Chapter 3

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The next day, Lea was hanging out and chatting with her two best friends, Brianna and Val. The three of them were eating lunch on Brianna's back porch.

"He didn't even kiss you?" Brianna asked, seemingly shocked.

"Not even a little peck on the cheek?" added Val.

"Nope," said Lea. "He just walked away."

"What the hell?" said Brianna. "What is going on with him?"

"I don't know," Lea sighed. "Lately, it feels like he doesn't even wanna be with me anymore. I mean, I invited him to the choir concert Sunday, and he didn't seem to care. He didn't seem excited for my solo, either. It's like he's not interested in anything in my life."

"Maybe he's just going through something right now," said Val.

"Well, if he is, he hasn't told me."

"Maybe give him a little time," said Brianna, "and maybe he'll come around again."

"Maybe. Do you know, last night, he told me I went overboard on the alfredo sauce?"

"Huh?" Val was confused.

"He's been making comments like that a lot about how I eat too much, and I need to lose weight."

"Are you fucking serious?!" Brianna shrieked.

"Jeez, Bri," said Val.

"Look, I'm sorry, but that really pisses me off when people say shit like that."

"Bri, chill out."

"Val, I dated a guy like that! He always told me how fat I was, while I was already consumed by my eating disorder! Aaarrrggghhh!"

"Yeah," Lea agreed, "and I already know I'm overweight. I get reminded of it every fucking day of my life. I don't need it from him."

"Well, maybe he just wants you to get healthy again," said Val.

"Okay, Val, no!" Bri chimed in. "There's much better ways to tell someone you're worried about their health, ways that don't include body-shaming."

"Shit, Bri, calm down."

Bri took a deep breath. "I'm sorry, Val. I'm just protective of Lea." She hugged Lea. "We've been through a lot of the same stuff. She's like my baby sis."

"I'm sorry, Bri," said Val. "I guess it hit too close to home for you."

"Yeah, it did."

"You know, you're right. There's nicer ways to talk to someone about their weight."

"Their health."


"Lea, Honey, I'm sorry he's being a butthole to you. I just want you to know that you're beautiful and worth it, and you're not fat. You don't deserve anyone talking to you like that."

"Thanks, Bri," said Lea.

"And, if he hurts you again, I'll kick his butt for you."

"Bri, you shouldn't do that," said Val.

"You're right. I'll send Damian to kick his butt instead."

"No, that's not what I—"

Bri put her hand over Val's mouth. "Shh!" Val blew on Bri's hand, making a funny farting sound.

Lea snickered.

Then, Val drooled on Bri's hand.

"Ewww!" Bri shouted. "Val, what the crap?!"

Lea burst out laughing as Bri grabbed a napkin to wipe her hand.

Bri smirked at Val. "Rude."

"You guys are too funny!" Lea said, still laughing. "I really needed that laugh."

"Aww, I'm glad we could brighten your day, Sweetie," said Bri.

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