Chapter fifty-four

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"Your blood isn't alike anything I have ever seen before. The blood type isn't 100% clear, but it's not a match for Alec. And even if it was, we couldn't transplant it. Something is weird with your blood and I have no idea what it is so I'll send it to the laboratory for them to check it out. You might get your results tomorrow. But for Alec, we have to find something different.", Cat said. Magnus lowered his gaze. He expected this to happen, but he couldn't have imagined it actually was true. He couldn't believe it. In devastation, he went back to Alec's room. "And?", Isabelle asked wide eyed. "I don't fit.", Magnus said and he could see the hope fade from Izzy's eyes. Suddenly, Raphael entered the room:" Any matches yet?" "No.", Cat said in disappointment. "I'll test myself.", Raphael said. "Me too.', Vivien answered. "So will I.", Cat said. Suddenly, half of the ER, all Magnus' friends stood in Alec's room and put their name on a list- signing up to donate their kidneys in case their blood type would match. Jace called his friends from work, Isabelle called Simon, Simon called all his Friends and family. Soon, the entire hospital was overflooded with people trying to test themselves if they would be a match for Alec. People signed up whose faces Alec has never seen before, despite knowing their names. "They all cake for you, Alec. Be grateful for your fam.", Cat chuckled as she exchanged the list again because it was full. "I can't believe it.", Alec gasped. He would have never thought that people would actually donate their kidneys to someone they barely knew. "What makes them come here?", He asked Magnus who crouched down next to his bed to hold his hand. "The want to save a life. Your life." A tear escaped Alec's eye. "Hey, it's gonna be okay.", Magnus whispered and blew a kiss on his boyfriend's forehead. "Am I going to die?", Alec asked, looking up to Magnus with those huge, ice blue, teary eyes of his. "Not as long as I am here to hold your hand.", Magnus whispered, trying to hold back his tears. "Then please don't let go. I want more time with you. It can't be over before it really started, can it?", Alec swallowed hard. "I'll hold your hand forever, if that's what it takes.", Magnus replied. Suddenly, Alec closed his eyes, his lids begun to tremble, his hands started shaking, the machines started beeping. "He's slipping!", Magnus exclaimed and squeezed Alec's hand. "Stay with me.", He whispered. Raphael and Cat rushed in and changed an infusion. Alec stabilized and Magnus breathed out in relief. He needed this kidney now. And there was no time to wait. "How are the test results so far?", Magnus asked but got nothing than a shrug from Cat. That was answer enough. Suddenly, he heard Isabelle sob. "Hey, remember, it's gonna be okay.", He said and gave her a hug. "I would suggest we give Alec some rest. Do you want to have another chair?", Cat asked but Magnus shook his head. "Actually, no.", He said, "If that's fine with you, Jace and It, I would help Cat with taking the blood test. It would distract me at least a little and then we would get the final results even sooner." "No problem. Anything that helps you or my brother. And if it helps both of you, so be it.", Jace said. "If you need me, just ask.", Magnus said. "Always.", Isabelle smiled weakly and Magnus hugged both of them quickly. "You know you don't have to do it, right? I absolutely have this under control.", She said and Magnus nodded:" I know you don't need me for this. But I need this for me. I need to do something. I can't just sit here and hope Alec will me good. I have the skills to speed it up a little do I will do it." "Okay. If you need a break though, just tell me.", Cat answered and Magnus nodded:" Thanks." "Always.", She replied and pulled her best friend in a hug. "Okay, let's go, then.", Magnus said. "Let's do this!", Cat proclaimed and started marching to the examination rooms. The waiting room was full of people with little bracelets on which meant they were prepped for a blood test. "Okay, Simon, you can come to me.", Magnus said and watched Cat disappear to one of the examination rooms with a young lady he has never seen before. "Hey.", Simon greeted and followed Magnus into the examination room. "How are you?", He asked and Magnus smiled weakly:" I have faith. Not more but not less either." "I guess it could be worse.", Simon said and looked at Magnus with his huge dark brown eyes. There was something about Simon. How he always was in the background but always willing to help others and took care of everyone. Him and Isabelle truly were an amazing couple. "And you?", He asked. Simon shrugged:" I have known Alec my whole life. It's not like we are best friends but I really appreciate him being there for everyone, especially for Isabelle. If something would happen to him, Isabelle would be heartbroken. And that can't happen." "True. They really have a special bond, don't they?", Magnus asked. "Yes. They are closer than blood. They can't live without one another. Alec is like a father, a friend and a brother to her. She loves him more than anything." "I see that.", Magnus smiled. He really did. And it warmed his head every time he did. "Okay, so are you nervous?",he asked. "A little.", Simon admitted," I hate needles. But, you got to do what you got to do." "Oh really? Why?", Magnus asked and fidgeted for the needle. "I don't know I just find them scary.", Simon said. "Oh really?, Magnus said, "because you have one stuck in your arm." "Magnus Name, you really do know your work.", He laughed," bit please pull it out." Magnus chuckled. What a dork.

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