Chapter fifty-nine

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"Hey, good morning pup.", Magnus sighed. "Good morning.", Alec smiled. Today was one of their last days at the hospital,"How are you feeling?" "Good!", Magnus replied,"And you?" "Me too.", Alec sighed. "Good morning guys!", Raphael greeted as he came in to bring Alec and Magnus their breakfast. "Thanks. How are you?", Magnus asked. "Good but absolutely done. Can't wait for this shift to be over.", Raphael chucked and Alec nodded:" You look pretty dead." "How has it been, anyways?", Magnus asked. "It has been one huge mess since we haven't got you bossing us around. Like honestly, with all due respect Ragnor is a lousy leader and Asmodeus doesn't even qualify for the douchebag of the year award so I guess that already says most of it." Magnus frowned:" What do you mean?" "He is has been even more off lately. I hope he realized the ER is a huge mess without you.", Raphael said. Magnus smiled and exchanged a look with Alec. Jace must've done a good job so far. "Anyways, what are your plans for today?", Raphael asked," anything special?" Alec shook his head:" We don't even have physiotherapy. But, Jace and Izzy said they would come over eventually. Damn, I am sick of this place." Magnus laughed:" It's so weird, on the one hand I can't stand being here but on the other hand I miss this place, just from another perspective you know?" Raphael nodded:" I do. I broke my ankle a couple of years ago and damn I hated being at the hospital." "I mean honestly, who doesn't?", Alec asked. Now Magnus and Raphael exchanged meaningful looks:" Well, I mean it's not that bad.", Magnus said," There's free food, a comfy bed, WiFi- that's kind of all you need." Raphael nodded:" We have homeless just drowning themselves in alcohol and enjoying being at the hospital because there they actually have a roof above their heads, a nice bed and food. That's already more than they could ask for." Alec bit his lip- that was kind of sad. "Anyways, I don't want to bug you guys. Besides, I just have to quickly finish my shift and get home, I am doomed.", Raphael said. "See you! Sleep tight!", Magnus laughed and Raphael left them alone. Suddenly, Alec's phone was vibrating. Quickly he picked up the call as he saw it was Jace calling. "Hello?", He asked. "Hey, Alec. Listen, so don't freak out but Izzy kind of is in labor and Simon is kind of getting the car and we are kind of going to the hospital like right now and yeah just maybe get yourself downstairs if that's possible, Izzy needs you." "Be right there.", Alec said and hung up. Magnus looked at him, completely startled:" What was that all about?" "Izzy is in labor, they're coming in a few minutes and Jace asked me to come downstairs to hold her hand." "Do you want me to come?", Magnus asked and Alec nodded. Then he quickly pulled a hoodie over his shirt and threw himself into the wheelchair. It didn't take the boys even two minutes until they were out the door, waiting for the elevator. Alec was nervous. Like, really, really nervous. "So much could go wrong...", He stuttered but Magnus immediately pressed his hand:" You cannot think about that. Look at how much could've gone wrong with you? And here you are, in the flesh. It will all be alright. Just be there for her and the nurses will guide you through the process." "Thanks.", Alec sighed and rolled into the elevator. "Isabelle Lightwood incoming, she's min labour!", Raphael exclaimed as he saw Isabelle walking in, steadied by Jace and Simon. "Alec!", She exclaimed. "Hey, I'm here, it's all going to be fine, okay?", He said and immediately took her hand. "Can I get a wheelchair please?", Raphael screamed and immediately someone got one for Isabelle. "It's going to be fine.", Alec tried to calm her down. "I hope so.", Isabelle said with teary eyes. You could tell she really was in pain. Now it all came down to this. While Jace just looked completely overwhelmed, you could see the fear in Simons face. Alec bet he was as nervous as Isabelle was. Luckily, Simon noticed as well and immediately rolled over, trying to calm him down as well. Panic wasn't good for anyone. "Okay, we will take it from here.", A doctor said. "Hi, I am doctor Amatis Graymark, I will take good care of you and your baby today, okay?", She said while shaking Isabelle's hand. Isabelle just nodded- she was completely overwhelmed by the entire situation. "Is that your partner?", She asked with a curious loom in Alec's direction. He bet they looked pretty extraordinary, both in a wheelchair. "No, he's my brother. My boyfriend is right in the back.", Isabelle said. "Okay, so you can only bring one person into the delivery room.", Doctor Amatis said,"otherwise it will be too crowded." "Bring Simon, this is your child, that's your moment. Magnus, Jace and I will wait outside for you and whenever you will need anyone of us just call us in, okay?", Alec said, padding his sister's hand like she padded his not too long ago. "You won't leave me, right?", Isabelle stuttered. "No, of course not. I will be right in front of that room all the time, no matter how long it takes." , Alec said. "Promise?", Isabelle asked. "Promise.", Alec replied and slowly let go of his sister's hand. "Simon, you two are going to the delivery room!", Alec said and saw Magnus give Simon one last handshake before he ran over to comfort Isabelle. "Oh, he was nervous as hell.", Magnus said and Alec bit his lip:" I can only imagine. I am dying of nervousness right now." "Me too.", Jace sighed," I was so overwhelmed by the overall situation I just didn't know what to do." "I think you did everything right. Now we just have to wait.", Magnus said

Okay, that's it for this chapter! Where I live it's technically still Monday, although I have only 6 minutes left XD. Y'all I really do stuff last minute. Anyways, now you guys can decide about the date of all those characters. I had this original happy ending planned which would all of them just finally give happiness and enjoy their lives. But, I also came up with a pretty bad ending spontaneously. I mean it won't be happy at all so I guess y'all won't like it but it will lengthen the story. But then I also think it might get too long. Do please, vote! Happy and soon ending or long and very very painful and not nice one. I also could write the happy ending and maybe do an alternative ending in a couple of months or something. Anyways, just let me know what y'all think! Love you ❤️

PS: uploaded this in the last two minutes of Monday, don't @ me for not keeping track of my upload schedule XD

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