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Ten years later

"Do you have any idea where Isabelle put the diapers?", Magnus screamed from the living room. "No idea.", Alec replied sitting in the office that now turned into a children's room. "Luke, you always have to carefully read the task before you start doing the exercise. Otherwise you will always make the same mistakes.", he explained to the blonde boy next to him. Luke was one of the three kids they adopted in the past ten years. His mom was a drug addict so he needed a foster family and got taken in by Magnus and Alec seven years ago. Now he was ten years old and close friends with Max as then happened to go to the same school. Luke was a calm boy and really reminded Alec of himself that age. Five years ago, they adopted Adrian. He was now sixteen. His parents died in a car crash and nobody wanted to take in a teenager because they already were raised in a certain way. But something about him moved something in Alec and Magnus, and they loved him like their own since day one. He was such a great help and an amazing brother to Luke and Maddy. Maddie was two years old. They adopted her only a few months ago. Maddies parents both got arrested and Cat happened to find out about this case and turned to Magnus and Alec. And, they took her in. They felt like their family was complete with Luke and Adrian but they saw the help Maddie needed and with a lot of help from Izzy, it looked like they were doing a pretty good job on being dads. Nine years ago, on the day of the accident, just a year later they had their wedding. And it was the most beautiful wedding the world has seen. They made a promise to each other. They loved each other ever since, they travelled the world and adopted three beautiful children. "Can I go out and play with Max now?", Luke asked. Alec smiled:" Sure, I'll drive you." Luke has been working hard. He wanted to be a doctor, like Magnus. And from what Alec could tell, his chances were pretty good. "I'll get Luke over to Izzy's.", Alec shouted and grabbed his keys. Izzy and Simon moved in a bigger house and it was closer to Alec's place so they were only a five minute drive away. "Hey, great to see you big bro!", Izzy joked and hugged Alec. She changed a lot in those past years but her and Simon made a great team. They also got married five years ago. Alec was the one bringing Izzy to the Altar and it honestly was the second-happiest day of his life. After his own wedding, of course. Simon, Izzy and Max made a great family. After they had Max they got two dogs wich regularly got walked by Max and Luke. "Come in!", she said and Luke immediately stormed into the house:" Can I play with Max, Aunt Izzy?", he asked. Alec grinned. Aunt Izzy. That still sounded like something he never thought he would ever hear. "Sure. He is in his room. Alec, do you want to have some coffee?", she asked. He nodded. He still loved spending time with his little sister, like in good old times. "Have you heard anything from Jace?", he asked and Izzy shrugged:" Last time I checked him and Clary are in south France." Alec grinned. Jace had a very difficult client and made a lot of money with that case. And Clary started to work as an author. She already published two very successful books. So now, with their cat 'Church' they wer travelling the world. Only a month ago Alec received a postcard from south Africa, although he thought they were in Australia. Everyone seemed to have found their purpose. Magnus was now running the night shift which was exhausting but a job that absolutely fulfilled him. Alec meanwhile successfully worked almost full time as an estate agent. Asmodeus got arrested after they found more dirt on him so they had nothing to worry about. Apart from two scars across his stomach, all the signs of the accident have fainted and Alec was feeling better than ever before. And happier than ever before. He had an amazing husband, three perfect children and great siblings. That's all he needed. This was it. This was perfection.

Oh god guys. I can't believe I am ending this story here. I started it at the end of July. Can you believe this? July? Now it is the end of march. This makes eight moths. Twice a week for eight months straight I wrote for this story and I uploaded. I seriously don't know what to say right now. This story had a huge impact on me. I remember staying up at night, trying to finish the chapter on time. One chapter takes approximately 1.5 hours to write. If you multiply that with 62 Chapters, that makes 93 hours. I spent 93 hours writing this. This is insane. You need approximately 5 minutes to read a chapter. If you are reading this, you spent 310 minutes reading this story, which means pretty much five hours. That's like a whole book! It took 93 hours to write and only 5 to read but you know what? It was wort it. I feel so honored that you gifted me your precious time by reading my work. And sometimes I don't want to write but I also don't want to disappoint you so I push through. And then I realize it's all worth it. Because of you. I see the comments and your kind words touch me every time. It always makes me keep going and even if I am at my lowest your words can make me the happiest girl in the world, even if only for a minute or two. Wattpad, this fandom, it's where I feel home. It's where I feel like I belong, it's where I feel respected and liked. I am so thankful for all the feedback and it warms my heart to see you love the story as much as I do. Thank you so much. When I randomly came up with this idea, I never thought it would blow up as much as it did. And even though this journey might be over now, through all the ups and downs of it I really fell in love with the fandom. With you guys. So, if you enjoyed this story, I hope you give my other stories a shot. This isn't the end, it's just another beginning. I would be happy to see some known faces in the comment section and I hope you join me on my way. You, the readers, you really made the difference for me. I love you so much. Hopefully, we see each other in my other stories. Thank you for the memories. Hail and farewell, Hopeless.
In tears, AllyMaii <3

PS: Because of the sad ending: Please keep this story in your library or on your reading list or just follow me so you get notified. Maybe, I'll write the bad ending in a few moths so I will continue the story. For now it's over though. But if you follow me or keep this in your library you will get a notification in case I decide to attach the sad ending. Maybe see you there!

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