Chapter thrity-five

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Magnus ran towards the hospital. It was evening and his night shift was about to begin. He was pretty late because he got stuck in traffic. He was kind of curious how the situation at work was. He took his day off yesterday to enjoy it with Alec who he could finally call his boyfriend. But now, he couldn't get distracted by the butterflies in his stomach. And the more he focused on worth, the sicker he felt. Quite some time ago he received a weird text from Asmodeous saying they would have to talk about his position in the hospital. And even after his stressful, last thing nothing happened. He was freaking about it then, too. Asmodeus, as his boss, saying this couldn't mean anything good. But, he had no capacities to think about that. As he entered the hospital, he saw how full the waiting room already was. He aready wanted to just get back home. He was tired already. "Hey, Mags, we need you in the OR in ten minutes, it's an open thigh fracture.", Cat greeted him and Magnus darted to the changing rooms to change into his uniform. Open thigh fracture. That was the first surgery he performed on Alec. He remembered Alec laying on that table, everyone buzzing around. Alec unconsious, his siblings waiting for him. Magnus' heart cramped. He couldn't bear seeing Alec like this again. Magnus was so grateful for Alec's good recovery. But now, again, wasn't the time for deep thoughts. Quickly, he hurried to the OR. In the prep room he met Dot. "Hey, I'm assisting you again.", she said and Magnus grinned weakly. "Hey, are you fine?", Dot asked and Magnus nodded. "Don't worry.", he sighed. "You don't seem fine.", she said but Magnus cut her off:" Now's not the time, Dot. I appreciate the concern but there's nothing to be curious about." The atmosphere was tense but Magnus couldn't care about that now. He was stressing about that text from Asmodeous- what has he done wrong? Magnus felt drained, millions of thoughts rushed through his head as he relized the list was long. He knew he should concentrate on the surgery now but he couldn't get his mind off it. When he walked into the OR he saw the patient was pretty young. He had dark hair, like Alec did, and the same pale skin. Stangely, he looked like a puppet. When Magnus stepped closer, he didn't feel as if he was a real peson, just a good copy. Like a robot, Magnus grabbed hi scissors and cut through the patients' flesh, blood pouring out of the wound. Magnus stared at the huge bone with fascination, despite all the buzz and the hurry around him. Somehow, this felt like coma. He distanced himself from all his feelings and just continued to proceed surgery. Slowly but steadily he pushed the bone in its original position. As if he was controlled by a greater power, he sew the wound and mechanically walked out of the room. Almost unconsciously, he shrugged off his coat and threw his gloves in the bin. Not even the intense smell of hygene gel could rip him out of his trance. His gaze empty, his voice calm, his body numb he walked onto the corridor. "Hey Magnus, how was Alec's birthday?", Raphael asked."Good.", Magnus answered with a cold in his voice he never knew it existed. Then he kept on walking. "Hey, Magnus, what's wrong?", Raphael asked. "Nothing.", Magnus replied, keep walking as if nothing happened. "Hey, talk to me!" Raphael shouted and grabbed Magnus by his shoulders. "First he is going to talk to me.", a voice from behind said. The ice in Magnus veins got so hard, he was scared to shatter when moving. And to recognize who the voice belonged to, he didn't even have to. It was Asmodeus. Finally. Saying nothing, Magnus turned his back on Raphael and followed his father into his office. "Take a seat, son. Or rather, doctor Bane.", Asmodeus stated with that evil grin of his. Magnus obeyed without a comment. "Sadly, I have no good news for you." Magnus stomach cramped- he expected that. "A darling friend of mine revealed some questionnable information about you.", Asmodeous carried on, " And this information was very valuable to be. I have a rather direct question, son- Are you seeing Alexander Lightwood?" Everything in Magnus turned upside down. He was about to throw up. "Is he living with you?", Asmodeus asked, rubbing more salt into his wound. A shiver went down Magnus' spine. He never told his father he was bisexual. "You are disgusting.", Asmodeous hissed, "You disgusting, gay piece of shit. As disgusting is this Alexander-guy." "Don't talk like that about him.", Magnus hissed through his teeth, fighting his tears. "I wish he would have died that night. And you should too." "Watch your mouth!", Magnus screamed, "Watch your fucking mouth!" Asmodeus didn't seem impressed by his son's breakdown at all. "Doctors interfering with their patients are unprofessional.", Asmodeus sighed and lent back. All the anger got stuck in Magnus' throat, making him gasp for air. His eyes were wide. "We weren't dating when we were here.", he whispered in disbelief. "You took him home with you afterwards.", Asmodeus said, "Ths is evidence for some kind of relationship doctors can't have with their patients." Magnus felt as if he was caught in a nightmare. "Father, he was in a difficult situation." "Oh yeah?", Asmodeus snapped, "So my son is taking in the homeless now?" Magnus bit his lip. He knew everything he would say would be used against him. "I will have to dismiss you." Magnus' jaw dropped. "You can't-", he stuttered and Asmodeus nodded:" You're right. We are short on staff anyways. But I want you to work six more hours a week. As a punishment. Also, you are lucky you are keeping your position as leading doctor. From now on, you will have to do all your paperwork on your own, though. At home." Magnus' eyes widened in horror:" Are you forcing ten more working hours per week on me?" Asmodeus chuckled:" I am. Or would you rather be dismissed?" Magnus lowered his gaze, knowing he had to give in now. "Fine."; he hissed through his teeth, "But you will regret this."

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