Chapter sixteen

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"Hey...", Magnus whispered. "Hey...", Alec whispered with that rough morning voice of his. Magnus smiled. He held Alec's hand. He sat here for almost an hour and watched Alec sleep. He was so beautiful. He used to think of Alec as a broken angel, but now he thought of him being an angelic fighter. Because of the problem with Alec's meds, he didn't made too much progress in his rehabilitation but today was a special day. Alec would walk for the first time after the accident. His tigh was healing very well so he would be allowed to walk on crutches. Magnus wasn't sure if Alec was mentally ready for it. He is a fighter, Magnus knew that but he also knew Alec was very ambitious and hard on himself. Magnus knew how hard it is for an organism to recover and making the first moves is a huge steps. Alec would probably only be able to walk a few steps and Magnus knew he would be disappointed in himself. But also, he knew how much of a torture it was for Alec to stay in bed all the time. He always had to call for help and he liked to be independent. Being tied to someone or something was probably the worst thing that could happen to him. "You're still here?", Alec asked. Magnus nodded. He was tired, but seeing Alec's smile made his day. "I was on the night shift but I have a double shift today." Alec smiled:" Are Isabelle and Jace coming?" Magnus nodded:" Yes. They will arrive soon." Alec nodded and sat up in his bed. He already knew which buttons to press to make himself comfortable and it was a miracle to see hoe he was gaining his independence back step by step. "How do you feel?", Magnus asked. "Okay. I mean duh-my chest fucking hurts, but I guess that's normal." Magnus nodded:" It is. So, let me check your scar from the spleen and kidney surgery. " Alec pulled up his shirt, and Magnus could see the scar badging itself from his abs. "That looks okay, no need to worry." Alec nodded and sighed. "Hey, what's up?", Magnus said and took Alecs hand. "I don't know. I am bored and annoyed of all of this shit. I don't want to do this anymore. I just want to live a normal life like I did before the accident. I am sick of the meds, sick of therapy, sick of everything. Literally the only thing that makes this situation bearable is you." Magnus nodded:" I understand. It sucks being tied to a bed. And I can barely imagine how annoying this is. I know this feels like no progress at all, but you are recovering. And today is a special day. We will take the next step." Alec's eyes widened:" Am I going to walk?" Magnus laughed:" You are! Don't expect too much though, we will just give it a try." "Yes!", Alec cheered. She looked so happy. Exactly in this moment, Isabelle came in. "Heyy!", Alec greeted and pulled his sister into a hug. "Hey.", she chuckled. But Alec immediately noticed something was wrong:" What's wrong? Where is Jace?" Izzy bit her lip. She said nothing. "Hey...", Alec said a little softer and made his sister sit down onto his bed so he could properly hug her. "Should I go?", Magnus asked but Isabelle shook her head:" It's okay. It's Jocelyn, Alec." Alec's eyes widened:" No..." Iz bit her lip:" Yes, Alec. She died yesterday afternoon. Clary is heartbroken, Jace stayed with her. She has nobody left besides him." A single tear escaped Alec's eye. He had his difficulties with Clary at first but Jocelyn has always been a kind woman he always appreciated. Her being gone was a thing he didn't expect. "And when it happened,", Isabelle sobbed, "I was so scared. I might have lost you as Clary lost her mother. Life isn't fair. Death happens and it always hits the people who deserve it the least." Alec bit his lip:" I am so sorry." Isabelle wiped her tears:" Anyways- is there any progress?" Magnus cleared his throat:" So, Alexander is going to do his first steps today. Isabelle smiled widely:" Seriously?! Congrats, big bro!" Alec smirked:" I didn't do them yet. But first steps at twenty-five is kind of late." Isabelle padded his shoulder:" Don't be so hard on yourself. I know you can do this." Alec shrugged:" What other choice do I have?" Isabelle laughed:" Come on, Deep down inside you really want this." Alec bit his lip and smirked:" Okay, hell yes. I am fucking sick of that bed." After they laughed and had breakfast the moment actually came. Magnus got Alec some crutches. "It was hard finding crutches fitting your size.", he admitted. Alec grinned. Afterwards Magnus gave Alec a quick tutorial how to use the crutches but there wasn't too much special about it. Right before Magnus gave Alec the crutches Isabelle interrupted them:" Wait! Let's record it for Jace. I am sure he would want to see it." After she set up her phone, Alec actually grabbed the crutches. Isabelle stood on his left and Magnus on his right to secure him. "Okay, we will grab your arms, and on three you will stand up. Just stand on your right leg and brace yourself onto the crutches.", Magnus commanded. "One, two,", Isabelle cheered, "Three!" And they pulled Alec into a standing position. He gasped:" Holy shit." Then after some seconds he started to smile:" Hello world, Alec Lightwood entered. I'm back bitches." Isabelle laughed:" Magnus, he really is back. That's my bro. That's him. He's back." Alec smiled:" Yes I am." Then he turned his head to Magnus:" Thanks for doing this. I really needed it." Magnus smiled:" I knew you did. Your smile speaks for itself. But now, do some steps." Carefully, Magnus and Isabelle right besides him he put his crutches forwards. Then he did his first step on crutches. "You did it!", Isabelle cheered, but Alec didn't listen. Slowly, he tried another one. And another one.        

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