Chapter fourty

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Happy New Year! I hope 2020 has been good for everyone so far. 2020 will be an awesome year for me as I have soooo much stuff planned Story-wise. One of those things is that I will upload a sequel of my story HeartBEAT so if you haven't read it by now, you should! Also, there will be a story that was requested, se feel free to send me your requests. And now, enjoy the chapter!

"What's up? Is Alec okay?", Jace asked worriedly. "No, no he's fine.", Magnus replied nervously. "What is it, then?", Jace asked and Magnus ran his hand through his hair. "It's about me. Listen I need your help. Just don't tell Alec or anyone else, okay?" "Okay?", Jace replied insecurely. "So, I just got a letter from the Brooklyn police department- someone is accusing me of unfair medical treatment and insulting patients. Jace, I am desperate I need your help. Yes, I was rude but I swear I didn't do anything criminal. So, my boss is watching me at the moment so I better handle this quickly or I might lose my job.", Magnus stuttered. "Okay Magnus, calm down.", He said, "Where are you now?" "Brooklyn, my apartment.", Magnus replied. "Okay, you know where I live, right? It's Alec's old flat. Clary is out with her friends, you can come over and I can have a look. Bring the letter.", Jace said. "Okay, sure. Thank you. I'll be there in ten.", Magnus said and hung up. He packet the letter and his phone and went to the bedroom to look what Alec was doing. "Hey, I'm...", He said but immediately stopped. "Alec?", He asked quietly but got no response. When he got a little closer, he noticed Alec fell asleep. Carefully, he took off his boyfriend's tie and opened a few buttons on his shirt. Then he grabbed a blanket to make sure Alexander wouldn't freeze. Quickly, he wrote him a message saying he went meeting Cat for coffee and left his apartment. After a quick hesitation he decided to take the car to meet Jace. Luckily, traffic was pretty good and he arrived twenty minutes later. "Lightwood/Herondale", the sticker on the doorbell said. 'Lightwood' was crossed out and Fairchild was added with some cheap black pen. Parts of the ink has already faded from the sun or was smudged by the rain so Clary's family name wasn't easily readable anymore. As the door vibrated Magnus stepped into the corridor, taking the elevator up. "Hey, good to see you.", Jace greeted and pulled Magnus into a hug which he gratefully returned. "I hope you don't mind me looking like a piece of crap, this whole thing was kind of spontaneous.", Jace excused but Magnus shook his head:" No, not at all. Thank you for helping me that quickly." Jace smiled, zipping up his grey zip sweater:" Sure. I'll see what I can do. I haven't studied Jura for nothing, after all." Magnus chuckled and followed Jace into the living room. "Okay, what exactly happened?", He asked "So,", Magnus started, "It was a long, stressful night, there was a chemical explosion which brought in lots of badly injured patients that needed our help right now as their lives were endangered. But, as this meant there were lots of patients incoming at the same time which needed a lot of treatment we couldn't take anybody from the waiting room as there were no dangerously injured people there. Just the basics, a cold, a headache, Classic sickness- stuff that every doctor can cure, where there isn't any need to go to the Emergency department. So, we were full, we had no rooms left to bring the patients to so some patients with really heavy burns had to stay in the hallway which is totally unacceptable. As leading accident physician and boss of the emergency department I had to take care of all patients coming in with the ambulance, the ORs and Trauma rooms and also of the no-free-bed situation so it was a rough night for me and for everyone else. So, after I just found out that we have literally no space and will have to evacuate some of the patients I ran into this guy, Valentine Morgenstern and he told me he was waiting for three hours already and that his back was hurting. He called me a dirty bastard and snapped at me so I responded as rudely as he did by saying that I wish that his back wouldn't get any better soon." Jace inhaled sharply:" Oh man." "Is that bad?", Magnus asked nervously. "Nah.", Jace shook his head, "You can be damn grateful that he called you a dirty bastard and that it was the end of your shift. That might actually save your ass." Magnus exhaled and leant back:" Thank god. Do you think you can do this?" Jace scratched his forehead:" I am almost certain. I'll just need some time." Magnus cleared his throat:" In the letter, it says that I have to be at the police department tomorrow before work. Can you maybe come too?" "Sure. Everything for a friend. I'll think about the case a little and send you my recommendations as what to say and what better not to say. Just be prepared for a getting my argumentation via text message." Magnus smiled relieved:" Thank you so much, Jace. You literally saved my ass." "Always. Anyways, you said your boss is a real pain in the ass? Tell me about it.", Jace said but Magnus shook his head:" I really would prefer not to." "Why?", Jace asked. "Because it's complicated.", Magnus replied. "You can't soak all your problems up like a sponge, Magnus. Tell me. If you don't want to tell Alec, at least tell me. Do yourself the favour." "Fine.", Magnus sighed and cleared his throat:" My boss is my dad. And me and my dad have a very difficult relationship. He constantly mixes up my personal and my work life together, trying to be bossy dad. That's why he privately treats me like his servant and in work pretends to care about my private life. On top of that, he can't accept me being with a man. And finding out I am dating Alec, a former patient, gives him another reason to mistrust me. He just can't deal with the fact that I am successful. Now he picks on every wrong reaction, every false sentence, every second I am late. He forced six more hours per week on me, plus paperwork. That man is crazy. And when this case doesn't turn out good for me, I am fired. And that can't happen. Jace, please ,you have to help me." "I will ", Jace said and looked Magnus into the eyes, "I will. Promise."

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