Chapter fifty-one

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"Oh my God you're here.", Isabelle sighed as Jace entered the hospital. He was wearing a dark brown suit, a light blue tie and his hair was gelled back and seemed to be even blonder than usually. "Why?", Isabelle asked but Jace interrupted:" I stormed off the Filmset immediately. I still wear my costume. What about Alec?" Quickly, Vivien summed up what happened again. Jace let himself fall onto the chair. His face was full of exhaust. Raphael entered the room with four coffee cups. "Thank you.", Isabelle sighed and took a relieved sip. "Any news?", Vivien asked after emptying half her cup. "Unfortunately, no.", Raphael said, "Magnus will probably finish his surgery soon and then he will join you here." Jace nodded. He felt like crap. He knew how Alec was, he knew he should've been there for him more, he knew Alec would have told him what really was going on. He was the one person Alec talked to about his problems and Jace didn't ask. He felt sick. If something would happen to Alec it was on him. "Guys I feel terrible.", Isabelle said with a trembling voice, "I should've known better. He fell unconscious for a few seconds when we met at the coffee shop yesterday but I trusted him as he said he was fine. I should've stayed the night with him. I mean how can you leave someone at home alone after something like this?" Jace inhaled sharply. Isabelle was blaming herself too. "Iz, Alec is a grown man he can take care of himself. If he says he's okay we have to take his word for it." "But you see we can't!", Izzy yelled and Jace wanted to stroke her back to calm her down but she flinched. "Izzy, you can't take care of Alec for his whole life. He is childish and does stupid stuff a lot but he has to learn from his own mistakes. You can't protect him from all the evil in this world." Isabelle swallowed. "Why does it always have to happen to him?", Vivien sighed. "He doesn't deserve any of it. ", Jace said, lowering his gaze. "What happened?", Magnus asked storming into the waiting room, blanc panic on his face. He still wore his surgical cap and there was blood on his coat. "We don't know.", Jace said, his voice flat of exhaustion. "Vivien, what happened?", Magnus stuttered in disbelief, fear making his voice crack. "I found him." A tear escaped Magnus' eye as he fell on his knees in front of his friend and took her hand:" Vivien, I am begging you, tell me what's wrong." "I found him on the kitchen floor with a low pulse. I have no idea what's going on." "I should have known better.", Magnus cried and buried his face in her lap. She could see his back rise and fall, his chest was quivering, his tears soaking her jeans. "Hey, it's okay.", Vivien stroke his back and tried to calm him down but Magnus flinched and stared at her with his teary eyes. Looking at him she saw nothing but blanc horror, pure disbelief and eternal fear. "It's not, Vivien. I have been trusted with looking after Alec. And I messed up. He could have died in my apartment. Without you, he would be dead." "Exactly.", Vivien said calming, "He maybe would be. But he's not. And that is the only thing that counts." "No, it's not!", Magnus exclaimed, pure despair rising in his voice:" I was responsible for him. And I saw something was wrong. I saw the signs but I didn't pay attention. I was so caught up in my own problems, my work and the stuff with my dad that I didn't pay attention to the love of my life! How can someone be so selfish?" "You're not selfish.", Isabelle said, "You took care of Alec when nobody else could. You saved his life once. You took him into your home, you saved our family when we couldn't. You were there for Alec when nobody else was." "I'm a terrible person.", Magnus whispered. "No, Magnus, you're amazing. Nobody blames you.", Jace said but Magnus interrupted him immediately. "But you should! You should blame me! You trusted me with your brother and I disappointed you. If it hasn't been for Vivien he would have died under my supervision. I should have paid more attention to the signals." "We all should have.", Isabelle said, "Alec doesn't talk about his problems. And me and Jace know him for our entire lives. You know him for a couple months. If we didn't manage to realize what was going on, how should you?" "I am a doctor. I studied this crap for years. I safe lives every fucking day. How should I keep on doing that if I almost let my boyfriend die who had all the symptoms?", Magnus stuttered in despair. "Magnus, you are an amazing doctor. You saved our brothers life once when nobody else could. He was messed up. Alec was a wreck. But you saved him. You saved us. And now, you have to save yourself. I believe in Cat and so should you. You have to believe in Alec. He is stronger than you think and he has proven that more than once.", Jace said and took Magnus' hand. He remembered Magnus being there for all of them when they felt lost, overwhelmed with fear. He remembered Magnus holding their hands, calming them down, telling them it would be okay. And now it was their turn. "It is how it is. He made it once, he'll make it again.", Isabelle said and pulled Magnus into a hug. "He will.", Jace said and joined them. "I know he will.", Vivien said and joined the group hug. It was as if they were feeding off each others energy, calming each other, making everyone feel safe. "I don't mean to interrupt.", Cat said as she entered the room out of nowhere:" But I've got news."

Ahhhh guys I am sorry I am leaving you on all these cliffhangers! Next chapter will be up on Thursday and I PROMISE you will get all the answers in that chapter. Also, I want to say that the story will be over soon but there is still quite some stuff to come! While waiting, feel free to check my instagram (ally.maii), my dreame (AllyMaii) or my other wattpad fanfictions! Have a nice week!  

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