Chapter two

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Jace quickly got dressed and got to his car. Luckily he lived really close to the hospital. He just hoped Alec was alright. The streets were empty and it was really cold outside. The sky was pitch black and the stars were shining brightly. It was a clear, beautiful night but yet something terrible has happened. There it was again- this kind of fear that felt as if it would poison you from the inside. The last time he felt it was when he got the call that Max' sepsis had spread enormously. Loosing his little brother was hard- at affected all of them. But imagining to loose Alec, his brother and his ally, his advisor, his best friend made him feel sick. Alec and him has been through so much- they dealt with the death of Max, they dealt with their parents not having any more contact with them, they dealt with Alec coming out as gay, they dealt with Jace finding out his father was a criminal, they dealt with boys and girls, with live and hatred. Jace shared all his secrets with Alec. Alec was a part of him and he was a part of Alec. And he knew if this part would get lost a part of him would be missing forever. The radio started playing "I don't wanna live forever" by Taylor Swift. Jace rolled his eyes- life was really playing games, wasn't it? Annoyed he turned off the radio. Now the worries came back. The last time he saw Alec was two days ago they were having a drink and talking. Was this the last time he has talked to Alec? Life was so short and unpredictable, it could end any second. In this moment Jace made a promise to himself- from now on he would worship every moment with everyone he cares about. It could always be the last one.

Isabelle entered teh hospital. "Excuse me miss, who are you?", A nurse asked. "I am Isabelle Lightwood, my brother Alexander was in a car crash." The nurse nodded:" That's right. My name is Raphael Santiago, I am a nurse here. Just please wait in the waiting room over here, I will try to get doctor Bane, the man you talked to on the phone here." Isabelle nodded and wanted to leave but then stopped:" Mister Santiago?" He whirled around:" Yess miss?" "Is my brother alive? Do you have any information?" Raphael nodded:" He is alive. If he would die I would get to know it right away. He is currently in the OR but doctor Bane will tell you all the details. Isabelle nodded:" Thank you." Then Raphael looked down on Isabelle:" I am sorry, but are you pregnant?" Isabelle nodded:" Yes." Raphael facepalmed himself:" I-I am so sorry, I should have recognised it earlier. I am just stressed right now, I am sorry. Can I offer you anything to drink?" Isabelle shook her head:" No worries, I am totally fine." Raphael nodded:" If you need anything, feel free to ask." Suddenly, Jace ran into the hospital. Quickly he looked around. Then he saw Isabelle:" Izzy!", He whispered and hugged her. Some tears escaped her eyes:" Jace. It's good you are here." "Of course I am, of course..." Then Jace let go of his sister. Raphael looked a little confused:" So you are...?" Jace skimmed through his hair:" Yes, sorry, I am Jace Herondale, Alexander's brother." Raphael's brows rose but before he could open his mouth Jace already started explaining:' Adoptive brother. We don't share the same family name." Raphael nodded:" Sure. Just sit down, doctor Bane will be here any minute." Jace nodded and sat down next to Isabelle. "Water is right over there!", Raphael screamed while leaving. "You need some?" Isabelle shook her head:" No, i am fine." Jace grabbed his sister's hand:" Hey, don't worry, it will be alright. It will be alright." Izzy nodded:" I hope so. I really do." "I am sure. I feel it in my stomach. Alec is a fighter he will survive this. And the doctors are doing an amazing job for sure." That was not true. Jace didn't feel anything but fear, but he just tried to calm down his sister. She shouldn't be worrying, it wasn't good neither for her, nor for the baby. Suddenly someone entered the room. It was an Asian looking man dressed like a doctor:' Hello, my name is Magnus Bane, I am sorry you had to wait, I just had to finish off one of my patients. So you must be brother and sister, right?" Jace nodded:" Yes we are. Can you tell us some details about how he is doing?" The doctor nodded:" I know little details myself but he is currently in surgery because of a massive abdominal bleeding which is probably caused by a spleen rupture. Also, he has broken his thigh and is likely to have at least a slight concussion. We are sure there are some more injuries in the thorax region but as the lungs aren't stabbed there are no more life threatening injuries so we will deal with that later. I can also say that his spine is totally fine and there is no massive brain damage." Isabelle smiled and Jace sighed in relief:" That's at least something." The doctor nodded:" It is. It is a miracle he is still alive, that car crash was cruel. But he is not in life danger." Suddenly, the doctors' phone rang. "Excuse me.", He said and left the room. Some minutes later he came back:" This was a call from my colleagues in the OR- There are no more difficulties, the bleeding has stopped and the spleen rupture is fixed. The problem is that he broke two ribs and one of them stabbed the kidney so the kidney will have to be removed. It's not a really dangerous surgery but it takes time so you will have to be patient tonight." Izzy nodded:" We will." "We will.", Jace repeated and pressed Izzy's hand.

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