magnus as a distraction. He actually hasn't finished it just yet but it was definitely interesting. Tomorrow would be his first day back at work and Alec was really looking forwards to it. Although he wasn't sure what would be waiting for him there he couldn't wait to finally leave the house again and do something useful. He felt so sick of just lying around and doing nothing. So, he tried to enjoy his last day at home and started reading. Only a few minutes later Magnus came into the room. "Hey! That was rather a short nap.", Alec chuckled. Magnus smiled and and started the coffee machine. "I could say the same about you, Alexander. Didn't you feel well?" Alec but his lip. "No, I'm totally fine. I just haven't slept well. Did you finish your work?", He lied. "Yes, it really wasn't much.", Magnus lied back. "So, you definitely look a lot more refreshed. Still, wasn't that kid of little sleep for a longass night shift?", Alec asked concerned. Even though he wasn't telling Magnus the truth himself, he still kind of expected him to talk to him about his problems. Which made absolutely no sense, as Alec realized, but it was just the way he felt. "well it maybe was little but it was good. I really feel perfectly fine. There's no need to worry.", Magnus replied and sipped his coffee with shaking hands. He didn't want to burden Alec with his own problems as well. Also, he knew that tomorrow, Alec would finally go to work again and he didn't want him to be worrying about Magnus. Little did they know what all these lies would cost them in the end- their relationship? Their happiness? Their lives?    

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